Special Education State Reporting (Maine)

Tool Search: Special Ed State Reporting

The Special Education State Reporting tool allows users to store and manage student Special Education state reporting data. This tool removes the legal burden of having a Special Education team meeting to amend the setting for age-based changes, such as an early childhood student aging out.

See the core SPED State Reporting article for information on necessary tool rights and guidance on adding records.

Screenshot of the Special Education State Reporting List Screen.Special Education State Reporting List Screen

Districts may add district-defined elements to this tool using the Custom Attribute Dictionary and its related tools. All fields available on the Setting tool can be selected in Ad hoc Reporting for inclusion in queries.

The Start and End Dates of an assigned setting cannot overlap with the start and end dates of another setting. This means only one active setting can exist at any time for a given student. Plan Settings are NOT tied to Student Enrollment, School Calendar Records, or IEPs.

When the student's Setting has changed, select the existing setting from the list and enter an End Date, then click the Save button.

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Special Education State Reporting Detail Screen.Special Education State Reporting Detail Screen

Special Education State Reporting Detail Fields

The following fields display on the Special Education State Reporting Detail Screen.

Start Date

The first day of the student's setting record.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.startDate

End Date

The last day of the student's setting record.

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Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.endDate


The student's primary disability.

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Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.primaryDisability

Exit Reason

The reason the student exited the special education setting.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.exitReason


The location at which the student attends school.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.specialEdSetting

Alternate Assessment

Indicates the student is taking an alternate assessment for state reporting purposes.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.otherAccommodation