BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:04 am CDT
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ISEP (Indian School Equalization Program ) Verification and Certification is the Education Resource Center (ERC) process that verifies student eligibility. The ISEP Instructional Verification Report collects the required information for verification of student eligibility (e.g., demographics, instructional program enrollments, and residential program enrollments). Report information is used in calculating and distributing ISEP funding.
ISEP Certification is a two-step process involving verification and certification of student information. The ISEP Verification Report is generated and printed, then evaluated by the school and ERC. As errors in the data are found and corrected in the District Edition, the Verification Report is re-run and reviewed again. The process of running the Verification Report, evaluating the student information, and correcting errors is repeated until the data is considered accurate. When the school and ERC confirm that the data is accurate in the Verification Report, the Certification Report (a formal roster) is run and the data is printed and signed by the Education Program Administrator, school principal, and the school board chairperson. Certification is the official endorsement of the roster (student list).
BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report Editor
Read -Generate the report.
Write- N/A
Add- N/A
Delete - N/A
In order to generate this report, users must have Read tool rights for the report type selected as well as rights to any calendar(s) selected. If generating the report for a historical calendar, the user must have modify tool rights for the calendar in order to generate the report for new data. Please refer to the User Calendar Rights article for more information. For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.
Report Logic
Report can only be run at the state level. |
Report generates on only one school at a time. |
Enrollment records with any of the following indicators are excluded from the reports and all calculations:- BIE Exclude
- No Show
- Not in a BIE Grade Level (01-12) tied to an appropriate BIE Grade Level Code
Report Editor
Report Option | Description |
Type | Run Certification Report on New Data: Real-time district data is reported in PDF format. Use this option to generate the most recent information. *Reprint Certification Report (PDF): Data already existing in the ISEP_Ver table reported in PDF format. *Reprint Certification Report (CSV):Data already existing in the ISEP_Ver table reported in CSV format.
*Reported data is that which was last requested and stored on the table. |
Select Calendars | The schools available for selection are determined based on the District / School selected in the Campus toolbar. At least one school calendar must be selected in order to generate the report. |
Generate Report | To display the results of the report immediately, click the Generate Report button. |
Submit to Batch | To display the results of the report at a later time, click the Submit to Batch button. The Batch Queue tool is used by some districts /states to generate large, system-intense reports. See the Batch Queue article for more information. |
Report Layout
The following sections describe each section of the ISEP BIE Residential Certification Report.
The header describes the reporting entity, calendar, ISEP reporting date range, and the number of records for the Program Type, Eligibility status, and grade level listed.
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Header Section of BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report
Field | Description | Location |
Education Resource Center Name and Code | The Code and Name of the Education Resource Center selected on the school’s School History at the time of report generation.
| System Administration > Resources > School > School History > Education Resource Center (ERC) school.ercBIE |
BIE Region Name and Code | A school’s BIE Region affiliation is determined by the Education Resource Center (ERC) value entered on the School History active at the time of report generation. Returns as Navajo (NAV) if the school’s ERC value is NCHITC, NCHIBO, NCROTC, NCROBO, NSHPTC, NSHPBO, NTUBTC, NTUBBO, NWINTC, or NWINBO Returns as Tribally Controlled (TCS) if the school’s ERC value is ABQTCS, FLATCS, KYLTCS, MINTCS, BISTCS, NASTCS, or SEATCS Returns as Bureau Operated (BOS) if the school’s ERC value is ABQBOS, BELBOS, PHXBOS, or PINBOS
| System Administration > Resources > School > School History > Education Resource Center (ERC)
school.schoolTypeBIE |
District Name | The name of the reporting district. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Name |
School Name and BIE School Number | The school name and BIE School Number of the reporting school. | System Administration > Resources > School > Name and BIE School Number School.groupNumber |
Calendar | The calendar used for reporting data. | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Name |
Program Type | Always reports a value of R: Residential. | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > BIE Type |
ISEP Reporting Date Range | The date range used for calculating attendance.
Date format: MM/DD/YYYY | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > ISEP Dates
Total Eligible Enrollment Records for Program Type R | The total number of enrollment records for the status being reported (i.e., Eligible). The student count may be duplicated since each student is counted once per enrollment. | Not dynamically stored. |
Total Eligible Grade #XX Students for Program Type R | The total number of students for the reporting status and within the grade being reported. The student count is unduplicated since each student is only counted once regardless of the number of enrollments. | Not dynamically stored. |
Status | The type of status being reported. All records of the same status are grouped together. | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting > Enrollment Type
Grade | The mapped BIE Grade Level code of the students being reported for that page. | Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > *Grade
System Administration > Resources > Grade Level Definitions > BIE Grade Level Definitions > BIE Grade Level Definitions Editor > BIE Grade Level Definitions Detail > *Code |
Body of Report
The body of the report describes detailed information about each eligible student.
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Body of the BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report
Field | Description | Location |
Student Name | The student's first, middle and last name.
Alphanumeric | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
Identity.firstName Identity.middleName Identity.lastName |
DOB | The student's date of birth.
Date/Time Field, 10 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date
Identity.birthdate |
Gender | The student's gender.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender
Identity.gender |
NASISID | The student's NASIS ID.
Numeric, 15 digits | Census > Demographics > Person Identifiers > NASIS ID
Person.otherID |
Tribe | The student's tribe.
Numeric, 3 digits | Student Information > Program Participation > NASIS Programs > NASIS
NASIS.tribalCode |
Start | The start date of the student's enrollment record.
Date Format, MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date
Enrollment.startDate |
End | The end date of the student's enrollment record.
Date Format, MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date
Enrollment.endDate |
ERC | Indicates if the student is receiving Special Ed Services in a residential setting.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters (Y or N) | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting > Rec Sped Svcs / Res Setting
IRG | The Intensive Residence Guidance (IRG) code entered for a residential student with a severe behavior event. IRG Codes: - 1 = Court or Juvenile Authority
- 2 = Expulsion from Previous School
- 3 = Refer by Lic Psyc/Psychiatrist/Cert Psychiatric SW
- 4 = Truancy Last School Yr or Extreme Disruptive Behavior
Numeric, 1 digit | Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting > IRG Code
enrollmentBIE.irgCodeBIE |
Prog | Program Type for the report. This field always reports a value of R.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | N/A |
NoResAtt | Indicates if the student has no Residential Attendance Eligibility. See the Attendance Calculation section for more information. Residential Attendance Eligibility is determined as follows: - At least 1 attendance day = 2 attendance bedchecks present for 1 days of each count week.
- Date range for the enrollment start and end date is for at least one day of each count week.
X= Student is not eligible. Null= Student is eligible.
Alphanumeric, 1 character
No Tribe | Indicates if the student is not a tribal member. X = If Tribe is null or 999: Non Tribal Member
Alphanumeric, 1 character
| Student Information > Program Participation > NASIS Programs > NASIS > Tribe
NASIS.tribalCode |
No DOB | Indicates if the student has no date of birth entered within Campus. X = No date of birth Null = Date of birth exists within Campus Alphanumeric, 1 character
| Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date
Identity.birthdate |
Non-ISEP | Indicates if the student's enrollment record Enrollment Type is not ISEP. X = Enrollment Type is 2: Non-ISEP or 3: Public Enrolled
Alphanumeric, 1 character
| Student Information > General>Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting > Enrollment Type
enrollmentBIE.stateAidBIE |
Exceptions and Totals
The Exceptions section describes all students for whom the report could not determine eligibility. See the Eligibility Calculation section for more information.
The Verification Summary for Qualified Students table provides a breakdown of how many students per grade qualified for each category (Residential, ECR, IRG).
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Exceptions and Totals Section of BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report
Column | Description |
Total Exceptions | Total number of students who have eligibility exceptions. |
Name | The name of each student with an eligibility exception. |
Grade | The grade of each student with an eligibility exception. |
Exception Type | The type of exception tied to the student. |
Verification Summary for Qualified Students | The Verification Summary for Qualified Students section lists totals for each of the following categories: - Grade: The grade for each reported value.
- Residential: Total number of students eligible per grade.
- ECR: Total number of students per grade marked "Y" for ECR.
- IRG: Total number of students per grade with an IRG code.
- Total: Total number of eligible students per grade.
School Total | The School Totals section lists a school-wide count of the following categories: - Residential: Total number of eligible students within the school.
- ECR: Total number of students within the school marked "Y" for ECR.
- IRG: Total number of students within the school with an IRG code.
- Total Students: Total number of eligible students within the school.
Signature Page
BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report-Signature Page
Eligibility Calculation
ISEP funding is distributed to schools and dormitories based on membership eligibility. If a student’s membership / enrollment meets all of the required eligibility criteria, that student’s record receives a status of Eligible. In cases where a record fails to meet one or more of the eligibility criteria, that record is listed as Non-Eligible. Each enrollment is analyzed individually to determine eligibility status; therefore, the same student may have enrollment records that appear under both sections.
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Student enrollment records are considered eligible if they meet all of the following criteria:
- Enrolled in an Residential program for the selected calendar (Calendar.calendarID matches enrollment.calendarID and calendar.type = R)
- Enrollment record has an Enrollment Type = 1: ISEP.
- Student has a valid birth date.
- Student has a Tribal Code not null or 999: Non-Tribal Member.
- Student is enrolled in a recognized BIE grade level of 01-12. The grade level should be mapped to a BIE Grade Mapping. If not, logic looks at the State and Local Grade level to determine if it matches a BIE Grade Mapping value.
- Student has a gender of Male or Female.
- Attendance marked present at afterschool and midnight bed checks at least one day for each of the dorm's three count weeks (see the Attendance Calculation section for more information).
Student enrollment records are considered Non-eligible if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Enrollment record has an Enrollment Type = null or any value other than 1: ISEP (System Administration > General > Enrollment > BIE Reporting > Enrollment Type).
- Student has a Tribal Code = null or 999: Non-Tribal Member.
- Student is in Kindergarten.
- Student's enrollment record start date is after the end of the first count week.
- Student's enrollment record end date is prior to the start of the third week count week.
- Students who were not present for both checks on at least one day of each of the three count weeks, with the exception of students with an attendance status of absent: exempt.
Student enrollment records are considered Exceptions when any of the following data inconsistencies are identified:
Students are listed in the Exceptions section of the report when their eligibility or non-eligibility requires further investigation. Students who are listed with Exceptions will also be listed in the Eligible or Non-Eligible section of the report.
- Student is enrolled in more than one Residential program. This can occur if a student terminates enrollment and then re-enrolls. (Exception Code: MultCal)
- Student has enrollment records in different grade levels within the same calendar. In most cases, a student should not be enrolled in two different grade levels at the same time. If this exception is identified the enrollment records are flagged for further investigation by the school and ERC. (Exception Code: MultGrade)
- Student has multiple enrollment records during the count weeks (i.e., the student left and came back during count weeks). It is possible that neither enrollment record would be eligible but combined enrollments would make the student eligible. (Exception Code: MultEnroll)
Attendance Calculations
Only calendars meeting the following criteria report data:
- Flagged as Residential.
- Does NOT have the Exclude checkbox marked.
- Does NOT have the Non-Instructional checkbox marked.
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Students must be present for both instructional periods for 1 or more days each count week to be considered eligible. This is calculated using the following logic:
- Count week start and end dates are determined for the calendar (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > ISEP Dates).
- Logic determines the number of instructional days a student was enrolled for the count week. Logic looks at the student's enrollment record start and end dates to determine if they were enrolled for all or a portion of count week. Instructional days are marked on the Days tab as School Day, Instructional and Attendance (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > School Day, Instructional, Attendance).
- Logic determines the number of distinct days the student is marked as Absent for one or both instructional periods for an instructional day within the date range. Absences marked as AEX: Absent Exempt or EREX: Early Release Exempt do not count as an absence.
- If the number of days the student was absent is greater than or equal to the number of instructional days enrolled, the student is considered ineligible for attendance.
If a student has multiple enrollment records included in the report, the calculation is made one time, using attendance from all enrollments:
- The count weeks are determined for each calendar; if the student is enrolled in more than one calendar (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > ISEP Dates), unique count weeks are determined. A unique week is any week with a unique start date/end date combination. If all calendars have the same count weeks, only 3 weeks are possible, but more weeks are possible if calendars do not all have the same count weeks.
- If a student is in attendance or has an absence with an Excuse code of Exempt for instructional periods in at least one day in at least 3 unique count weeks, the student will be counted as eligible for all enrollments used in the calculation. If the student is not present and does not have an absence with an Excuse code of Exempt for at least one day in at least 3 unique count weeks, the student will be counted as ineligible for all enrollments used in the calculation.
- When attendance for a student is calculated from multiple enrollments, each record for that student will report an asterisk next to the student’s name. At the bottom of the exceptions page at the end of the report, a note will read “Records marked with * next to a student’s name have had residential attendance eligibility calculated from multiple enrollments.”