Rx Pack - Campus.2419

The following corrections are included in Rx Packs for May and June 2024. Rx Packs contain a small number of critical cases to fix urgent issues, with delivery in an immediate time frame (e.g., the fix cannot wait for the next four week Release Pack).

It is recommended that customers apply all subsequent Release Packs immediately following Rx Packs. Doing so will benefit both customers and Infinite Campus when it comes to supporting the patch.

Rx Packs are cumulative; each Rx pack will automatically include all previous Rx packs within that release. These cases will also be included in the Campus.2423 pack unless otherwise noted. Rx Packs may occasionally skip a release number for Rx builds that were not made generally available.

Below is a list of all Rx Packs for Campus.2419 and the date of availability:

  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.13 - June 6, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.12 - May 30, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.10 - May 23, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.9 - May 21, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.8 - May 20, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.7 - May 16, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.6 - May 15, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.5 - May 10, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.4 - May 8, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2419.3 - May 6, 2024 - No release for 2419.1 or 2419.2

See the Release Pack Campus.2419 - May 2024 article for a full list of cases included in the Campus.2419 release.

Rx Pack Campus.2419.13

Localization - Colorado

Colorado - READ Extract (SIS-178127)

The READ Extract has been modified to include the following Test options:

  • READ 18: aimswebPlus Spanish
  • READ 19: DIBELS (8th Edition)
  • READ 20: mClass Lectura (2022)
  • READ 21: STAR Early Learning (Spanish)

Path: Reporting > CO State Reporting > READ Extract

Rx Pack Campus.2419.12

Academic Planning

 Academic Programs Performance Improvement (SIS-178944)

SQL Performance for the inProgressGrade Course Plan has been improved.

Path: Student Information > Academic Planning > Progress

Rx Pack Campus.2419.10

Activity Registration

Selection Editor Ad Hoc (SIS-179043)

When an Activity was assigned a Selection Editor Ad hoc, students not on the Ad hoc could register for the Activity. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration > Activity Monitor


Roster Records Not Syncing to State Editions (SIS-178860)

There was an issue with roster records not syncing to the state despite a lack of errors in the DIS log and the batch resync page reflecting the same number of processed vs. errors. This issue was corrected, and roster records sync to State Editions as expected.

Path: N/A

Localization - Missouri

Missouri Attendance Audit Report Updates (SIS-178755)

In a previous release, several updates were implemented for the Calendar Report that were also applied to the Attendance Audit Report. This has been corrected, so those updates only apply to the Calendar Report. The ADA/ADM calculations are now correct, and the Remedial Hours checkbox has been returned to the extract editor for the Attendance Audit Report.

Path: Attendance > Reports > Attendance Audit Report

Rx Pack Campus.2419.9


Grading Performance (SIS-179073)

An update has been made to improve grading performance for schools using 100 point Score Groups.

Path: No specific path

Rx Pack Campus.2419.8

Localization - Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania PIMS Course Template Update (SIS-179011)

The logic for reporting the Cambridge Advanced Course Indicator element on the PIMS Course Template has been updated.

Path: Reporting > PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts

Rx Pack Campus.2419.7

Localization - Iowa

Iowa - SIF Performance for StudentSchoolEnrollment (SIS-130968)

SIF requests were resulting in slow responses when sending data. Changes have been made to increase performance speed.

Path: None

Rx Pack Campus.2419.6

Localization - Colorado

Colorado - Discipline Interchange Action File (SIS-178811)

The following updates have been made to the Discipline Interchange Action File:

  • IncidentID is now zero-padded to 10 digits. SpecialEdProgramCode is now zero-padded to 4 digits.
  • BehaviorWeapon > GFSA Weapong > State Standard - Code 00: No Weapon has been converted to 05: Other Weapon
  • Admin Unit Code from the School tool now reports as zero-filled if blank.

Path: Reporting > CO Data Pipeline > Discipline Interchange Action File

Localization - Indiana

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Reporting Course Outcomes for KG-08 (SIS-167100)

The logic for the Course Transcripts and Student Academic Record resources was updated to report course outcomes for grades KG-12 (Grades KG-08 were previously not reported).

The course outcome values were added to the Course Attempt Result Descriptors section of the Resource Preferences for the Course Transcripts resource. The values display in the Course Outcome droplist under the State Reporting Fields section of the Section Student Detail.

  • 01: Pass
  • 02: Fail
  • 03: Incomplete
  • 04: No grade awarded
  • 05: In Progress

A resync of the Course Transcripts and Student Academic Record resources is needed as part of this update after the Course Transcripts Resource Preferences has been updated.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi

Localization - Missouri

Missouri Section Dual Credit Site Code Attribute Dictionary Update (SIS-178180)

The list of codes available for the Dual Credit Site field on the Roster Batch Edit tool has been updated in the Attribute Dictionary for Missouri.

Path: Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Section > Dual Credit Site Code, Scheduling and Courses > Courses > Section Roster Batch Edit

Localization - Nevada

Nevada-Chronic Absenteeism Report Updated (SIS-171414)

The calculation of the 'NVStateDaysAbsent' column on the Nevada Chronic Absenteeism Report was updated to include 'Absent Unknown' records in the same manner as the 'EdFactsDaysAbsent' and 'FederalDaysAbsent' columns.

Path: Reporting > NV State Reporting > Chronic Absenteeism Report

Rx Pack Campus.2419.5

Campus Learning

Google Drive Sign In (SIS-178422)

Previously, Google Drive users were not prompted to sign in when they should have been. This issue occurred in the newer version of Chrome and has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Settings > Google Drive Configuration

Localization - Nebraska

Nebraska IEP Enrollment Status Editor Fix (SIS-178698)

An issue where the Primary Disability and Part C Transition Delay Reason fields on the Enrollment Status editor were not saving has been fixed. See the Nebraska Individual Education article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Education Documents

Localization - South Dakota

South Dakota Special Ed IEP Services Fix (SIS-178618)

An issue when entering a Service record on a South Dakota Individual Education Plan clearing out existing Service and Goal records has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents

Rx Pack Campus.2419.4

Localization - Colorado

Colorado - Discipline Interchange Action File Updates (SIS-178376)

Updates have been made to the Discipline Interchange Action File to correct issues with incorrect reporting, as follows:

  • The Student State ID field was incorrectly reporting the student's Local Student Number.
  • Gender was reporting as F, M, or N, instead of 01, 02, or 03.
  • Logic for the Discipline Action Identifier field has been updated to report the Response ID assigned to the Response Detail.

Path: CO State Reporting > CO Data Pipeline > Discipline Interchange File

Localization - Idaho

Idaho - Disciplinary Action - Reporting Population and Duration Rounding Rules Update (SIS-178096)

To meet reporting requirements for May and End of Year Submission, the reporting population has been updated to include all Disciplinary Actions mapped to any state code and update the rounding rules for the original duration field. Activates the existing BehaviorResolution.modificationDescription field for Idaho.

Path: Reporting > ID State Reporting > Disciplinary Actions


Idaho - Special Education Student - Note is required when Late Determination Reason is SD or ST (SIS-178111)

Logic has been added to the comments field to require a text note to be entered and reported when the Late Determination Reason code is SD or ST.

Path: Reports > ISEEE Collection > Special Education Student

Localization - Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania PIMS Course and Student Course Enrollment Updates (SIS-177356)

Logic for reporting the Number of Credits and Cambridge Advanced Course Indicator elements on the PIMS Course Template has been updated.

Logic for reporting the Dual Credit Student Take Credit elements on the PIMS Student Course Enrollment Template has been updated.

Path: Reporting > PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts

Rx Pack Campus.2419.3


Attendance (SIS-178440)

An issue resulting in high SQL CPU related to Attendance has been resolved.

Path: Attendance

Localization - Arizona

Arizona - Student Program Evaluations Update (SIS-178261)

The Student Program Evaluations resource has been updated to report the School ID as the Education Organization ID.

Information on what is sent has also been updated:

  • A POST is done when a 21st CCLC program record exists within the scope year and the Evaluation Date is populated. Note: If there is more than one record returned, reports from the record with the most recent evaluation date.
    • When there are multiple enrollments in the same school that qualify, and have the same enrollment Start Date, reports based on primacy of Service Type:
      • P: Primary
      • S: Partial
      • N: Special Ed
    •  When there are multiple enrollments in the same school that qualify, with the same Service Type and enrollment Start Date, report the newest start date

Path: Ed-fi

Localization - Massachusetts

Massachusetts - SIF StudentPersonal Error Fix (SIS-178414)

An issue that was causing SIF tools to error when pulling data for the StudentPersonal object has been fixed.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration

Localization - Ohio

Ohio Logic Updates to Student Standing (FS) and Student SPED Record (GE) Extracts (SIS-178215)

Calculation logic has been updated for the Admission Date column in both the Student Standing (FS) and Student SPED Record (GE) extracts to ensure accurate reporting.

Path: Reporting > OH State Reporting > OH Extracts