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Special Ed Service Positions

Tool Search: Service Positions

The Service Positions tool lists the service positions that can be provided to students based on the needs identified in the special education documents. Positions include roles like speech therapist or braille instructor, compared to Service Providers, which are the individuals providing the service.

Screenshot of the Service Positions tool.Special Ed Service Positions Tool

Existing service positions can be modified by clicking the Name of the position in the Positions Editor, making modifications and clicking the Save button in the action bar.

Create a New Service Position

  1. Select the New button in the action bar.
  2. Enter a unique Name for the service. The Name is limited to 50 characters.
  3. Mark the Active checkbox to indicate if this service position should appear to be selected in special education documents.
  4. Click the Save button to save the service.

Service Positions are selected on Service Editors on student's plan document (Related Service Editor, Supplemental Service Editors, etc.).

This image shows an example of how service positions are used in special education documents. Documents vary by state.

Screenshot example of how service positions are used in special education documents.Example of Service Position Dropdown