

21st CCLC

21st Century Community Learning Centers; programming that supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools.



Average Daily Attendance; calculation of a student's attended time divided by the student's scheduled time.


Average Daily Membership; calculation of a student's membership days multiplied by their percent of enrollment.


In Minnesota, Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services; provides instruction to assist students who need additional academic or behavioral support to succeed in the general education environment.

Advanced Placement

A program of classes developed by the college board to give high school students an introduction to college-level classes and also gain college credit before even graduating high school. Often abbreviated as AP.


The Advisory tool collects student performance information to help teachers see at a glance areas of improvement. The opening view totals missing and late assignment, non-passing grades, and GRAD score (if available). Click a student to view student details, a to do list, in-progress grades and attendance.


Part of Data Interchange Services (DIS) that allows data to transfer and synchronize between separate instances of Campus and/or between Campus and a non-Campus (SIF) system.

Alternate Course Requests

Course requests that are manually placed on a student's schedule when other course requests could not be fulfilled. These are placed AFTER required and elected course requests.


Application Programming Interface; a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries related to the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow, etc.

Assignment Marks

A set of Assignment Marks is a list of customized score options created by a teacher or school. Each score is assigned a percent threshold. Using marks, teachers can score assignment with whatever numbers, letter, or symbols they choose and the Grade Book converts the score to a percentage for use in grade calculation.

Attendance Day

A Calendar Day Type that indicates attendance records are required to be entered for the day. For more information, see this article.

Auto-Populated Fields

Also referred to as Pre-Populated Fields, these are fields that automatically populate data from existing records, reducing the amount of duplicate data users need to enter. For example, on the Student Transcript, entering a Course Number automatically populates the Course Name, GPA Weight and several other fields.


Behavior Incident

A group of behavior events linked by time and proximity that may or may not include the same participants.


Bureau of Indian Education; a division of the U.S. Department of the Interior under the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. The BIE services approximately 46,000 Native American students.

Blended Learning

An approach to education that combines online educational materials and online interaction with traditional classroom methods of instruction.



California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System; California's data system used to maintain individual-level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessments, staff assignments, and other data for state and federal reporting.


Campus Attribute Standard

A core set of attribute and dictionary values which are applied to the local database to add, replace, rename and correct inconsistencies found throughout existing attribute and dictionary values.

Campus Learning

A premium LMS (Learning Management System) offering that includes more advanced tools for teachers, such as expanded curriculum options and additional tools for standards-based classrooms. Campus Learning also supports connections to Digital Learning Partners through the OneRoster API.

Campus Version

The version of the Infinite Campus software that your district is currently using. The version is expressed as four digits, the last two digits of the year and the week of the year. For example, the 2116 version was released in the 16th week of 2021 (April 12, 2021). Find the version your district is using on your login screen under the orange Student Information System banner.

Canned Comments

Pre-written comments provided by the school or district for teachers to include when posting term grades, that can then be included on report cards.

Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange


Created by IMS Global, Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange is a data standard that facilitates sharing proficiency standards between certified programs.


Used throughout Campus to group related items, like a group of assignments, a type of inventory item, an area of responsibility for a staff person, or a set of fields to filter report results.


Campus Digital Repository; a storage area for files utilized within Campus. The repository is used for documents attached to students and persons within Campus and stores files attached to assignments.


In Michigan, Center for Educational Performance and Information; manages the Michigan Education Information System (MEIS), the data collection and reporting system used by school districts to submit data to the state and by CEPI to combine, store, and report that data.

CF Identifier

A unique identifier assigned to each standard and standard group in a CASE competency framework.

Chronic Absenteeism

The federal definition of chronically absent is defined as a student being marked absent for any non-instruction reason, for 10% or more of school days during the year. This can only be calculated for students who have been enrolled for a minimum of 10 days.

CIP Codes

Classification of Instructional Programs; a taxonomic coding scheme used for instructional programs in higher education in the United States to facilitate the organization, collection, and reporting of fields of study and program completions for graduation and academic programs.

Composite Grading

Composite Grading is established in the Grade Calc Options for a section and indicates that a task grade should be calculated from multiple other tasks, as well as the weight of each task. For example, a Semester grade may be calculated as the composite of Quarter 1 and Quarter 2.


Civil Rights Data Collection; a biennial survey of public schools required by the Office of Civil Rights that collects data on leading civil rights indicators related to access and barriers to educational opportunity at the early childhood through grade 12 levels.

Cross-Site Enrollment

Cross-Site Enrollment

Cross-Site Enrollment enables students to take a class at another school within the district or state that is not offered at their local school or doesn't fit their schedule. This sharing of students and course offerings streamlines the setup needed by the district and participating schools, including configuration, course mapping, enrollment, scheduling, attendance recording, grade reporting, and messaging.

Cross-Site Enrollment Accepting

This is a course or course section that has been offered by one school for students at another school to take. For example, High School A has an Auto Mechanics course that is offered to students at High School B. High School B has accepted this course and students enrolled in High School B can take that Auto Mechanics course

Cross-Site Home School

Used in Cross-Site Enrollment, refers to the school where the student is currently enrolled for most of their classes. This can be thought of as the Resident School or the school the student attends based on their address (for the most part) and attendance boundaries.

Cross-Site Offering

This is a course or course section that is taught at one school that students from another school can take. For example, High School A has an Auto Mechanics course. High School B has a General Shop course. Each of these schools offers a certain number of seats to the other school. For Auto Mechanics, High School A is offering the course to students in High School B.

Cross-Site Serving School

Used in Cross-Site Enrollment, refers to the school where the services, programs or courses for a student are provided. The student is still enrolled in their Resident/Home School for a majority of their courses, but may also have a secondary/partial enrollment to another school. For example, a student enrolled in High School A for 6 of their 7 periods takes a course at High School B for 1 of their 7 periods because that course is not available at their home school.


Content Security Policy; an additional security directive that is added to the HTTP headers of all Campus pages. These policies mostly involve specifying server origins and script endpoints, bolstering system security, especially against cross-site scripting attacks (XSS).


Comma Separated Value; a plain text file that can contain numbers and letters only, and where the strcuture of the data contained within them is in a tabular form, using commas as delimiters.


Career and Technical Education; formerly known as Vocational Education, refers to schools, institutions, and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation.

Cumulative Grading

Cumulative Grading allows a teacher to set a starting term for calculating grades across multiple terms. This option is established in Grade Calc Options.


In Campus, available curriculum items include Assignment, which are scored, Resources, which have all the features of assignments but are not scored, and Folders, which are used to organize assignment, resources, and other folders into a hierarchy. Resources and Folders require a Campus Learning license and the Enhanced Curriculum tool right.

Custom Attributes

Fields created at the district/state level for storing localized information not otherwise tracked by an existing Campus field. Custom fields can be created for certain, customizable areas of Campus or for a district/state-created Custom tool.

Custom Forms

Documents that can be attached to a student.

Custom Module

An organizational area that can be created to store Custom Forms.



A collection of filters or views that display commonly referenced items.

Data Access Rights

Rights that specify how certain data objects may be exchanged for each agent in a zone.

Data Mart

A collection of various data records used to satisfy a specific reporting need. Data stored in a data mart is static and does not reflect real-time changes.

Data Pipeline

In Colorado, the state's approach to move required education information from school districts to the Department of Education.

Data Warehouse

A read-only database that allows optimized access to data for reporting and analysis purposes.

Deactivated Elements

Fields that are no longer used in Campus, but are kept for historical reporting purposes.

Decaying Average

A method of calculating grades by determining the average of all scores entered, but with more recent scores weighted more heavily. This option can be selected in the Grade Calc Options tool.

Digital Learning Application Configuration

Allows configuration of OneRoster and LTI connections. OneRoster connections receive imported scores from partner programs and LTI connections link individual assignments with external learning tools.


In Minnesota, Disciplinary Incident Reporting System.


A threaded conversation started by a teacher and responded to by students through Campus Student. Discussions may be aligned to assignments and therefore scored, aligned to resources and not scored, or created without curriculum in the Discussions tool.


Digital Learning Partner; an educational software program certified in the OneRoster and/or LTI specification and part of the Infinite Campus Partner Program. Districts can connect to partner programs and share roster, assignment, and score data.


The Minnesota Direct Post Secondary Admission program is a free pilot program to promote college application and attendance for high school seniors graduating in 2023. It will provide students with the opportunity to bypass the traditional admissions process and receive direct admissions to participating colleges and universities.



A data interchange standard and framework created by the Dell Foundation to allow K-12 educational institutions to consolidate and analyze data, and communicate this data with each other.

Ed-Fi Descriptors

Data model elements used to categorize data for Ed-Fi reporting.

Ed-Fi Resources

Ed-Fi resources are compositions of entities, attributes, and associations which contain similar data that is sent to Ed-Fi.


Education Data Exchange Network; a Federal level tool for reporting/submission file to the USDOE.

Effective Date

Used throughout the product as a determining start date, often for logic in state and core reports. It could be related to when a student's enrollment starts or when a course begins, or when calculations start.


In Tennessee, Education Information System.


English Learner; previously called LEP (Limited English Proficient). A student who comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual's level of English language proficiency.

Elected Course Requests

Course requests entered by school personnel or students, and is an indication the student would like to request a particular course. It is not the same as an elective course.

Emancipated Student

A student who has been granted the authority by a court to provide for themselves without parent/guardian influence.


In Ohio, the Education Management Information System.

Engagement Check-In

Tool that allows teachers to create and post check-ins to guage student well-being and engagement in their class and with curriculum. Teachers with the appropriate tool rights can create check-ins by clicking the smiley face icon in the Control Center.

Enhanced Curriculum

The name of the tool right that grants access to many teacher-related features included in Campus Learning, including curriculum options like Resources and Folders and advanced assignment options such as attaching content, adding tasks, discussions, quizzes, scoring rubrics, and score analysis.


Elementary and Secondary Education Act; established in 1965 to set aside Federal funds for public education.


Electronic Signature; allows the appropriate people to electronically sign documents and forms (e.g, IEPs, Activity Registration), with the same legal implications of a hand-written signature.


Electronic Transcripts; allows districts to submit student transcripts electronically (paperless) to colleges and universities.



Free and Appropriate Public Education; an educational program that is individualized to fit the specific needs of a child having a disability or qualifying for special education.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.


Free and Reduced Application Management; a set of tools available in Campus that allows for the processing of applications and approving federal meal service assistance for students.



Grade Point Average; an indication of academic achievement based on a value assigned to a letter grade the student receives for courses (usually semester or trimester grades).

Grade Book Sync

Also known as Grading Services Connections, this is a OneRoster connection that allows partner programs to sent assignment and score data to Campus.

Grade Calc Options

A tool that determines how grades are calculated based on assignment scores. These options can be set at the Course Master or Course level and pushed to the Section, or set by the teacher in the Grade Book Settings menu.

Grading Scale

Tool that converts In Progress percentages into letter grades by defining the range of percentages that earn each letter grade.

Grading Task

Usually named for a type of grade the student receives - Quarter Grade, Semester Grade, etc. Teachers post to these tasks on a reguarl basis for report cards, transcripts, or progress reports.

Grading Window

A period of time established by a school or district that determines when teachers can post scores for students for grading tasks and standards.


Half Day Absence

Used in attendance reporting to determine how many half days a student is considered absent. This calculation varies from state to state and district to district, and is based on the total number of minutes in a school day.


A designation of a group of people who live in the same dwelling place. A household may consist of guardians and students; it may be a group home or half-way house or juvenile detention center.


Health Office Visit; tooling allows schools to track the time and date when a student visited the health office, for how long and why.


In Maryland, the High School Data Collection.



In New Hampshire, the Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence.


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to students.


Individualized Education Program or Plan; a record of educational goals developed for students receiving services (like Special Education, for example) to ensure their educational goals are achieved.

Impact Aid

Program that provides funds to districts in areas where certain parcels of federal land (Tribal Land and Military Bases, for example) has been made exempt from local tax monies.

IMS Global

a learning consortium responsible for the creation of OneRoster, LTI, and CASE specifications, which Campus uses to connect and share data with partner programs.


Teachers can individualize an assignment by assigning it to only some students in a section, whether individually or by student group. With Campus Learning, teachers can also individualize assignment dates by student.


iNHDEX (Initiative for New Hampshire’s Data Exchange) is the Statewide Student Information System being deployed and phased into all New Hampshire public schools and districts over the next three years (2023-2025). The New Hampshire Department of Education plans for iNHDEX to eventually replace the existing i4see data collection system.

Instruction Day

A Calendar Day Type that indicates students are being taught in some way and in some location - either on school grounds or virtually.


Used in Cross-Site Enrollment. Inter is between two or more groups; in this instance the 'group' is two (or more) separate School Districts. It refers to students enrolled in one district attending school or specific courses in another district within the same state. For example, Central District has two high schools, A and B. North District has two high schools, C and D. Students enrolled at Central's high schools can take a course offered at North's high schools when both are appropriately enabled.



Used in Cross-Site Enrollment. Intra is within the same group; in this instance, the 'group' is one School District. It refers to students enrolled in a school in the district attending specific courses at a different school within the same district. For example, Central District has two high schools, A and B. Students enrolled in High School A can take a course at High School B if it is not offered at High School A, and vise versa.


In Iowa, the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress.


In Idaho, the Idaho Standards Achievement Test.


In Illinois, Illinois State Board of Education.


In Idaho, the Idaho System for Educational Excellence. Idaho's K-12 Longitudinal Data System, which supports data submission to the state DOE.


For BIE, Indian School Equalization Program. Serves as the primary funding source for elementary and secondary schools funded by the BIE.



An object-oriented language, which means all programs are made of entities representing concepts or physical things known as objects.


JavaScript Object Notation; an open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute value pairs and array data types.




In Kansas, the Kansas Individual Data on Students; used to collect student data through a variety of extracts.


In Ohio, the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment.



Lightweight Directory Access Protocol; a specification that defines communication policies for third party (external) authentication.

Learning Tools

In Campus, outside programs that provide learning materials or content. These tools can be accessed through the Learning Tools list, or teachers can create links between specific learning tools and individual assignments, depending on district setup.


Learning Management System; software used to create and manage educational materials, assign it to learners, and track their progress.

Local Enrollment End Code

Indicates districts use a different enrollment end status than what is used for state reporting. Districts can map the local enrollment codes to state codes, so the correct code is reported to the state.

Local Enrollment Start Code

Indicates districts use a different enrollment start status than what is used for state reporting. Districts can map the local enrollment codes to state codes, so the correct code is reported to the state.


Learning Tool Interoperability; allows districts to establish connections with other learning tool providers and integrate those tools with assignments.



In Minnesota, Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System.


In Minnesota, Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments.


In Maryland, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program.


In Minnesota, Minnesota Common Course Catalog.


A federal law that provides rights and services to children and youth experiencing homelessness.

Meal Status

Refers to the student receiving free, reduced or paid meals through the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. This may be called Eligibility or Socio-Economic Status.


In Missouri, Missouri Student Information System.


In Michigan, Michigan Student Data System.


In Minnesota, Minnesota Test of Academic Skills.


A value that determines how the assignment affects students' grades. For example, a 50 point assignment with a Multiplier of 2 counts as a 100 point assignment.



National Center for Education Statistics; collects and analyzes data related to education in the US. NCES data is part of Course Information to categorize courses into related subjects of learning that are often included in state reports.


National Records Exchange; allows student records to be exchanged among Campus districts across the nation. The National Router contains a registry of Campus districts that are participating in the NRE process of requesting and releasing student records across or within state boundaries.



In Oklahoma, Oklahoma Cost Accounting System.


Operational Data Store; provides a central database that houses a snapshot of the latest data from multiple transactional systems for operational reporting. In Campus, it is used in state reports and in EdFi for verifying/synchronizing of student data.


Online Registration; a customizable toolset in Campus that provides districts with the ability to manage the registration of new and returning students.


A set of specifications established by the IMS Global Learning Consortium that allows certified programs to share roster and assignment data. Infinite Campus created an API based on these specifications to allow other programs to request and send data with Campus.

Operational Keys

Used in California as a set of fields that identify the record(s) via batch to be processed depending on the type of processing associated with the record type. These keys are often student identification numbers or enrollment start date or the reporting school.

Outline Links

A shortcut to commonly used websites, like the district website or help desk, state Department of Education, reporting interfaces, health tools, etc., that districts can add to the index in Campus for quick access by staff.


Partial Enrollment

Indicates the student's enrollment is a part time enrollment record in the calendar, usually for a particular service or course. The student may also have a full time (primary) enrollment in another calendar. This is indicated in the Service Type field. Enrollments can also be Primary or Special Education.


Postsecondary Educational Standards Council; opensource data standards for exchange of student records, mostly for transcript information.


Personally Identifying Information; private or sensitive information that can be used to personally identify (or personally contact) an individual.


In Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Information Management System.


A section of the user interface that can be expanded or collapsed.


Refers to the Campus Student and Campus Parent apps, which allow students and parents to view information from Campus, including assignment, grades, and attendance. The data available on these Portals is controlled by school-level preferences.

Post Grades

The process of finalizing a grade for inclusion in report cards and transcripts. When the grading window is open, grades can be posted from the Grade Book or the Post Grades tool. This tool allows the teacher to post by task/standard or by student.


A grading task or standard is designated as Post-Only if it is only used to post grades to report cards and transcripts. Post-Only tasks and standards cannot have assignments aligned to them.

Power Law

Power law is a mathematical calculation that determines a student's proficiency on a standard based on the trend shown by the scores that student has earned. Campus calculates power law by converting rubric scores into numeric values and applying a standard power law formula to determine the trend of the student's proficiency.

Primary Address

Indicates the main address of a household and is deteremined by the Mailing checkbox being marked on an address. A household can have only one primary address; other addresses associated with that household are considered secondary.

Primary Enrollment

Indicates the student's enrollment is their only or main enrollment record in the calendar. This is indicated in the Service Type field. Enrollments can also be Partial or Special Education.

Progress Monitor

Allows teachers in standards-based classrooms to view students' proficiency at a glance and easily manage assignments across all standards in a section.

Protected Identities

Available on the Person Identity tool, Protected Identities refer to legal name fields that are perhaps different than the information that is available on a person's birth certificate. These fields begin with "Legal" and are populated when a person has changed their name at some point for whatever reason.


Post-Secondary Education Options; also referred to as Dual Enrollment Programs or State Approved Alternative Programs. This program allows high school students - usually juniors and seniors - to take courses at a local college in exchange for high school credit.


Rapid Scoring

A setting in the Multi-Score view that allows teachers to quickly enter scores using the Tab and Arrow keys on their keyboard. To access, expand an assignment in the Grade Book and click Multi-Score and then toggle Rapid Scoring on in the top right corner.



In Instruction: A short survey about a piece of curriculum used to track the effectiveness of curriculum over time. In Staff Evaluations: Comment fields in evaluations used to document performance.

Required Course Requests

Course Requests that are entered by school personnel (not the student). Course requests entered via the Request Wizard display as required requests, and students cannot modify required requests without staff intervention. It is not the same as a required course.

Reserved Name List

A list of fields users can use to map fields on a Custom Form to pull data from Campus.

Responsive Scheduling

Sometimes referred to as Flex Time, Intervention Programming, Enrichment Courses, etc. It allows schools to be more flexible when it comes to course offerings and meeting the needs of the student, whether that means more one on one time or advanced learning opportunities, or an option to take part in learning something new.


A calculation that determines the grade for a parent standard based on the scores a student has received for child standards without the teacher having to manually estimate the grade. Alternately, child standards can be selected to rollup to a grading task, with the rubric scores converted to numeric values and then into items in the score group selected for the task. This option is set in Grade Calc Options.

Roster Sync

A OneRoster connection with Roster Sync enabled allows partner programs to request section and roster data from Campus districts. Also referred to as OneRoster Provisioning.

Roster Verification

Allows teachers to certify the amount of time they spend with students in the context of a verification event.


A patch for release to fix critically urgent issues with delivery in an immediate time frame.



State-Approved Alternative Programs; schools designated by the state Department of Education that provide specific programs to improve student success.


Security Assertion Markup Language; a specification for multi-application authentication in an Identity Management model.

Scheduling Teams

Also referred to as Scheduling Groups, these are sets of students assigned to a specific cohort that are scheduled into the same or like courses for a set period of time.

Scheduling Units

The number of instructional course periods times the number of terms in the calendar. The top number represents how many units the student currently has requested, including the number already scheduled; the bottom number indicates how many total units can be scheduled for a complete course schedule.

School Day

A Calendar Day Type that indicates school is in session for the day.

School Month

School months break down the months within the school year into segments of time, most often used for state reporting. School Months can be created in one school calendar and copied to other school calendars using the Calendar Wizard. School Months may be referred to as Attendance Periods, Reporting Periods, or PMR Intervals.

School of Primary Responsibility

In Idaho state reporting, the School of Primary Responsibility is the school that receives funding for a student, compared to other schools where the student may have partial enrollments.

Score Analysis

A distribution of student scores on an assignment with the options to visually break down how each student scored. Additional question-level analysis is available for assignments with quizzes. Access Score Analysis from the graph icon when scoring an assignment or from the Grade Book Settings menu.

Score Group

Score Groups are aligned to grading tasks and are made up of the possible grades a student could receive for that task.

Score Passback

An assignment that is linked to a learning tool in an outside program where scores entered into that program are received into the Campus Grade Book.

Scoring Rubric

Allow teachers to communicate expectations for assignments with students and evaluate how well student work met those expectations using a grid to describe the criteria needed to meet each score threshold.

Scoring Submissions

A file or text that a student turns in for an assignment. Teachers allow submissions on individual assignments, based on what is enabled by their school.

Section 504

A plan for students that need accommodations but do not qualify for Special Education services.

Section Group

Allows a teacher to group similar sections together in a single grade book view. In comparison, Student Groups divide students into smaller learning groups within a section and can be used to individualize which students receive specific assignments.

Section Templates

Defines the meeting pattern of a course section for placement in a calendar that has a complex schedule structure - A/B/C Days, five day rotations, etc.


In Minnesota, State Education Record View and Submission.


In Michigan, School Infrastructure Database. In New Jersey, Student Identifiers.


School Interoperability Framework; a standard of data-sharing specifications used for data interchange amongst K12 applications.


In New York, Student Information Repository System.


In Vermont, Statewide Longitudinal Data System.


A method used for capturing specific data records. Data captured by a snapshot is static and represents the state of the data at a specific moment in time.


A key piece of data used to identify records in the OneRoster API.

Special Education Enrollment

Indicates the student's enrollment in a particular calendar is for special education services only. This is indicated in the Service Type field. Enrollments can also be Primary or Partial.


In NASIS schools, State Performance Plan Indicator.


Structured Query Language; a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system.


In Iowa, Student Reporting in Iowa.


Single-Sign On; a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications (such as Outlook and Infinite Campus).

Start and End Date Logic

Several areas in the product rely on start and end dates to determine when something is considered active - enrollment records, addresses, memberships, etc. Date logic is inclusive, meaning the entry is active until midnight of the entered date. After midnight (12:01am), the entry is no longer active. For example, when an address is ended for a household as of September 19, that address is considered active until midnight on September 19. At 12:01am on September 20, the new address becomes the active address, prints on reports and displays on the Summary page, in addition to other tools.

Student Group

Divides students into smaller learning groups within a section and can be used to individualize which students receive specific assignments. In comparison, Section Groups allow a teacher to group similar sections together in a single grade book view.

Student Questions

Allows students to ask teachers questions through Campus Student, which teachers respond to through the Control Center. Access Questions through the hand icon in the Control Center.


Report options available in the WYSIWYG editor of Campus' Message Builder and Letter Builder tools.


Also known as a Surplus Balance. Refers to any amount paid which exceeds the amount owed becomes a Surplus Balance in the Fees toolset.


Title I

Programming that provides federal funding for schools to help students who are behind academically or at risk of falling behind. Funding is based on the number of low income children in a school, generally those eligible for the free and reduced lunch program.

Transitional Kindergarten

In California, Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a program that offers children with late birthdays extra time and a developmentally appropriate curriculum to prepare them for entering kindergarten. Additional details about this program can be found on the California Department of Education website.


A version of a course schedule for a school that includes courses, course sections and class rosters. Trials are created when a calendar is rolled over from a previous year or when the Schedule Wizard is used to build out the Master Schedule for a school.

Two-Factor Authentication

Abbreviated as 2FA, this functionaly provides an increased layer of protecton, requiring users to authenticate their account with a unique QR code and Text Code using a device and an authenticator application (such as Google Authenticator, Authy, LastPass, etc).


Uncategorized Assignment

Every assignment in Campus requires a Category and a Grading Alignment to determine how a student's score affects their grade. Assignments received from an external program do not come with a category or grading alignment and are called Uncategorized Assignments.


Whole Day Absence

Used in attendance reporting to determine how many whole days a student is considered absent. This calculation varies from state to state and district to district, and is based on the total number of minutes in a school day.


Used throughout the product to quickly modify student information. Users need to access just one tool for changes needed for several students or courses, rather than manually accessing individual student records or course records. Some examples are Attendance Wizard, Census Wizard, and Schedule Wizard.


What You See Is What You Get; provides formatting options in any of Campus' Message Builder and Letter Builder tools.



Extensible Markup Language; a human readable document format that requires encoding and translation on either end of the communication spectrum.