District Assignments (Massachusetts)

Tool Search: District Assignments

The District Assignments toolcontains a series of checkboxes that determine, in addition to the appropriate tool rights, what access a user has to certain areas of the product. This tool also contains fields that report data within SIF.

The following table defines what tools are affected when these checkboxes are selected (and what subsequent tool rights should be assigned).

These checkboxes are used by other areas of the product (e.g., My Data, Emergency Messenger, Ad hoc Reporting) to differentiate between types of staff members.

In addition to the selections made on the District Assignment tab, appropriate tool rights need to be assigned. 

Screenshot of District Assignments tool.District Assignments



Affected Area

October 1 FTE OverrideThis field allows MA-districts to properly report a snapshot of FTE data for a district assignment at the October 1 reporting date. The value entered in this field overrides the FTE of Assignment field in District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information.SIF reporting.

This data can be reported via Ad Hoc:
  • Census/Staff > Person > Staff > Assignment > override1
EOY FTE OverrideThis field allows MA-districts to properly report a snapshot of FTE data for a district assignment at the end of the school year. The value entered in this field overrides the FTE of Assignment field in District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information.SIF reporting.

This data can be reported via Ad Hoc:
  • Census/Staff > Person > Staff > Assignment > override2


Selecting the Teacher checkbox makes the staff member’s name available in the Teacher dropdown lists on the Staff History tool.

Course > Section > Staff History

Special Education

Selecting the Special Education checkbox makes the staff member’s name appear in the Special Ed Staff dropdown list on the student’s Team Members tool when adding new team members.

Special Ed > Team Members


There is no logic tied to this checkbox.


Behavior Admin

Selecting the Behavior Admin checkbox makes the staff member’s name appear in the Behavior Admin Staff dropdown list on the student’s Behavior tool when adding new behavior events and on the Behavior Management Resolution editor.

It is also used to display the staff person's name in the Notify list on the Behavior Referral tool.

Behavior, Behavior Management > Incidents > Resolutions

Behavior > Behavior Referral > Incident Detail Information > Notify


Selecting the Health checkbox allows the staff member’s name to appear in the Administered By dropdown list on the student’s Health Office Visits tool when adding new health events.

Health > Health Office Visits

Behavior Response Approver

When marked, the staff person can be selected in the Behavior Response Approver dropdown list on the Response editor.

Behavior Management > Incidents > Response Editor


Selecting the Advisor checkbox allows the staff member’s name to appear in the Advisor dropdown list on the student’s Team Members tool when adding team members for PLP purposes.

PLP > Team


Selecting the Supervisor checkbox indicates the person is considered a supervisor at the school or district and will display a Supervisor dropdown on the District Assignment tool. Once this checkbox is chosen for anyone at the school, the Supervisor dropdown will appear on all staff member’s District Assignment tool.

 District Assignments


Selecting the Counselor checkbox places the staff member’s name in the Counselor dropdown list on the Fill Counselor Wizard in Scheduling.

Scheduling > Fill Counselor

Food Service

There is no logic tied to this checkbox. However, staff members can still be marked accordingly and information can be pulled in Ad hoc Filter Designer if needed.


Exclude Behavior 

Eliminates that user’s name from the Submitted By dropdown list on the Incident Detail editor.


Behavior Management > Incident > Incident Detail > Submitted By

Self Service Approver

The Self Service Approver checkbox indicates that staff member has the ability to approve or deny requests entered by co-workers using the My Data feature in Census and should receive notifications of those requests in their Process Inbox. The staff member with this checkbox requires additional tool rights to the Request Processor feature.

This selection only turns on/off the notification of requests through the Process Inbox.

In addition to this checkbox, those staff members who will be responsible for approving staff member's My Data requests will also need tool rights to the Request Processor.

Census > Staff Request Processor

FRAM Processor

Indicates the staff member is a designated FRAM Processor and has the ability, depending on assigned tool rights, to process Meal Benefits Applications via the Household Applications or Online Applications tools.
FRAM Processors must be given tool rights to the Household Applications and Online Applications tools in order to properly process free/reduced applications.
Any staff member designated as a FRAM Processor will receive a Process Inbox Message indicating an Online Meal Benefits Application has been submitted.

FRAM > Household Applications > Online Applications

Primary District AssignmentThe person's primary assignment within the district.This field reports data in the SIF StaffAssignment object.
Primary Teaching AreaThe person's primary teaching area.This field reports data in the SIF StaffAssignment object.
ExcludeMarks the assignment record for exclusion in reporting.This data can be reported via Ad Hoc:
  • Census/Staff > Person > Staff > Assignment > exclude

Parapro QualificationThe person's Parapro qualification.This field reports data in the SIF StaffAssignment object.
Staff Actual AttendanceThe cumulative number of days a staff member has been present in the district.This field reports data in the SIF StaffAssignment object.
Staff Expected AttendanceThe cumulative number of days a staff member was expected to be present in the district.This field reports data in the SIF StaffAssignment object.
Beginning EducatorIndicates if the staff member is in their first year of experience in their primary job classification.This field reports data in the SIF StaffAssignment object.
Beginning Educator Mentor MEPIDIndicates the staff member is a Beginning Educator mentor.
This field is only available if the Beginning Educator field is set to 'Yes'