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Migrant (Nevada)

Tool Search: Migrant

The Migrant tool captures eligibility data for state reporting purposes. A migratory child is defined as the child who has a parent, spouse, or guardian working as a migratory agricultural worker or a migratory fisher. The child also meets the following criteria:

  • Not older than 21 years old.
  • Entitled to a free public education or below the age of compulsory school attendance.
  • Moved within 36 months in seek, obtain, accompany, or join the migratory agricultural worker, migratory fisher, or other move(s) identified as a qualified move.

The following article provides information on the Migrant tool specific to Nevada. See the core Migrant article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Migrant records.

Image of the Nevada Student Migrant Detail Editor.
Student Migrant Detail

Field Description Ad hoc Field Name
Last Qualifying Arrival Date

Indicates the date entered on the migrant student's Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or the date the student arrived in the district, if the COE is still in process.

migrant.lastQualifying ArrivalDate
Eligibility Expiration Date Indicates the expiration date entered on the migrant student’s Certificate of Eligibility (COE) OR 36 months from the Last Qualifying Arrival Date. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting migrant.eligibilityExpiration Date
Program Status Identifies the migrant program.
  • 01: Migrant

Indicates the Migrant Student Information Exchange Identifier. This allows the MSIX ID to associate with the Migrant record. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting. However, users must provide a value in this field.

Priority for Service (PFS) When marked, this checkbox indicates the migrant student is determined as a priority for Migrant programs/services. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting.


Reports a value of 1 when marked.

From State Identifies the US state from which the student moved. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting. migrant.fromState
To State Identifies the US state name and postal code of the state to which the student moved. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting migrant.toState
Migrant COE Status Indicator

Indicates the approval status of the Certificate of Eligibility (COE): Yes (Approved) or No (In Process).

migrant.migrantCOE StatusIndicator

Reports either a Y or N. 

Last Qualifying Move Date Identifies the Move Date as approved on Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or the date the student arrived in the district if the COE is in process. migrant.lastQualifying MoveDate
Services Start Date Indicates the date services started for the student. migrant.sevicesStartDate
Services End Date

Indicates the date services ended for the student.

Comments Additional information about the migrant record. migrant.comments

State Edition to DIS-linked District Editions

When data is published from the State Edition to DIS-linked District Editions, logic compares data from the State Edition versus the District Edition. Note the following:

  • Users must have statewide access to publish student records.
  • There must be at least one state-owned record for the student in order for the Publish State Migrant Records icon to display.
  • Only state-owned records can be published.
  • For State-linked customers, the Owner column on both the State and District editions displays the district name if the record is a district owned record and 'State' if it is a state owned record. The Filter dropdown allows users to view all records, only state owned records, or only district owned records.

District Editions to State Edition

When data is published from the State Edition to DIS-linked District Editions, logic compares data from the State Edition versus the District Edition:

  • Only State owned data is published down to districts.
  • When the Migrant record being published does not exist at the district, the Migrant record is created at the district.
  • When the Migrant record being published exists at the district, data changes made at the State level are updated on the district record.
  • When the Migrant record being published exists at the district but no changes exist between the state and district record(s), no update is made.
  • When the Migrant record being published exists at the district but the record was deleted in the State Edition, the record is deleted at the district.