Student Award Fact Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Student Award Fact Template

The Student Award Fact Template reports one record per State Seal of Biliteracy/Bilingualism awarded during the school year selected in the tool bar. State Seal information is collected on the graduation tab. Students must have a Student State ID to report. State Excluded students, grade levels, and calendars do not report.

Screenshot of Student Award Fact Template Editor.Student Award Fact Template Editor

Report Logic

  • Students must have a Student State ID to report.
  • Reports one record per awarded State Seal of Bilingualism-Biliteracy per student during the school year.
    • Awarded Code must = 01 (NM State Seal of Bilingualism-Biliteracy) to report
    • Date Awarded must fall on/between July 1st to June 30th in the calendar year selected on the toolbar to report.
  • State Excluded students, grade levels, and calendars do NOT report.
  • Student's marked as No Show do not report.

Report Editor

Which students would you like to include in the report?

This option allows you to narrow your search results by using one of the following options.

  • Grade - Select a single grade or multiple grades (CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple).
  • Ad Hoc Filter - Select a filter to limit results to students included in the filter.
FormatThe format in which the report will generate. Options include State Format (CSV) and HTML.
School CalendarsThe calendars you want to include in the report.
Generate Extract/Submit to BatchThe report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

Report Layout

ElementLogicType, Format, and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
District CodeA three character district code.Numeric, 3 digitsDistrict.number District Information > State District Number
School Year DateReports YYYY-06-30 where YYYY is the end year for the school year selected on the tool bar.

Date field, 10 characters


Student ID The state-assigned identifier for the student.Alphanumeric, 12 charactersIdentity.stateIDIdentities > Student State ID
Award CodeThe language selected on the Graduation tab.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersGraduation.languageGraduation > Language
 Award Type

The Award Type selected on the Graduation tab.

Valid Values

  • TLC - Tribal Language Certification

  • CA - 4 units of Credit and an Assessment

  • CPP - 4 Units of Credit and an Alternative Process Portfolio

  • APP - Assessment and Alternative Process Portfolio

Alphanumeric, 20 charactersGraduationSeal.methodGraduation > Award Type
Award DateReports YYYY-06-30 where YYYY is the end year for the school year selected on the tool bar.

Date field, 10 characters