Access Log

Tool Search: Access Log

Every attempt to login into a specific user's Infinite Campus account is stored and displayed in the user's Access Log. You will only see login information for the account in which you are currently logged into and using to access this tool. 

screenshot of a user's access log

A user must have at least Read tool rights assigned for the Access Log to access and view it.

Understand the Access Log

Data captured for each user login attempt is as follows:




Login date and time.

You can filter this column by a specific date or see all data before or after a specific date
screenshot of the before and after filter options


Indicates whether or not the user was successful in logging into their account.

Remote IP

Source IP address.

Balancer HeaderIndicates the load balancer the user used to log into Campus.

Remote Browser

Operating system and browser combination used.

App Server

Application server of login attempt.

Third Party Admin

Indicates that another user (with equivalent or greater administrative rights) has used the Login As User button to log into Campus as this user. This column reports the other user's name, user ID and username.