Student Data Cleanup Process

This article will walk you through the process of identifying and correcting enrollment records missing from the state, duplicate student records, and duplicate student IDs.

This article describes functionality only accessible for users using a version of Campus connected to a State Edition of Campus.

Identifying and Correcting Student Enrollment Records Missing at the State

The following steps will guide you in identifying and correcting missing student enrollment data:

Step 1. Verify and Review Enrollment Data

PATH: System Administration > Data Interchange > Verification

The first step in identifying enrollment records missing at the state is to verify enrollment data using the Verification tool. 

Select the Verify (or Re-Verify), select Enrollment, and select the Verify Selected Objects button to have Campus compare and verify enrollment data between the district and the state (Image 1).

Image 1: Re-Verifying Enrollment Data

Before you can generate the Verification Summary Report, re-verification must first be completed. Processing time will depend on various factors, including bandwidth limitations, state-level settings, and pending requests. The Timestamp column of the Verification Results table will display a "(!)" after an existing date or an N/A value for the column of the requested verification while the process completes. You can hover your mouse over each object timestamp to see its current status (Image 2).

Image 2: Identifying Verification Processing Status

Once verification is completed, select the Verification Summary Report button, select Enrollment, and click Generate Report (Image 3). Then, proceed to Step 2.

Image 3: Generating the Enrollment Verification Summary Report

Step 2. Identify/Correct Data and Resync Specific Enrollment Records

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments; System Administration > Data Utilities > Resync State Data > Selective Sync

Review the Enrollment Verification Report and identify which student records are missing at the state and must be corrected/resynced.

Image 4: Identifying District Enrollment IDs

Once data for identified students has been corrected, their enrollment records must be resynced via the Selective Sync tool (Image 5).

Image 5: Resyncing Specific District Enrollment IDs

To resync select enrollment records (see Image 3):

  1. Go to the Resync State Data tool (System Administration > Data Utilities > Resync State Data).
  2. Select the Selective Sync tab.
  3. Select the Enrollment object.
  4. Enter each identified students' District Enrollment ID numbers. The District Enrollment ID column of the Enrollment Verification Summary Report will list each number.
  5. Select the Sync button. Enrollment records matching the District Enrollment ID values entered will be synced from district to state.
  6. Review the Sync Request History report to see if data correct synced to the state. {note}

To see the sync progress and view which enrollments successfully or unsuccessfully synced, select the View History link found at the bottom of the editor (see Image 6).

Image 6: Resyncing Specific District Enrollment IDs

Once the resync process has been completed, click the blue Complete hyperlink (Image 7). To generate a report displaying all records that successfully and unsuccessfully (re)synced for the event, click the blue Keys hyperlink (Image 7). 

If you see errors within the Sync Request History, contact Campus Support for additional assistance.

Image 7: Viewing the Sync Request History Report

Step 3. Re-verify and Review Enrollment Data

PATH: System Administration > Data Interchange > Verification

Now that enrollment records have been identified, corrected and resynced to the state, the Enrollment Verification Summary Report needs to be re-run to ensure the records successfully synced to the state.

Select the Re-Verify button. Once verification is completed, select the Verification Summary Report button, select Enrollment and click Generate Report (Image 8). 

Image 8: Re-verify Data and Review the Enrollment Verification Summary

Review the Enrollment Verification Summary Report and compare the old Verification Report to the new one and see if student records were corrected.

Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Students

The following steps will guide you in identifying and correcting duplicate students:

Step 1. Identify Duplicate Students Using the Duplicate Student Search Report

PATH: Student Information > Reports > Duplicate Students Search

The first step in identifying duplicate students is to generate and review the Duplicate Student Search Report (Image 9). 

Campus recommends marking all criteria boxes when first generating this report. Once students who match all criteria are identified, work backward, unmarking one criteria box and generating the report so that you see the full spectrum of potentially duplicate students.

Image 9: Generating the Duplicate Students Search Report

Step 2. Correct Duplicate Information

PATH: Student Information > General; Census > People

Review the Duplicate Students Search Report and correct erroneous information for each identified student (Image 10). If students are identified as duplicates, move on to Step 3.

Image 10: Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Student Information

Step 3. Combine Duplicate Students

PATH: System Administration > Data Utilities > Combine Person

Students who appeared on the report because they are duplicates of another student with Campus should be combined using the Combine Person tool (Image 11). 

Image 11: Combining Duplicate Students via Combine Person Tool

Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Student ID Numbers

The following steps will guide you in identifying and correcting duplicate students ID numbers:

Step 1. Generate the Duplicate IDs Report

PATH: Student Information > Reports > Duplicate IDs

The first step in identifying and correcting duplicate Student State ID and Local Student Numbers is to generate and analyze the Duplicate ID's Report (Image 12). 

Image 12: Generating the Duplicate IDs Report

Step 2. Correct Duplicated Student ID Numbers

PATH: Student Information > Reports > Duplicate IDs; Census > People > Demographics

Review the Duplicate ID Report and determine whether the two people are duplicates or two separate people who need two separate State IDs.  

If Two People are Identified as Duplicates

If, after reviewing the report, it is determined that two people are duplicates of the same person, they should be combined via the Combine Person tool (Image 13). 

Image 13: Correcting Duplicate Student ID Data

If Two People are Identified as Separate People with Identical IDs

If, when reviewing the report, two people are identified as separate people with identical State IDs, you should contact Campus Support for additional assistance.