Georgia Ed-Fi Start-Up Checklist 2024-2025
Last Modified on 08/05/2024 11:11 am CDT
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This article describes the steps to configure Ed-Fi in Georgia for the 2024-2025 school year.
Configuring Ed-Fi for the 2024-2025 School Year
This section describes the process necessary for configuring Campus to report Ed-Fi data for the next school year.
Step 1. Update to the most recent version of Campus
To have the schema and logic in place, you must update to the most recent version of Campus. Failure to do this will result in an inability to properly report data for the 2024-2025 school year.
Step 2. Create a New Ed-Fi Configuration for 2024-2025
The image below shows the proper field entries for the Connection Configuration.
Georgia Ed-Fi Configuration Connection Detail Editor
Create a new Ed-Fi configuration for the next school year.
- Click the New button. The Connection Detail editor displays.
- Select the Connection Type to State.
- Enter a Connection Name to something similar to 24-25 EdFi Configuration.
- Select the 2024-25 as the School Year. This requires the 2024-25 School Year to be created.
- Enter the following values:
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Field | Value / Description |
Ed-Fi Connection Type | State |
O-Auth URL |
Post-Amble | /data/v3/2025 |
ID Post-Amble | /identity/v2/2025 |
Timeout in Seconds | This field defaults to 60 seconds and determines (in seconds) the time allowed to pass before the connection between Campus and Ed-Fi is considered timed out and Ed-Fi events are not processed. These Ed-Fi events are then re-processed the next time a Quartz job runs. |
Connection Credentials |
Add Multiple Credentials | Turn on this feature if multiple districts use the same instance of Infinite Campus to create multiple connections to the state ODS within the same school year. Users should enter a Credential Name, Client Key, and Client Secret for each credential. For data to be reported correctly, sites with multiple districts must populate the District Number field. The District Number should be the Ed-Fi District Number for the school(s) selected. In Georgia, this can be anywhere from 1 to 4 characters long. Users must also select the School(s) that will use each credential.  |
Client Key | The Client Key is provided by the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE). |
Client Secret | The Client Secret is provided by the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE). |
Test Connection | Click the Test Connection button to ensure configuration values are correct and a connection to Ed-Fi has been made. This test should be done BEFORE selecting the Save option and creating the new connection. Auto mapping will NOT work if the initial connection is not properly configured. |
Click the Save button.
- Click the Test Connection button to ensure the configuration values are correct and that a connection to Ed-Fi was made. A "Connection is Valid" message displays when the connection is successful.
Step 3. Review the Ed-Fi Setup Checklist to Ensure Items are Complete
Review and/or update data based on the list below to ensure data is set up properly throughout Campus.
Once complete, proceed to Step 4.
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Task | Campus Location |
Enable Ed-Fi functionality via the Enable Ed-Fi system preference. | System Administration > Preferences > System Preferences > Enable Ed-Fi- Yes = Ed-Fi functionality is enabled, and Ed-Fi data syncs from Campus to the Ed-Fi system (if properly enabled via Ed-Fi Configuration tools).
Tools Only = You can fill out Ed-Fi fields (such as Ed-Fi ID) within Campus, but this data does NOT sync to the Ed-Fi system until this field is set to Yes. This is especially useful when setting up Ed-Fi IDs for students within a school or district so that data properly syncs between Campus and Ed-Fi before enabling it. No = Ed-Fi functionality is not enabled for the district, and users cannot access Ed-Fi tools within Campus.
Enter Ed-Fi Configuration values. | Reporting > Ed-Fi > Configuration |
Set all Resources to 'Off' and map the Ed-Fi Codes to Campus Codes via the Ed-Fi Resource Preferences.
All Ed-Fi Resources should remain OFF until the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) communicates approval to begin the ED-Fi process. | Reporting > Ed-Fi > Configuration > Resource Preferences Infinite Camps auto-maps most codes for the user. However, auto-mapping does not occur when the dictionary is unlocked (the user can create custom codes) or when the mapping depends on dates/terms (like the Sessions resource). Auto mapping only occurs if the user creates a successful connection (see Step 2). If the initial connection creation was not configured correctly, it will not properly auto-map. |
Assign Ed-Fi IDs. | Demographics > Person Identifiers |
Assign tool rights for Ed-Fi. | User Management > User Account Administration > User Account |
Populate the District Ed-Fi Number | School & District Settings > District > District Information > District Detail > State District Number
This is typically your State District Number. Please confirm that this is correct for your location. |
Populate the School Ed-Fi Number | School & District Settings > School > School Information > School Detail > State School Number
This is typically your District Ed-Fi Number + State School Number, where the State School Number is 0-padded up to 4 characters on the left. Please confirm that this is correct for your location.
Example: If your District Ed-Fi Number is 12 and your State School Number is 345, your Ed-Fi School ID is likely 120345 |
Confirm all Relationship Types have an associated State Code. | Census > People Setup > Relationship Type Setup |
Confirm that all Attendance Codes that should be reported to the state (Excused and Unexcused Absences) have an associated State Code. | Attendance Office > Settings > Attendance Code Setup |
Confirm that all behavior Event Types that should be reported to the state have an associated State Event Code (Mapping). | Behavior Ofifice > Settings > Event Type Setup |
Set the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override for all manually added transcripts. | Student Information > General > Transcripts > New > Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override |
Set Calendar Dates on all reportable calendars - Instructional Days report when the Instruction checkbox is marked on a date; all other events report from the Day Events droplist dictionary values.
| Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Day Setup |
Add a Level to a Course, if applicable. | Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Information |
Set Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override on Course Sections. | Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Information |
Add a Room to all Course Sections for state-reporting courses. | Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Information |
Add a Teacher Role on Staff History for teachers who must report to Ed-Fi. | Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Staff History |
Toggle Resources to 'On' in Ed-Fi Resource Preferences once all data setup is complete.All Ed-Fi Resources should remain OFF. | Do not move forward until the Georgia Department of Education (GA DOE) communicates approval for this to begin. |
Step 4. Perform a Resync for the 2024-2025 Scope Year
All Ed-Fi Resources should remain OFF. Do not move forward until the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) communicates approval for this to begin.
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Now that the 2024-2025 school year's Ed-Fi configuration is in place and data has been properly reviewed, the Resync tool can resync Ed-Fi data.
- Verify the 2024-25 is selected in the toolbar.
- Select the 2024-25 Configuration option from the Ed-Fi Configuration dropdown.
- All schools, Person IDs, Course IDs, and Course Section IDs must be resynced for the next year. To do so, mark the All Schools, All People, All Courses, and All Sections checkboxes.
- Mark the Select Dependencies checkbox to ensure related data is sent properly. Review the Recommended Resync Order for guidance on when to sync each resource. The options in the Ed-Fi Resource Preferences tool determine which options are available for selection here.
- Mark the checkbox next to each data set that should be resynced, enter the appropriate dates, and mark the desired resource(s).
Note: On the first resync for 2024-2025, it is recommended that you turn on one resource at a time. This enhances performance for massive data resyncs and allows you to deal with specific errors one resource at a time. After the first resync, all resources can be left on.
- Select the Start Resync button.
- If the resync is successful, data will flow properly from Campus to Ed-Fi. The Ed-Fi Error Log shows any errors that occur.
Georgia Ed-Fi Configuration Resync Editor
# | Category | Resources |
1 | Schedule Information | Calendars |
Calendar Dates |
Sessions |
Class Periods |
Locations |
Grading Periods - Technically, this is in Grade Information, but it should be resynced in this grouping.
2 | Schedule Information | Courses |
Course Offerings |
Sections |
3 | Staff Information | Staffs |
Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations |
Staff School Associations |
4 | Student Information | Students |
Student Education Organization Associations |
Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations |
Student School Associations |
5 | Custom Resource Information | People |
6 | Parent Information | Parents |
Student Parent Associations |
7 | Student Information | Student 504 Program Associations |
Student Assessment Registrations |
Student CTE Program Associations |
Student Early Childhood Program Associations |
Student Homeless Program Associations |
Student Language Instruction Program Associations |
Student Program Associations |
Student Program Evaluations |
Student Special Education Program Associations |
8 | Schedule Information | Staff Section Associations |
Student Section Associations |
9 | Attendance Information | Student School Attendance Events |
Student Section Attendance Events |
11 |
Discipline Information | Alleged Bullying Victims |
Discipline Actions |
Discipline Incidents |
Restraint Seclusions |
Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations |
Student Discipline Incident Non Offender Associations |
12 | Grade Information | Course Transcripts |
Grades |
Student Academic Records |
13 | Health Information | Medical Alerts |
Medical Office Visits
Medical Referral Follow Ups
Medical Screenings
Medical Boxes
Person Immunizations
Person Medical Alerts
Person Medication Box Associations
Select the Start Resync button once data sets have been marked and you are ready to resync.
Once Resource Preferences have been selected, a valid configuration is made, Ed-Fi IDs have been assigned, and a resync has been completed, data will flow properly from Campus to Ed-Fi. Any errors that occur can be viewed in the Ed-Fi Error Log.
Beginning of the New School Year
Please see the Beginning of School Year Process article for a general (not Ed-Fi specific) checklist of activities that should be performed within Infinite Campus at the beginning of a new school year.