Tool Search: Enrollments
This article highlights the Enrollment fields that are specific to the state of New Jersey. See the core Enrollments article for general enrollment information including necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Enrollments are first sorted by grade level, then by the enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date, or End Date.
Enrollment Editor
General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information editor identifies the calendar, schedule, grade, start /end date, and reason for the creation or ending of the enrollment record.
General Enrollment Information Fields
The following table describes each field within the General Enrollment Information editor:
Code | Description | Location |
Calendar | The calendar assigned to the enrollment record. | Enrollment.calendarID |
Schedule | The schedule assigned to the enrollment record. | Enrollment.structureID |
Grade Required | The student's grade level. | Enrollment.grade |
Class Rank Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from being included in class rank calculations. | Enrollment.classRankExclude |
External LMS Exclude | When marked, the enrollment is not included in shared Campus data with an external learning management system. | Enrollment.externalLMSExclude |
Start Date Required | The start date of the enrollment record. | Enrollment.startDate |
No Show | Indicates the student was a no show. This field will often exclude the enrollment record from being included in state reports. | Enrollment.noShow |
End Date | The end date of the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endDate |
End Action | Indicates whether the student was promoted, demoted or retained following the end of the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endAction |
Service Type Required | Indicates the type of service the student receives. | Enrollment.serviceType |
Local Start Status | Indicates the reason for starting a new enrollment record. | Enrollment.localStartStatusID |
Local End Status | Indicates the reason for ending the enrollment record. | Enrollment.localEndStatusID |
State Start Status | Displays the state start status mapped to the assigned local start status. | Enrollment.startStatus |
State End Status | Displays the state end status mapped to the assigned local end status. | Enrollment.endStatus |
Start Comments | Comments about creating the enrollment record. | Enrollment.startComments |
End Comments | Comments about ending the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endComments |
State Reporting Fields
The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting.
New Jersey State Reporting Fields Enrollment Editor
Homeless information can be entered on the Program Participation Homeless tool.
State Reporting Field Options
Field | Description | Location |
State Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from being included in state and federal reports. | Enrollment.stateExclude |
Program Type | Reports the primary program of instruction for the student. | EnrollmentNJ.program Type |
Percent Enrolled | Reports the student's total enrollment by percentage. | Enrollment.fte |
District Entry Date | The date on which the student enrolled in the district. | Enrollment. districtEntryDate |
School Entry Date | The date on which the student enrolled in the school. | Enrollment. schoolEntryDate |
Resident County Required | The New Jersey county in which the student resides. | EnrollmentNJ. residentCount |
Resident District | The district in which the student resides. | EnrollmentNJ. residentDistrict |
Resident Municipal | The resident municipality of the student. | EnrollmentNJ. residentMunicipal |
Resident School | The unique school code the student would attend based on the permanent or other home address. | EnrollmentNJ. residentSchool |
Serving District Required | The district in which the student is provided education services. | Enrollment. servingDistrict |
In District Placement | Indication of when a student is attending a school that is not their resident school within their resident district. | Enrollment.inDistrictPlacement |
Attending County Required | The code of the county in which the student is attending school. | EnrollmentNJ. attendingCounty |
Attending District | The code of the district in which the student is attending school. | EnrollmentNJ. attendingDistrict |
Attending School | The code of the school the student is attending. | EnrollmentNJ. attendingSchool |
Receiving County Required | The code of the county in which the student is received in a sending/receiving relationship. | EnrollmentNJ. receivingCounty |
Receiving District | The code of the receiving district of the student in a sending/receiving relationship. | EnrollmentNJ. receivingDistrict |
Receiving School | The code of the receiving school of the student in a sending/receiving relationship. | EnrollmentNJ. recevingSchool |
Tuition Code | Code indicating description of how tuition is paid. | EnrollmentNJ. tuitionCode |
Alternative Program | Indicates that the student is enrolled in an alternative education program. | EnrollmentNJ.alternativeprogram |
Gifted and Talented | Indicates that the student is participating in and served by a Gifted/Talented program | Enrollment.giftedTalented |
Health Coverage | Indicates whether the student has health insurance coverage. | EnrollmentNJ.healthCoverage |
Health Insurance Provider | The name of the heath insurance provider of the student. | EnrollmentNJ.healthInsurance Provider |
8 Tech Literacy | Indicates whether the student has met the eighth grade criteria of technological proficiency. | EnrollmentNJ.8TechLiteracy |
Migrant | Indicates if the student is eligible for migrant education services. | Enrollment.Migrant |
Supplemental Ed Services | Indicates the student is receiving supplemental educational services at a designated school. Value reports the State School Number. | EnrollmentNJ.supplemental EdServices |
Section 504 | Indicates if the student is participating in a 504 Plan program. | Enrollment.section504 |
Home Schooled | Indicates whether the student is home schooled. | Enrollment.homeschooled |
Homebound | Indicates whether the student is considered to be homebound. | Enrollment.homebound |
Immigrant | Indicates the student's immigrant status. | Enrollment.immigrant |
Shared Time | Indicates if the student is full time or shared time. | Enrollment.sharedTime |
Title 1 Language Arts | Indicates the student receives Title 1 programming in Language Arts. | EnrollmentNJ.title1Language |
Title 1 Math | Indicates the student receives Title 1 programming in Math. | EnrollmentNJ.title1Math |
Title 1 Science | Indicates the student receives Title 1 programming in Science. | EnrollmentNJ.title1Science |
Title 1 Spanish Math | Indicates the student receives Title 1 programming in Spanish Math. | EnrollmentNJ.title1SpanishMath |
Title 1 Biology | Indicates the student receives Title 1 programming in Biology. | EnrollmentNJ.title1Biology |
Early Intervention | Indicates if the preschool student is receiving Part C Early Intervention Services at the time of referral. | EnrollmentNJ.earlyIntervention |
Military | Indicates if the student's parent/guardian is a member of the US Military. | Enrollment.militaryConnectedStatus |
Bridge Year | Indicates whether the student plans to or is currently participating in the Bridge Year Pilot Program. | Enrollment.bridgeYear |
Assessment Reporting Fields
The Assessment Reporting Fields editor contains data elements required for documenting certain student assessments, accommodations, and exemptions.
Assessment Reporting Fields Editor
Assessment Reporting Fields
Field | Description | Location |
Access Skills - Science | Indicates the student has taken the Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA) to measure progress towards science achievement. | EnrollmentNJ.accessSkillsScience |
Access Skills - Math | Indicates the student has taken the Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA) to measure progress towards math achievement. | EnrollmentNJ.accessSkillsMath |
Access Skills - Language Arts | Indicates the student has taken the Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA) to measure progress towards language arts achievement. | EnrollmentNJ.accessSkillsLanguageArts |
Access Skills - Other | Indicates the student has taken the Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA) to measure progress towards another achievement. | EnrollmentNJ.accessSkillsOther |
Accommodations - Setting | Indicates the student has been identified as SE or Section 504 to have setting accommodations for the administration of state assessments. | EnrollmentNJ.accommodationsSetting |
Accommodations - Scheduling | Indicates the student has been identified as SE or Section 504 to have scheduling accommodations for the administration of state assessments. | EnrollmentNJ.accommodationsScheduling |
Accommodations - Test Materials | Indicates the student has been identified as SE or Section 504 to have test materials accommodations for the administration of state assessments. | EnrollmentNJ.accommodationsTestMaterials |
Accommodations - Test Procedures | Indicates the student has been identified as SE or Section 504 to have test procedures accommodations for the administration of state assessments. | EnrollmentNJ.accommodationsTestProcedures |
Exempt Taking Math | Indicates the student is exempt from taking the Math assessment. | EnrollmentNJ.exemptTakingMath |
Exempt Taking LAL | Indicates the student is exempt from taking the LAL assessment. | EnrollmentNJ.exemptTakingLAL |
Exempt Taking LAL (LEP) | Indicates the student is exempt from taking the LAL LEP assessment. | EnrollmentNJ.exemptTakingLAL |
Exempt Passing Math | Indicates the student is exempt from passing the Math assessment. | EnrollmentNJ.PassingMath |
Exempt Passing LAL | Indicates the student is exempt from passing the LAL assessment. | EnrollmentNJ.exemptPassingLAL |
Exempt Taking Biology | Indicates the student is exempt from taking the EOC Biology assessment. The student must be considered Special Education in order to have an IEP Exemption. | EnrollmentNJ.exemptTakingBiology |
Biology Course | Code designates into which Biology course the student was enrolled at any time during the current school year. | EnrollmentNJ.biologyCourse |
Biology Schedule | Designates the scheduling configuration of the Biology course into which the student was enrolled during the current school year. Options are as follows:
| EnrollmentNJ.biologySchedule |
Out of District Placement | Indicates the student has been placed outside of the district for services. | EnrollmentNJ.outOfDistrictPlacement |
Out of Residence Placement | Indicates the student has been placed outside of the resident for services. | EnrollmentNJ.outOfResidencePlacement |
Federal HS Math Testing Req | Indicates if the student is registered for or took Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or an assessment that meets the federal requirements. | EnrollmentNJ.federalMathReqAlegebra |
The ASSA Reporting Fields were deprecated effective the 2022-2023 school year, with the exception of 'Alternative Program'. This field is now located on the State Reporting Fields editor (see above).
The ASSA Reporting Fields were deprecated effective the 2022-2023 school year, with the exception of 'Alternative Program'. This field is now located on the State Reporting Fields editor (see above).