21st CCLC Summary of Classes (Arizona)

Tool Search: 21st CCLC Summary of Classes

The 21st CCLC Summary of Classes extract provides districts with a summary of 21st CCLC course information within a specific calendar.

Screenshot of the 21st CCLC Summary of Classes Reported editor. 21st CCLC Summary of Classes Report Editor

Report Logic

One record for each section in the selected calendar that has the 21st CCLC field populated on the course reports. Only active courses between the entered Start Date and End Date report. 

Screenshot of the Course Information editor with the 21st CCLC field highlighted. Course Editor - 21st CCLC Field

Note the following:

  • The section must be scheduled within the entered date range of the extract editor.
  • When the Start Date on the report is not populated, the date of July 1, 20XX is used as the default start date of the section in the selected calendar.
  • When the End Date on the report editor is not populated, the current date is used.

Courses are NOT included when:

  • They are marked as State Excluded.
  • They are inactive (the Active checkbox is not marked).

Report Editor

Start DateIndicates the first date to report active CCLC courses in the selected calendar.
End DateIndicates the last date to report active CCLC courses in the selected calendar.
FormatDetermines in what format the report generates - CSV or HTML.
Ad hoc FilterWhen chosen, only those courses included in the selected ad hoc filter are reported in the extract, when those students meet the requirements of the extract.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Calendars can be selected by the active year, by school name or by year.
Report GenerationThe extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the desired Start Date.
  2. Enter the desired End Date
  3. Select the report Format.
  4. If desired, select an Ad Hoc Filter.
  5. Select which calendar(s) to include in the report.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button or generate the extract at a specified time using the Submit to Batch button. The file appears in a new window in the selected format.

Screenshot of the HTML Format of the 21st CCLC Summary of Classes Report.21st CCLC Summary of Classes Report - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data Element



Class Name

Reports the Course Name, Teacher Last Name and Section number of the Course. 

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Schedule > Course > Course > Name


Schedule > Course > Section > Staff History


Schedule > Course > Section > Section ID


Instructor Name

Reports a comma delimited list of all staff members listed in the Staff History record of the section.

Names are reported in First Name, Last Name format. 

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Schedule > Course > Section > Staff History

Dates of class and total weeks to date

Reports the start date and end date of the section using the roster dates of the students in the section. The start date is the oldest roster start date and the end date is the newest roster end date. 

The number of weeks the course has been offered up to either the end date entered in the extract editor or the actual end date of the course reports when the course end date is prior to the extract editor end date. When either date is not populated, the term date is used instead.

For weeks, the number of weeks (Mon-Sun) starting from the start date of the course through the end date that is entered in the extract editor or the course end date when the course end date is prior to the extract editor end date is counted.

Dates are in mm/dd/yy format. 

Date field, 8 characters (mm/dd/yy) or 20 characters (mm/dd/yy - mm/dd/yy (x wks))

Schedule > Course > Section > Sections

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms

# of hours session is provided

Reports the average hours the section is provided per day for a full week of instruction, calculated as follows:

  1. The period minutes are SUMMED from each instructional day the section is offered within the start/end dates of the extract editor.
  2. The SUM is DIVIDED by the number of instructional days the section was offered within the start/end dates of the extract editor.
  3. That value is DIVIDED by 60. 
  4. That value is rounded to the second decimal place.

Numeric, 5 characters (XXX.XX)

Calculated value

Days of Week 

Reports the abbreviation for each day of the week into which the section is scheduled.

  • Monday - M
  • Tuesday - T
  • Wednesday - W
  • Thursday - Th
  • Friday - F

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Schedule > Course > Section > Sections

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods

Average Daily Attendance

Reports the average number of students who were present each day the section was offered, calculated as follows:

  1. Count the number of students who were present each day the section was offered from the start date of the section through the end date on the extract editor.
    • A student is considered present when they have positive minutes recorded for the course on the given day.
    • The start/end date of the section is determined by using the oldest roster start date and newest roster end date. When either date is null, the term dates are used.
    • When a section is in multiple periods, a student is only counted once for that section (versus once for each period in which the section meets).
  2. SUM the counts of each day.
  3. The SUM is DIVIDED by the number of days the section was offered from the start date of the section through the end date on the extract editor.
  4. This value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Numeric, XXX (3 characters)

Calculated value

Previous Versions

21st CCLC Summary of Classes (Arizona) [.2235 - .2251]