BIE Attendance Syncing

Tool Search: Resync State Data

This article details the process of resynchronizing attendance data from district-level sites to the state using the Resync State Data tool. States may find it necessary to use the Resync State Data tool prior to reviewing attendance reports or other attendance data in ad hoc to ensure they are viewing the most recent attendance data.

An automated task syncs district-level data to the state-level database on a weekly basis. As attendance changes are made between syncs at schools within the districts, state-level data remains only as relevant as the last sync. This tool allows state administrators to update their database as needed in times when up-to-date attendance data is preferred.

The following attendance tables sync from District Edition to State Edition for BIE and Nevada ONLY.

  • Aggregated Attendance (AttDayAggregation)
  • Attendance Excuse (AttendanceExcuse)

Screenshot of the Resync State Data Editor.Resync State Data Editor

Read - Access to the Resync State Data tool.
Write - Make selections and run the Resync State Data tool.
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

Access to this tool should be restricted to system administrators who understand the data resync process. For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Before you start, consider the following. 

  • On a nightly basis, an attendance aggregation processing job runs at the district-level to update the aggregated attendance data (used in attendance reports and ad hoc) to include the prior days attendance. Because this job only looks at changes made to attendance fields the day prior, backdated attendance changes may not be included. To ensure all attendance data (including any backdated changes) are included in the attendance aggregation, recommend to your districts they periodically run the Attendance Aggregation Refresh tool.
  • On a weekly basis, district-level data is automatically synced to the state. To capture attendance changes happening between syncs, an administrator might consider manually running the Resync State Data tool to reflect more up-to-date data in attendance reports and aggregated attendance fields in ad hoc.

If both tools are used for the purpose of reflecting the most up-to-date attendance at the state level, Attendance Aggregation Refresh should be run first followed by the Resync State Data tool. 

Tool Overview

The Resync State Data tool is accessible at both the district and state levels. Resyncs should only be performed by system administrators and/or Campus Support personnel who are familiar with Understanding Campus Object Dependencies and Hierarchy..

Sync Attendance Data

Attendance data from a district is automatically synced to the state on a weekly basis. Because attendance changes daily, when a state administrator generates an attendance report, the data they are viewing is only as recent as the last sync. Using the Resync State Data tool, states can force a resynchronization of the attendance data (making sure to include all its dependencies) from the district to the state for more up-to-date attendance data.

The Check Dependencies box should be marked when performing a partial resync. This ensures synching of all necessary parent objects (on which the desired resync object is dependent). Please refer to Understanding Campus Object Dependencies and Hierarchy for more information related to synching and dependent relationships between parent/child objects.

Screenshot of the resync editor noting Check Dependencies and AttDayAggregation.Resync Attendance Data

Resync Data

  1. Select a district(s) to resync from the Select Districts box. 
  2. Mark the Check Dependencies checkbox.
  3. Mark the AttDayAggregration checkbox. All dependencies tied to the AttDayAggregation will be automatically checked.
  4. Click the Request Resync button located below the table.
  5. Click the OK button on the verification pop-up window. All data objects will be resynced from the district-level database to the state-level database.