Transportation Summary Report

Tool Search: Transportation Summary Report

The Transportation Summary Report prints bus or parking detail information for students who match the selected criteria. Students are included if there is transportation information and an active enrollment record as of the entered Transportation Enrollment Effective Date. 

Screenshot of Transportation Summary Report tool.Transportation Summary Report

Report Logic

This report pulls data as entered for the selected criteria on the student's Transportation tool. The user determines if Bus Information or Parking Information is reported.

Report Editor

The following information defines the available options on the Transportation Summary Report.

Transportation Data

Parking and bus information is stored on the student's Transportation tool. Select the appropriate information to include on this report. Bus and Parking information is generated in separate reports. All fields for a type of transportation are automatically selected. Remove the selection of fields as needed.

Student Selection

Students are selected by either a Grade Level or an Ad hoc Filter. Users are also required to enter a Transportation Effective Date which limits the students to those who have transportation records as of the entered date. This date is defaulted to the current date and can be modified by entering a new date in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.

Sort Options

This report can be printed in Student order (alphabetical by last name) or in Grade Level order (lowest grade in calendar prints first). Determine the appropriate option.

Report FormatThe report is generated in PDF or DOCX format.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the appropriate Bus Information or Parking Information to include on the report. Remove the selection of those items within the Bus or Parking detail that should not be included on the report. 
  2. Select the students to include on the report by selecting Grade levels or an Ad hoc Filter.
  3. Enter a Transportation Effective Date in mmddyy format.
  4. Select how the report should be sorted - by Student or by Grade level.
  5. Select the desired Report Format - PDF or DOCX.
  6. Click the Generate Report button.

Screenshot of Transportation summary report example