Instruction Usage Report

Tool Search: Instruction Usage Report

The Digital Repository Instruction Usage Report helps you track and analyze the number and size of files stored in the Digital Repository by the Instruction service. The report includes a summary view of currently stored files. The File Count on the editor summarizes the number of files uploaded by staff and students.

The Report Options section allows you to group report results by User or File Type.

Screenshot of the Digital Repository Instruction Usage Report EditorDigital Repository Instruction Usage Report Editor

Generating the Report

To generate the report, select how the report should be grouped and sorted then click Generate Report to view the report in PDF format.

  • When grouped by User, the report groups Staff then Students. The file count and size are given for each user and totaled for each role.
  • When sorted by File Type, the report summarizes files by type of file, such as .doc or .txt.

Sample of the Instruction Usage Report, grouped by user. Instruction Usage Report, Grouped by User

Sample of the Instruction Usage Report, grouped by file type. Instruction Usage Report, Grouped by File Type