Back on Track (Michigan)

Tool Search: Back on Track

The Back on Track tool allows districts to track data for the Michigan Kids Back on Track grant-funded program. According to MCL 388.1623g(13), Michigan Kids Back on Track aims to support programs designed to: 

  • Address unfinished learning.
  • Get students to grade-level academic standards. 
  • Provide additional academic assistance to students who risk falling behind their peers. 
  • Help high school students prepare for postsecondary education. 

These programs can be provided before, during, after, or during the summer for grades pre-K to 12. Districts are encouraged to partner with community-based organizations in this work. 

Image of the Michigan Back on Track program tool.Back on Track Program Tool

Read - View Back on Track records.
Write - Edit existing Back on Track records.
Add - Add new Back on Track records.
Delete - Remove Back on Track records.

See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.

Screenshot of the Back on Track program information editor.Back on Track Program Information Editor

Add a Back on Track Record

  1. Click the New button. The Program Information editor displays.
  2. Enter the applicable information for the student.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished.
  • Records can overlap. The student may have multiple Back on Track records without an End Date.
  • Use the Federal/State Program Updater to import existing Back on Track student records or update records for multiple students. 

Program Information

Field Description
Start Date
Start date for the record.
End Date End date for the record.
Program Type

Type of Back on Track program.

Code Description
ELT Expanded Learning Time
ILS Intensive Individualized Support
LPT Locally Provided Tutoring
PLE Personalized Learning Environments
CP Career Pathways
WBLE Work Based Learning Experiences

Comments Additional information about the record.

Print Summary

Click the Print button to generate a report of the Back on Track records for the student.

Screenshot of an example Back on Track Summary.Back on Track Summary