Section Placement Upload (Montana)

Tool Search: MT Data Upload

The Section Placement Upload allows districts to import section schedule placement information. The import uses student and section validation to import data. Acceptable import formats are .TXT and .TSV. This import allows for the creation of new records and updating existing records with a Primary Key match. See the MT Data Upload article for more information about this tool.

See the Section Placement Extract article for information on the matching report for this import.

Import Records

See the Uploading Files section of the MT Data Upload article for detailed information about importing records via the MT Data Upload tool.

The Retrieve New Student State ID File option is only relevant to Student Demographic uploads. Please ignore this option when uploading staff data.

Upload Logic 

This report can run against a district’s active year as well as any prior year and in both District Edition and State Edition against District Edition data.

Section schedule placement data is compared to existing data to determine when to create a new record. Section placement data CANNOT be imported for existing courses. Data must match exactly on the following to import successfully:

  • District Number
  • School Number
  • Calendar Number
  • Course Number
  • Section Code

When a section in the file already has a schedule placement in Campus, it is not imported twice (data is NOT overwritten). Import matches with a term in the primary term schedule structure first. When there is no match, the import attempts to match the name from any other term schedule to import.

Upload Layout

Header Layout

Data ElementDescription
Record TypeThe abbreviation for the type of file generated. This reports as HD.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters (HD)
DateThe most recent date a change was made on the file or the date the file was generated.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
TimeThe most recent time a change was made on the file or the date the file was generated.

Time field, 8 characters (HH:MM:SS)
VersionThe most current version of the file interface specification and references to the application system. This field reports as MT9.1.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters (MT9.1)

Upload Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Record TypeThe abbreviation for the type of file generated. This reports as SP.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters (SP)
District NumberThe unique identifier assigned to the district by the OPI.

String, 4 characters
District Information > State District Number

School Number The unique identifier assigned to the school by the OPI.

String, 4 characters
School Information > State School Number

Calendar NumberThe unique calendar identifier.

String, 4 characters
Calendar > Number

Course NumberThe number assigned to the course.

String, 13 characters
Course > Course Number

Section CodeThe section number assigned to the section.

String, 4 digits
Section > Section Number

TermThe name of the term. 

String, 10 characters

Section Schedule Placement > Grading Periods

Calendar > Term Detail > Name, sequence
Period ScheduleThe name of the period schedule.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Calendar > Periods > Period Schedule Info > Name
PeriodThe name of the period.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Section Schedule Placement > Period

Calendar > Periods > Period Info > Name

YearThe end year for assignment.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)
Calendar > School Year
