Digital Learning Partners - Tips & Troubleshooting

This article provides additional information, instructions, and tips for specific Digital Learning Partners (DLPs). Expand a section below to view more information.

See for a list of all current Digital Learning Partners and their statuses.

 The Digital Learning Applications article provides more information about these connections, including instructions for setting them up.

Google Classroom

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As of July 1, 2024, Google makes this sync available to specific editions of Google Workspace. If you have any questions about what edition of Google Workspace your district licenses and whether the Google Classroom sync is available for your district, please reach out to Google.

Additional troubleshooting information and tips for using Google Classroom is available in this Google Classroom Connections article.

Supported Hosting Models

Google Classroom has provided the following information about supported hosting models:

"Google Classroom supports exporting grades to Infinite Campus customers that use a SaaS solution that Infinite Campus fully hosts and manages (Campus Cloud or Campus Cloud Choice). Google is unable to provide support to districts that are Self-Hosted or In-District Hosted.

When the Infinite Campus service is running on servers that are managed by a district-hosted deployment or any other non-SIS provider such as AWS/GCP, instead of on servers that are managed by Infinite Campus, Infinite Campus is not in control of the maintenance and configuration of those servers. This means that things like firewalls, query throughput and latency differences, and other factors may vary between deployments; furthermore the ability to debug fully is generally spread across multiple organizations and admin groups. Google is unable to support all of these variations across district-hosted deployments at scale. 

You can learn more about Google’s eligibility requirements and connecting Classroom to Infinite Campus here."

Districts who are not Cloud or Cloud Choice should be aware that, while connections to Google Classroom are possible and may function properly, the connection will not be supported by the Google Classroom support team and irreconcilable bugs or configuration issues may occur.


  • Emails: All students and teachers must have their Google account email entered on the Demographics tab. Multiple users (teachers or students) should not share the same Primary email address in Campus.
  • Teacher Email Addresses: Currently, classes cannot be linked to Google Classroom if the teacher's email address contains an apostrophe. The user who manages should update the user's email to remove the apostrophe (the prior email is maintained as an alias) and update the Email field on the Demographics tab to remove the apostrophe.
  • Staff History: To sync from Google Classroom, teachers must be listed as a Primary teacher in Staff History in Campus, not just a Teacher. Google Classroom requires that teachers have active Staff History assignments as well: Assignment Start and End Dates affect access. Take care when pre-populating these dates.
  • Roster: Google Classroom requires that student be actively enrolled in a class when the sync is performed. These dates are visible on the Roster Setup tool in Sections. Take care when pre-populating these dates.
  • User Accounts: All users for whom data is synced, both teachers and students, must have user accounts in Campus. This is true of all connections that use OneRoster 1.1.
  • External LMS Exclude: In Campus, there is an External LMS Exclude checkbox for Sections, Courses, Calendars, Schools, student Enrollments, and teacher District Assignments. Marking this checkbox excludes that data from the OneRoster API from which Google Classroom gets its Campus data. See the External LMS Exclude section for more information, including the hierarchy logic that applies to this field (for example, excluding a Course excludes all of its Sections). 

Linking Classes between Campus and Google Classroom

It's very important to link the correct Google Classroom class to a Campus section. If this link is not correct, scores will not sync properly.

Verify that the link is correct by: 

  • comparing the list of students for a section in your Campus Grade Book or Roster to the class in Google Classroom and make sure the lists match.
  • using the Teacher Schedule in Instruction or the Teacher Schedule in Census to verify which sections meet during which periods for a given day, which can help clarify if you've named Google Classroom classes based on period. 

If Section Links are Incorrect

Follow these steps if a Google Classroom class is linked to the wrong section Campus. 

  1. In your Campus Grade Book, find the section that is incorrectly linked to the Google Classroom class. 
  2. In your Campus Grade Book, delete all assignments synced from Google Classroom - they are for the wrong class and don't apply to this section.
  3. In Google Classroom, unlink the Google Classroom class from the incorrect Campus section number and recreate the link to the correct section number.

If you don't see the correct section number to link to, verify that you haven't already linked it to another Campus section, including in an archived class. 

Best Practices for Teachers

  • When creating assignments when class is not in session, don't click Assign in Google Classroom, click Schedule and enter a date within the Term Dates of the class. Check Term Dates in the Terms dropdown list at the top of the Campus Grade Book. If teachers click Assign when class is not in session, Google Classroom will never properly sync that assignment.
  • To delete an assignment that has been synced to Campus, delete it in Google Classroom and sync to remove it from Campus. Do not delete synced assignments in Campus.
  • When transitioning a class from one teacher to another, the current teacher should invite the new one to the Google Classroom class as a teacher. Alternately, if the new teacher has set up their own Google Classroom classes from scratch, the current teacher must unlink their Google Classroom from the section so that the new teacher can link to it. Google Classroom only allows the Primary Teacher (as indicated in Campus) to perform syncing, so the new teacher must be listed as an active Primary Teacher in the section's Staff History
  • If archiving or deleting a Google Classroom class, always unlink it in Google Classroom from its Campus section first.

Retroactive Syncing

Google Classroom employs an "active-as-of-right-now" logic when syncing and does not consider historical roster or staff history records. Thus, Google Classroom does not support retroactive syncing and will not sync scores in the following scenarios: 

  • Inactive Student: The student has dropped the class and has a Roster End Date, or no longer attends the school and has an Enrollment End Date.
  • Inactive Teacher: The teacher's time as a Primary Teacher of the class is over or has not begun. This scenario occurs if the sync is attempted outside the Assignment Start and End Dates on the teacher's Staff History record.
  • Term Dates: Assignments cannot be synced outside of the term, as determined by the Term Start and End Dates for the term(s) selected in the Section Schedule Placement on the Sections tool. 
  • After the Last Day of School: Google Classroom does not allow assignments to be created with an earlier Posted Date. Therefore, assignments created after the last day of school will not sync.

Scheduling Outside of Term Dates: If creating assignments outside of term dates, such as between terms on days when no sections are in session, teachers must select Schedule in Google Classroom, not Assign, and schedule the assignment to post on a future date when the section is in session. If an assignment is created by clicking Assign when the class is not in session, the assignment will never sync.

Illuminate DnA

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Illuminate DnA can be configured as an LTI connection, a OneRoster connection with Grade Book Sync, or both. The connection to OneRoster is currently in pilot mode and is therefore not available in all districts.


Use an LTI connection teachers primarily manage assignments and scores in Campus.

This type of connection allows teachers to create content in the partner program and then deliver that content through Campus Assignments, which students receive through Campus Student. Scores are then sent back to the Campus assignment if the teacher has set the assignment to Accept Scores.

An LTI connection also add the partner program to the Learning Tools list for teachers and students.

Use a OneRoster connection if teachers primarily manage assignments and scores in the partner program.

This type of connection allows Campus to receive requests for roster data and receive assignments and scores, which display as read-only data in the teacher's Grade Book. Some assignments fields can be edited, but not the Name or any scores.

For more information about the differences between these types of connections, see What's the Difference Between LTI and OneRoster? or contact Campus Support for assistance.

Kimono (Canvas)

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  • Canvas does not support a single class being in multiple terms. Thus, Canvas does not use the term Start and End Dates data provided by the Infinite Campus API.
  • Infinite Campus and Instructure (Canvas Support) both partner with Kimono to accomplish Score Passback. If Canvas needs an issue investigated, their team should coordinate with Kimono on the issue. Kimono is in communication with Campus Development to work out issues on our side. 


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Naiku can be configured as an LTI connection, a OneRoster connection with Grade Book Sync, or both. Generally, districts would enable one or the other, but because Naiku is strictly an assessment provider and does not have it's own grade book, districts may want to enable both LTI and OneRoster connections. 

This table describes the workflow for teachers based on the type of connection:

LTI Enabled
  1. Teacher creates an assessment in Naiku.
  2. Teacher creates a corresponding assignment in Campus and selects Accept Scores.
  3. Students launch Naiku from an assignment Campus Student and complete the assessment, which is scored by Naiku.
  4. Teachers see assessment scores in the Campus Grade Book. 
  1. Teachers create an manage assessments in Naiku alone.
  2. Students access Naiku directly or through the Learning Tools list in Campus Student (if LTI is also enabled).
  3. A mostly read-only version of the assignment is imported into Campus through the OneRoster API. Scores display in the Grade Book. 

For more information about the differences between these types of connections, see What's the Difference Between LTI and OneRoster? or contact Campus Support for assistance.

When would my district need both kinds of connections? 

Enabling both types of connections would be helpful in the following scenarios:

  • Teachers want to create and manage assignments in the Campus Grade Book and associate them with assessments in Naiku (LTI), but rely on a OneRoster connection to sync roster data. This scenario would require an LTI connection and a OneRoster connection with Roster Sync, but Grade Book Sync can be toggled off.
  • Teachers want to create and manage assessments only in Naiku (OneRoster), but also want students to be able to launch Naiku securely from Campus Student through the Learning Tools list (LTI). This scenario would require a OneRoster connection with Grade Book Sync and an LTI connection. 


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  • Schoology does not support special characters (@ symbol, spaces) in usernames. Keep this in mind when your district is implementing Single Sign On as it may affect the format required for Campus usernames. 
  • Schoology is not current making use of roster Start and End Dates that Infinite Campus includes in the API data. 
  • If you encounter the message "Your adapter credentials are invalid, please try to reconnect or enter new information." when setting up a Schoology connection using OneRoster 1.1, remove '/ims/oneroster/v1p1/' from the end of your URL and try again.


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When enabling a connection to Teams, be aware that the integration is with Microsoft's School Data Sync, which has its own support team and documentation.