Grading Changes Not Pushed Report

Tool Search: Grading Changes

The Grading Changes Not Pushed report lists changes to grading setup that could not be pushed from the course master to the course for various reasons. These reasons include:

  • Assignments and scores aligned to tasks, standards, or grade calc options that were removed or marked as post-only at the course master level.
  • Differences in composite grading setup that would affect scores.

Screenshot of the report editor. Image 1: Grading Changes Not Pushed Report

Generate the Grading Changes Not Pushed Report

  1. Select the Course Catalog to display a list of Course Masters. Options display based on the options selected in the Campus toolbar.
  2. Select the Course Master(s) to include in the report. The list can be sorted by number or alphabetically by name.
  3. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in CSV format.

Screenshot of an example of the report. Image 2: CSV Example

The Reason column lists why the grading changes could not be pushed. Reasons include:

  • Assignment - the modified item already has an assignment aligned at the section level.
  • Scores - the modified item already has scores or grades aligned at the section level.
  • Exists as a composite - the modified grading task has been selected as a child task in composite grading setup.