SIRS Student Behavioral Interventions (New York)

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The SIRS Student Behavioral Interventions extract is an annual report to the New York State Education Department regarding the use of restraints in behavior events. This includes physical restraints, timeouts, substantiated and unsubstantiated allegations of the use of prohibited interventions, corporal punishment, mechanical restraint, and other prohibited aversive interventions, prone physical restraint, and seclusion.

Screenshot of the SIRS Student Behavioral Intervention extract editor.SIRS Student Behavioral Interventions Extract Editor

Extract Editor Fields

Field Description
Extract Type The name of the SIRS extract generated. This would be Student Behavior Intervention.
Calendar Selector Identifies which Calendar(s) are included in the report. Calendars can be sorted by active year, school, or year. This defaults to the Calendar selected in the Campus Toolbar. At least one Calendar is required to generate the report.
Start Date The first day on which data is reported.
End Date The last day on which the data is reported.
Format The format in which the report generates. Options are State Format (CSV) or HTML.
Ad Hoc Filter Limits the report results to students included in a pre-saved Ad hoc Filter. The Ad hoc Filter selection becomes available when the Ad Hoc Filter radio button is marked. See the Filter Designer article for additional information.
Column Headers Allows users to select whether to include or exclude the column headers.
Generate Extract
Submit to Batch
Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of immediately generating the report by clicking Generate Extract. The batch process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Logic and Population

A record reports per instance of physical restraint or timeout and for allegations concerning prohibited intervention types. See the Codes and Descriptions section below for Intervention Restrant definitions.

Multiple records report only when:

  • A new situation occurs involving the student after the prior event has de-escalated.
  • A new restraint or intervention response type is employed during the event. For example, during an event, a staff person employed physical restraint on a student, and the situation escalated to the point where a timeout was used. The addition of the timeout would constitute an additional event record beginning with that application.

The report can be generated against a district's active year and prior years.

Report Layout

# Data Element Label Description Location
1 Submitting District Code Reports the code of the district submitting the report.

For public school districts, this reports as NY, followed by the 6-digit BEDS code.

For charter, non-public, State agencies, state-operated schools, and child care institutions with schools, this reports as 8 followed by the last 7 digits of their State District Number.

Alphanumeric, either NYXXXXXX or 8XXXXXXX
Based on selection from School Information > School Type dropdown

School Information > BEDS Code

District Information > State District Number
2 Student District Code Reports the district code where the student attends.

For public school districts, this reports as NY, followed by the 6-digit BEDS code.

For charter, non-public, State agencies, state-operated schools, and child care institutions with schools, this reports as 8 followed by the last 7 digits of their State District Number.

Alphanumeric, either NYXXXXXX or 8XXXXXXX
Based on selection from School Information > School Type dropdown

School Information > BEDS Code

District Information > State District Number
3 Student ID Reports the student's State ID number.

Alphanumeric, 9 digits (Including left-padded zeroes)
Demographics > Student State ID
4 School Year Date Reports as June 30 of the reported school year.

Date, YYYY-06-30 where YYYY is the reported school year
Calendar selector on extract editor
5 Restraint Event Location Code The building code used by the Data Warehouse uniquely identifies the building in which a student is enrolled. It is typically assigned by the local student management system.

Reports the location code for the building where the incident occurred. When the incident happened on grounds outside the building, the location code for the building where the student is enrolled reports.

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Location
6 Restraint Event ID The unique ID of each reported event.

Reports the Response ID.

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Response ID
7 Restraint Event Date The day the event occurred.

Reports the Response Date.

Behavior Management > Event and Participant > Response Event > Response Date
8 Reporting Date Reports as June 30 of the reported school year.

Date, YYYY-06-30 where YYYY is the reported school year
Calendar selector on extract editor
9 Restraint Type The state code assigned to the restraint type. See the Codes and Descriptions section below for Intervention Restrant definitions.

Response Types > Type
10 Primary Disability Code Reports as blank. N/A
11 Student Injured Indicator Reports as blank. N/A
12 Staff Injured Indicator Reports as blank. N/A
13 Restraint Event Timespan Code The total amount of time in minutes the physical restraint was in place.

When the Response Type is Physical Restraint, the duration in minutes that the physical restraint took place reports. 

Otherwise, the corresponding Event Timespan code reports. See the Codes and Descriptions section below for the Event Timespan Duration code descriptions.

Behavior Management > Select Incident > Events and Participants > Add Behavior Response
14 Substantiated Event Indicates the event was substantiated.

Reports as Y or N. Only reports when the Restraint Type is Aversive, Corporal, Mechanical, Prone, or Seclusion. Otherwise, this reports as blank.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants section > Resolution > Resolution Details > Substantiated Event Indicator
15 Response Reason Code The response reason for the restraint.

When the Restraint Type is Physical, Timeout BIP, or Timeout No BIP, the Response Reason Code reports one of the following: Self, Students, Staff, Others, or Non-authorized. Otherwise, this reports as blank.

Behavior > Admin > Response Type > Behavior Response Type Detail > State Report Code
16 Staff Training The type of training the staff person involved in the event received. 

Credentials > Credential Type: Other > Staff Training: RT Restraint Training 
17 Incident Comment A description of the event.

Reports the Incident Detail.

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Details

Codes and Descriptions

Intervention Restraint Response Type

Code Description Definition
Adversive Aversive Intervention

An intervention that is intended to induce pain or discomfort for the purpose of reducing or eliminating student behavior, including such interventions as:

  • contingent application of noxious, painful, intrusive stimuli or activities; strangling, shoving, deep muscle squeezes or other similar stimuli;  
  • any form of noxious, painful or intrusive spray, inhalant or tastes;
  • contingent food programs that include the denial or delay of the provision of meals or intentionally altering staple food or drink to make it distasteful;
  • movement limitation used as a punishment, including but not limited to helmets and mechanical restraints; or  
  • other stimuli or actions similar to the interventions described in this paragraph.

The term does not include such interventions as voice control limited to loud, firm commands; time-limited ignoring of a specific behavior; token fines as part of a token economy system; brief physical prompts to interrupt or prevent a specific behavior; interventions medically necessary for the treatment or protection of the student; or other similar interventions.

Corporal Corporal Punishment Any act of physical force upon a student for the purpose of punishing that student. This term does not include the use of physical restraints (as defined below) used to protect the student, another student, teacher, or any other person from physical injury when alternative procedures and methods not involving the use physical restraint cannot reasonably be employed to achieve these purposes.
Mechanical Mechanical Restraint

The use of any device or equipment to restrict a student's freedom of movement. Mechanical restraint does not include devices implemented by trained school personnel or utilized by a student that have been prescribed by an appropriate medical or related services professional and are used for the specific and approved purposes for which such devices were designed, such as:

  • adaptive devices or mechanical supports used to achieve proper body position, balance, or alignment to allow greater freedom of mobility than would be possible without the use of such devices or mechanical supports;
  • vehicle safety restraints when used as intended during the transport of a student in a moving vehicle;  
  • restraints for medical immobilization; or
  • orthopedically prescribed devices that permit a student to participate in activities without risk of harm.
Physical Physical Restraint A personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move their arms, legs, body, or head freely. Physical restraint does not include a physical escort or brief physical contact and/or redirection to promote student safety, calm or comfort a student, prompt or guide a student when teaching a skill or assisting a student in completing a task, or for other similar purposes.
Prone Prone Restraint A physical or mechanical restraint while the student is in the face-down position.
Seclusion Seclusion The involuntary confinement of a student alone in a room or space where they are physically prevented from leaving or that they may perceive that they cannot leave at will. Seclusion does not include timeout as defined below.
Timeout BIP Use of Timeout in accordance with BIP

Timeout means a behavior management technique that involves the monitored separation of a student in a non-locked setting and is implemented for the purpose of de-escalating, regaining control, and preparing the student to meet expectations to return to their education program.   The term timeout shall not include:

  • a student-initiated or student-requested break to utilize coping skills, sensory input, or self-regulation strategies;  
  • use of a room or space containing coping tools or activities to assist a student to calm and self-regulate, or the use of such intervention strategies consistent with a student with a disability’s behavioral intervention plan as defined in section 200.1(mmm) of this Title; or
  • a teacher removal, in-school suspension, or any other appropriate disciplinary action.

Report when the action taken was in accordance with the student’s Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP).

Timeout No BIP Use of Timeout not in accordance with BIP

Timeout means a behavior management technique that involves the monitored separation of a student in a non-locked setting and is implemented for the purpose of de-escalating, regaining control, and preparing the student to meet expectations to return to their education program.   The term timeout shall not include:

  • a student-initiated or student-requested break to utilize coping skills, sensory input, or self-regulation strategies;  
  • use of a room or space containing coping tools or activities to assist a student to calm and self-regulate, or the use of such intervention strategies consistent with a student with a disability’s behavioral intervention plan as defined in section 200.1(mmm) of this Title; or
  • a teacher removal, in-school suspension, or any other appropriate disciplinary action.

Report when the action taken was not in accordance with the student’s Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP).

Intervention Reason

Code Description Definition
Self Safety Concern Self Report this code when there is immediate concern for the safety of the student.
Students Safety Concern Students Report this code when there is immediate concern for the safety of other students.
Staff Safety Concern Staff Report this code when there is immediate concern for the safety of the staff.
Others Safety Concern Others Report this code when there is immediate concern for the safety of other individuals that are not students or staff.
Non-authorized Non-authorized Report this code when a response intervention was applied not in accordance with regulations.

Event Timespan (Duration)

Code Description
1 1-5 minutes
2 6-10 minutes
3 11-20 minutes
4 21-60 minutes
5 60 or more minutes