MN v3.3 - Ed-Fi Configuration Tool - Set Resource Preferences

 The information on this page is only for Minnesota Districts using Ed-Fi version 3.3.

Resource Preferences determine which information is sent to Ed-Fi. These options apply to all schools within the district. If the state did not request a resource, it does not appear in this list, meaning different options may be available for different states. Some mapping screens may be 'read only' if specific business rules are required by your state.

Screenshot of the Ed-Fi Resource Preferences tool.Ed-Fi Resource Preferences

Tool Rights

In order to modify and configure Ed-Fi Resource Preferences, you must have at least R(ead) and W(rite) tool rights values.

Screenshot of the Ed-Fi Configuration Tool Rights editor.
Ed-Fi Configuration Tool Rights


Setting Resource Preferencs

Resource Preferences determine which information is sent to Ed-Fi. 

Resource Preferences can be imported or set manually. The information below details how to manually set the Resource Preferences for Minnesota. For information on importing mappings, please see the Import Mappings section of the Core Ed-Fi Resource Preferences article.

For each resource, choose Edit or Configure to map items like Scores or Grade Levels to an Ed-Fi Code. These items are called Descriptors.

  • Configure displays when preferences have not previously been saved. 
  • Edit displays when preferences have already been set and saved. 

Resources can be expanded by clicking the plus sign or collapsed by clicking the minus sign.

Screenshot of Resource Preferences Expand and Collapse Options.

Resources should be toggled off until all data setup is complete and the district is ready to send data to Ed-Fi.

  1. Select the Resource Preferences button.
    Screenshot of the Resource Preferences button.Resource Preferences
  2. Click the Edit or Configure button to modify the resource preferences. Configure displays if preferences have not previously been saved. Edit displays when preferences have already been set and saved. Resources can be expanded by clicking the "+" sign or collapsed by clicking the " - " sign.

    If the Configure or Edit button do not display, then the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off.

  3. Select a link below to view how to set the Resource Preferences. Note that some attributes that need to be reported to Ed-Fi are hidden. If a district wishes to map and report these attributes, then the attributes need to be un-hidden from the Custom Attribute Dictionary.
  4. If needed, turn the resource preference to ON.