Error Log (Ed-Fi)

Tool Search: Error Log

The Ed-Fi Error Log displays errors for Ed-Fi records that failed due to a Campus Error or an Ed-Fi error. Users can use this log to help identify potential errors in data setup or bugs in the Ed-Fi code. 

Screenshot of Ed-Fi Error Log, located in Reporting, Ed-Fi.Ed-Fi Error Log

Read - View the Error Log.
Write - Archive or retry error log entries.
Add - Provides no function for this tool.
Delete - Provides no function for this tool.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.


  • Ed-Fi functionality must be enabled via the Enable Ed-FI System Preferences tool.
  • In order to properly use Ed-Fi tools, proper values must be established within the Ed-Fi Config tool. This ensures Campus is communicating with Ed-Fi and successfully sending data to their servers.
  • All data set up must be completed for data to send.

Filter Error Log Entries

The Filter option in the Ed-Fi Error Log allows users to filter errors by Resource/Table Name, Error Type, Configuration, School, Calendar, Course, and/or Name. Only errors matching the filter criteria will display.

Screenshot of Filterers and Search within the Error Log.Error Log Filters

Reviewing Error Log Entries

Summaries of Error Log entries can be viewed by Resource/Table, Error Type, Person, School, Configuration, and Details. Details of a specific error can be viewed by clicking on the Error Log entry.

Screenshot of summaries of Ed-Fi Error Log entries.Error Log Summaries

Resource/TableLists the resource/Campus table in which the error occurred and number of errors per resource/table.
Error TypeLists the error type, resource in which the error occurred, and number of errors per error type.
PersonLists the persons name, person ID, and number of errors for each person.
SchoolLists the school name in which the error occurred and the number of errors per school.
ConfigurationLists the Ed-Fi configuration in which the error occurred and the number of errors for each configuration.
DetailsLists specific details about each error, including: Error ID, Timestamp, Data Source, Name, Resource Name,
Error Message, Configuration, Campus Table Name, Old Data, New Data, and Action.

Review Error Log Entries by Resource/ Campus Table  

The Resource/Table view allows users to review errors by resource and Campus table. This view lists the number of errors per resource and Campus table. Details of an error can be viewed by clicking on the Error Log entry.

Screenshot of Error Log entries being reviewed by resource and Campus Table.Error Log - Resource Name View

Screenshot of Error Log - Campus Table Name View.Error Log - Campus Table Name View

Review Error Log Entries by Error Type

The Error Type view allows users to review errors by the type of error that occurred. This view also lists the resource in which the error occurred and the number of errors for each type. Details of an error can be viewed by clicking on the Error Log entry.

Screenshot of Error Log - Error Type View.Error Log - Error Type View

Review Error Log Entries by Person

The Person view allows users to review errors by person name. This view also lists the personID and the number of errors for each person. Details of an error can be viewed by clicking on the Error Log entry.

Screenshot of Error Log -Person View.Error Log - Person View

Review Error Log Entries by School 

The School view allows users to review errors by school. This view also lists the number of errors for each school. Details of an error can be viewed by clicking on the Error Log entry.

Screenshot of Error Log - School View.Error Log - School View

Review Error Log Entries by Configuration 

The Configuration view allows users to review errors by the Ed-Fi configuration in which the error occurred. This number of errors for each configuration is also listed in this view. Details of an error can be viewed by clicking on the Error Log entry.

Screenshot of Error Log - Configuration View.Error Log - Configuration View

Review Details of Error Log Entries 

The Details view lists specific details about each error, including: Error ID, Timestamp, Data Source, Name, Resource Name, Error Message, Configuration, Campus Table Name, Old Data, New Data, and Action.

SCreenshot fo reviewing Error Log entires.Review Error Details

Error IDDisplays the Error ID for the record.
Error TimestampDisplays the Date and Time the error occurred.
Data SourceDisplays additional data about the record to know the data source of the error.
NameDisplays the name of the record that can be used in the Search tool.
Resource NameDisplays the name of the resource name that triggered the record to send to Ed-Fi.
Error Message

Displays the error message that was generated when the record failed.

  1. If Ed-Fi rejected the record, it will return an error message that states "Error code return from Ed-Fi.......".  It also returns the Json that was rejected.
  2. If the error message does not say "Error code return from Ed-Fi.......", this means it is a Campus error and does not display the Json. The Json does not get created until after it passes through Campus.
Configuration/Connection NameDisplays the name of the configuration from which the error was generated. 
Campus Table NameDisplays the name of the Campus table that triggered the record to send to Ed-Fi.
Old Data

Displays the data in the Campus table prior to the changes that triggered the record to be sent to Ed-Fi.

  1. Users can toggle the "Show/Hide audited data".
  2. When Show audited data is selected, the old data in the Campus table prior to the change being made that triggered the record is shown.
  3. When Hide audited data is selected, the old data in the Campus table prior to the change being made that triggered the record is shown.
New Data

Displays the data in the Campus table that changed to trigger the record to be sent to Ed-Fi.

  1. The user have a toggle command to "Show/Hide audited data"
  2. When Show audited data is selected, the new data in the Campus table that triggered the record is shown.
  3. When Hide audited data is selected, the new data in the Campus table that triggered the record is shown.
ActionDisplays the action of the record:  Insert (I), Update (U), Resync (R), or Delete (D).

Archive Entries

Users can also archive Error Log entries by selecting an Archive option. Once an error is archived, it will no longer appear in the Error Log, however, it will remain in the database.

Screenshot of Archive Error Log Entries.Archive Entries

Archive OptionDescription
Archive Selected EntriesOnly the selected (checkbox marked) entries are archived.
Archive All EntriesAll errors are archived.
Archive Filtered EntriesOnly the errors that are displayed using the filter option are archived.

Retry Entries

Users can retry errors by selecting an individual, group or to retry all error messages. When errors are triggers to retry, the Error Log sends the selected messages back to the Event Queue to reprocess. When a record is resent to process, it will be issued a new Error Log id if it errors again.

Screenshot of Retry Errors.Retry Errors

Retry OptionDescription
Retry Selected EntriesOnly the selected (checkbox marked) entries are retried.
Retry All EntriesAll errors are retried.
Retry Filtered EntriesOnly the errors that are displayed using the filter option are retried.

Export the Error Log

The Error Log Export allows you to generate a report in CSV format listing all errors which occurred in the specific school year, school(s), and Campus tables / Resources. The report exports based on the filter options selected. If an error cannot be associated to a specific school or scope year, it will appear on the report with 'Unknown' listed as the School Name. These records only report when 'All Schools is selected in the Report Options. The Columns in the report only display for the tables that are selected in the report options and only if there is an associated error with that table. If an error entry can be associated with more than one school, a record will appear for each of the schools selected in the report editor. 

 Users can only access schools for which they have calendar rights assigned.

Screenshot of Exporting Error Log entires.

Screenshot of Example of the Error Report.Example of the Error Report

CSV Report Data

Click here to expand...

The CSV will display the following data. The column names in BOLD always report regardless of error type or Campus table. The items not in bold only report if the data is available based on Ed-Fi resource type and Campus tables being reported.

Column NameBusiness RequirementData Source GUI Path
Error IDDisplays the Error ID for the record being Displayed.EdFiErrorLog.errorID
School NameDisplays the name of the school the record is associated
Calendar NameDisplays the name of the Calendar the record is associated
Ed-Fi IDDisplays the Ed-Fi ID of the person the error is associated with.person.edFiID
State IDDisplays the Student or Staff State ID of the person the error is associated with.person.stateID
Person IDDisplays the Person ID of the person the error is associated with.person.personID
First NameDisplays the First Name of the person the error is associated with.identity.firstname
Last NameDisplays the Last Name of the person the error is associated with.identity.lastname
Course NumberDisplays the Course Number the error is associated with.course.number
Course NameDisplays the Course Name the error is associated
Section NumberDisplays the Section Number the error is associated with.section.number
  1. If the table being reported has a date column it reports that date.
  2. If the table has start & end date/ the start date report.
  3. Does not report date from Custom table for non dated attirbutes.

Grading Task NameDisplays the name of the Grading Task the error is
Term NameDisplays the name of the Term the error is
  1. Displays the Attribute Display name if it is associated with a Campus Attribute.
  2. LEP & Program report from the LEP Service Type name or Program Name.
  3. Else, reports the name column from the table reported.

ActionDisplays the action of the record:  Insert, Update or Delete.EdFiErrorLog.actionType
Campus TableDisplays the name of the Campus table that triggered the record to send to Ed-Fi.EdFiErrorLog.campusTableName
Primary KeyShows the primary key for the record being reported.
Error MessageDisplays the error message that was generated when the record failed.



Campus TableColumns in CSVComments

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Attendance Unit

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Custom Course

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: This will display the Attribute Display Name.
Custom Section

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: This will display the Attribute Display Name.
Custom Student

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: This will display the Attribute Display Name.

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

If a day has multiple events, they are aggregated into 1 record. 

We cannot narrow down to what event caused the error so all events must be reviewed to resolve any errors.

EdFi Grading Period

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Grading Task Name

Term Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

A record will report for each school the Staff has a District Assignment in the School Year being reported. 

The Assignment end date must be NULL or  On/After 7/1/xxxx and start date must be On or Before 6/30xxxx.

Employment Assignment

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

The Assignment end date must be NULL or  On/After 7/1/xxxx and start date must be On or Before 6/30xxxx.

Employment Credential

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

A record will report for each school the Staff has a District Assignment in the School Year being reported. 

The Assignment end date must be NULL or  On/After 7/1/xxxx and start date must be On or Before 6/30xxxx.


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

The date will post from the Enrollment Start date.

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

The date will post from the Enrollment Start date.

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

The date will post from the Evaluation Date.
Grading Score

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number

Grading Task Name

Term Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Grading Task Credit

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Grading Task Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Household Location

Error ID

Error Timestamp

Ed-Fi ID


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Household Member

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Identity Race Ethnicity

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

LEP Service

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

 Name: This will display the LEP Service Type Name.

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: Reports the Name of the Period
Period Schedule

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: Reports the Name of the Period Schedule.

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


  1. Reports the error if the person has an enrollment in Year and School selected in the report options.


  1. Reports the error if the person has an active district assignment in the Year and School selected in the report options.
    1. Calendar Name will be blank.


  1. Reports the error if the person is the Guardian of a Student in the year and school provided.

Note: If a person has an error and does not meet any of the groups above, the record will only report when the All Schools option is selected.


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Plan State

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

POS Eligibility

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Program Participation

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name




Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name:  Reports the Program Name.
Related Pair

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

This table shows the relationship between two people. Displays the Student information if available.

Primary Key field will be NULL for this table.


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: Reports the Room Name.

This will report any error regardless of the year selected.


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Section Placement

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Term Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Primary Key field will be NULL for this table.
Section Staff History

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message


Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name


Term Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Term Name and Name: Both fields will report the Term Name.  We have the Term Name column to reference other tables that use the Term Data but the Name field will also show the Term Name for this table.
Term Schedule

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Name: Reports the Term Schedule Name.
Transcript Course

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Transcript Credit

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name

Section Number

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

User Account

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

User Group

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

User Group Member

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Group Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

Course Offering

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Course Number

Course Name


Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

This would only occur when a Course Offering is trying to be deleted and fails.
Positive Attendance Day On Demand

Error ID

Error Timestamp



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

This is the Non-AOI positive attendance call run at night.

These errors will only appear if "All Schools" is selected.

Positive Attendance Record On Demand

Error ID

Error Timestamp

School Name

Calendar Name

Term Name

Ed-Fi ID

State ID

Person ID

First Name

Last Name



Campus Table

Primary Key

Error Message

This is the Non-AOI positive attendance call run at night.

Error Summary

Click here to expand...

Error Code  Error MessagePossible CausePossible Resolution
Campus ErrorNo transformation configuration found for table:  campusTableNameThis is an error that occurred before the record made it to the ODS which usually indicates a problem in Campus.1. Contact Support as soon as possible so Log files can be pulled to review the error.
Campus ErrorReferenced "resourceName" resource could not be found. Resync "resourceName" and try again.This is an error that occurred before the record made it to the ODS. This error means that resource that failed has a reference to another reference that is not in the ODS.  The referenced resource must be in the ODS before this resource can send.1. Resync the referenced resource.
2. Verify the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorThe Ed-Fi Resource ID 51cd9f0d3f2c4e08adb2fb31da72d64d does not match the End Year selected to be deleted, but a match was found for this ID associated with the 17-18 School Year.  To delete this Ed-Fi Resource ID, please select the correct School Year in the Delete Tool to try again.This error occurs when a resource ID was entered in the Delete tool and it does not match with the end year that is selected in the delete tool.1. Select the correct end year the Resource ID belongs to.
2. Retry the Delete.
Campus ErrorThe Ed-Fi Resource ID ec2115e9f4de486bac5dea0781da2928 does not match the Resource selected to be deleted, but a match was found for this ID associated with the "resourceName" Resource.  To delete this Ed-Fi Resource ID, please select the "resourceName" Resource in the Delete Tool to try again.This error occurs when a resource ID was entered in the Delete tool and it does not match the Resource that is selected in the delete tool.1. Select the correct Resource the Resource ID belongs to.
2. Retry the Delete.
Campus ErrorUnable to create StaffSectionAssociation in Ed-Fi: The associated section doesn't exist in Ed-Fi. Push the section up to Ed-Fi and retry the transaction.The Staff and Staff Education Organization Association records are not in the ODS .1. Do a resync on the Staff and Staff Education Organization Association resources for that Student.
2. Verify the resources landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed resource.
Campus ErrorCould not identify valid term type for transcript recordThis is a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS.  All Transcript records required a Term Descriptor reference. 1. See the Course Transcript documentation in the Campus Community for proper setup on manually added transcript records.
Campus ErrorEd-Fi Transcript Term Override field must not be null.This is a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS.  All Transcript records required a Term Descriptor reference. 1. See the Course Transcript documentation in the Campus Community for proper setup on manually added transcript records.
Campus ErrorReferenced courseOfferings resource could not be found. Resync courseOfferings and try again.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Course Offering reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table before we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorReferenced disciplineIncidents resource could not be found. Resync disciplineIncidents and try again.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Discipline Incident reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table before we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorReferenced gradingPeriods resource could not be found. Resync gradingPeriods and try again.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Grading Periods reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table before we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorReferenced sections resource could not be found. Resync sections and try again.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Section reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table before we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorReferenced sessions resource could not be found. Resync sessions and try again.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Sessions reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table before we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorReferenced studentAcademicRecords resource could not be found. Resync studentAcademicRecords and try again.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Student Academic Record reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table before we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorStudent StudentID studentID1, 579635 does not have a Student Section Association record for the course 1GR Grades.  This record must exist before Grades can be sent.This a Campus error and the record failed before it was sent to the ODS. We look to make sure the Student Section Association reference is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table beforew we send the record.1.  Do a resync on the referenced resource that is missing.
2. Make sure the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Campus ErrorStudent's birth date is missingThe student's birth date is missing and is a required field in order for the record to send.1. Go to Demographics page in Campus and enter a Birth Date for the student.
2. Do a resync on the Student and Student School Association resources.
3. Verify the data landed in the ODS.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: [message:Validation of 'CourseOffering' failed.  TermDescriptorId is required. ].The Term Descriptor is a required field in the Course Offering resource.1. Make sure the Terms the section placement of the Section occurs in is mapped in the Sessions resource.
2. Do a resync on Sessions and verify the Terms  have a Sessions record in the ODS.
3. Resend the Course Offering record after the Session is confirmed.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'resourceName' failed.  StudentUniqueId is required. }.The student does not have a Student or Student School Association record in the school that the record is being sent.1. Do a resync on the Student & Student School Association resources for that Student.
2. Verify the Student and Student School Associations resources sent.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation' failed.  Staff reference could not be resolved. ].The Staff record does not exist in the ODS so the Staff reference fails.1.  Make sure the Staff person has an Ed-Fi ID.
2.  Make sure the Staff person has all fields required for the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource to send either on the staff persons District Employment or District Assignment tabs.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'Student' failed.  The supplied UniqueId value '29536345' was not resolved. ].This error will occur in systems that use a Student Locator system. Student has an Ed-Fi ID that is not recognized in the ODS.1. Remove the incorrect Ed-Fi ID and perform a new search for that student.
2. Either create a new student record or select a student match in the locator.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: [message:Validation of 'resourceName' failed.  'fieldNameDescriptorId is required. ].Descriptors are sometimes part of the Natural Key or Required in order for a resource to send.  This error means a Descriptor is not mapped in Resource Preferences or the proper data setup is not complete in Campus to send the data.1. Go to the Resource Preferences for the failed resource and verify the Descriptors are mapped for the field it was missing for. If it not mapped, map the descriptor and retry the failed record.
2. If the Descriptor is mapped in Resource Preferences find the location of the data source for the field and verify it is set correctly in Campus in order for the record to send. If the data was not sent, a new record will send to the ODS once you hit save.   You can then verify if the record landed in the ODS.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400: {message=Value for 'StudentUniqueId' was not safe for SQL execution.  Valid values must only consist of letters, numbers and hyphens.}.The student's Ed-Fi ID contains invalid characters.1. Go to Census>People> Demographics and assign the students valid Ed-Fi ID.
2. This will automatically trigger a resync on all valid records to be sent for the student.
3. Verify data landed in the ODS.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Value for the auto-assigned identifier property 'StudentUSI' cannot be assigned by the client (value was '3035443'.}.This error occurs in states where the Ed-Fi ID is generated by Ed-Fi. The ID that is assigned to the student is not valid.1. Find the proper Ed-Fi ID for the student and assign them the correct ID.
2. Issuing a new ID will trigger a resync for all resources for the student.
3. Verify student related data landed in the ODS.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Authorization denied.  The claim does not have any established relationships with the requested resource.].If a resource is not mentioned in the error, it typically means the School the record belongs to is not in the ODS.1. Do a resync on the Schools resource.
2. Verify the School lands in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'SchoolId' of the resource is empty.].This occurs when the references School does not have a record in the ODS.  1. Resync the referenced resource.
2. Verify the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'StaffUSI' of the resource is empty.].When the record is person based (Attendance, Grades, Section Associations), it usually means the Staff record is not in the ODS so the records being sent for that person cannot send.1. Do a resync on the Staff resource along with the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association.
3. Verify the record successfully landed in the ODS.
4. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'StudentUSI' of the resource is empty.].When the record is person based (Attendance, Grades, Section Associations), it usually means the Student record is not in the ODS so the records being sent for that person cannot send.1. Do a resync on the Student resource along with the Student School Associations.
3. Verify the record successfully landed in the ODS.
4. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Authorization denied.  Access to the requested 'SchoolId' was denied.].This occurs when the references School does not have a record in the ODS.  1. Resync the referenced resource.
2. Verify the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Authorization denied.  The claims associated with an identifier of 'SchoolId' cannot be used to authorize a request associated with an identifier of 'LocalEducationAgencyId'.].This occurs when the references School does not have a record in the ODS.  1. Resync the referenced resource.
2. Verify the record landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403: [message:Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'StudentUSI' of the resource is empty.].The Student resource does not exists in the ODS.1. Verify the Student has an Ed-Fi ID.
2. Do a resync on the Student.
3. Verify the Student record successfully landed in the ODS.
4. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403: [message:Authorization denied.  Access to the requested 'Resource Name' was denied.].The Resource referenced in the error is in does not exist in the ODS.  1. Do a resync on the referenced resource.
2. Verify the referenced resource record successfully landed in  the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:  [message:Authorization denied.  The claim does not have any established relationships with the requested resource.].When the record is person based (Attendance, Grades, Section Associations), it usually means the Student, Staff or Parent record is not in the ODS so the records being sent for that person cannot send.1. Do a resync on the Student, Staff or Parent resources along with the Student School Associations, Staff Education Organization Assignment Association. or Student Parent Association resources.
2. Verify the record successfully landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:  [message:Authorization denied.  The claim does not have any established relationships with the requested resource.].When the record is not Person based (Courses, Sections, Programs), it usually means the School the record is referencing is not in the ODS.1. Do a resync on the School resource.
2. Verify the record successfully landed in the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 404:[message:Education Organization with an identifier of '7360' could not be found.].This occurs when the LEA/District Number does not match the LEA/District Number in the ODS.1.  This is usually a security error in the ODS where the LEA needs to be added with the proper claim to the records.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409: [message:A natural key conflict occurred when attempting to create a new resource 'resourceName' with a duplicate key.  The duplicated columns and values are [field names] (3fbf0f5b-4a54-457b-bc9d-026d3ba284f8, 5, 4192) This is likely caused by multiple resources with the same key in the same file. Exactly one of these resources was inserted.].There is an orphaned record in the Identity Mapping table or the ODS that has the same Natural Key as the record being sent. 1. Find the record in the Identity Mapping table using the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping Report.
2. If the orphaned record is not in the Identity Mapping table use Swagger or other API tools to locate the record in the ODS.
3. Use the resource ID of that record to delete the record using the Delete Tool.
4. Retry the failed record.
5. If you cannot locate the orphaned record, contact Support.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409: [message:The value supplied for the related 'session' resource does not exist.].The Session the course references does not exist in the ODS.1. Go to the Sessions Resource Preferences for the School/Calendar/Term Schedule the attendance event occurs in.
2. Make sure the Terms are mapped to a Term Descriptor.
3. Complete a resync on the Sessions resource.
4. Verify the Sessions resource is in the ODS.
5. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409:{message=The value supplied for the related 'course' resource does not exist.}.This usually occurs when Courses are loaded into the ODS by state DOEs or other owner of the ODS and the course you are sending does not exist in the ODS. The resource reference can be any course related resource (course offerings, sections, etc).1. Verify the course you are sending has the proper State Course Number or other identifier used by your state that aligns Course in Campus to the ODS.
2. Resync the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409:[message:The value supplied for the related 'resourceName' resource does not exist.].The Resource referenced in the error is in does not exist in the ODS.  1. Do a resync on the referenced resource.
2. Verify the referenced resource record successfully landed in  the ODS.
3. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409: [message:The value supplied for the related 'session' resource does not exist.].The term the resource referenced in is not mapped in the Sessions Resource Preferences or the sync of the Sessions Resource has failed.1. Go to the Sessions Resource Preferences for the School/Calendar/Term Schedule the attendance event occurs in.
2. Make sure the Terms are mapped to a Term Descriptor.
3. Complete a resync on the Sessions resource.
4. Verify the Sessions resource landed in the ODS.
5. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 500:[message:An error has occurred.].500 errors are random and cannot trace the cause of the error.  1. Verify there is a valid connection to the ODS.
2. Resync the record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 500:[message:An unexpected error occurred on the server.].500 errors are random and cannot trace the cause of the error.  1. Verify there is a valid connection to the ODS.
2. Resync the record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 500:{message=An unexpected error occurred on the server.}.500 errors are random and cannot trace the cause of the error.  1.  Verify there is a valid connection to the ODS.
2. Resync the record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 500: [message:An error has occurred.].500 errors are random and cannot trace the cause of the error.  1.  Verify there is a valid connection to the ODS.
2. Retry the failed record.
Error code return from Ed-Fi. 500: [message:An unexpected error occurred on the server.].500 errors are random and cannot trace the cause of the error.  1.  Verify there is a valid connection to the ODS.
2. Retry the failed record.
Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 403: Failed to delete staffSectionAssociations resource. [message:Authorization denied.  The claim does not have any established relationships with the requested resource.]This usually indicates orphaned data in the ODS.  1.  Add a Staff Education Organization Assignment Association record to establish a claim for the staff member.
2.  Use the Delete Tool to delete all data from the staff person.
3.  Delete the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association record.
Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 404:Failed to delete "resourceName" resource. {message=Resource to delete was not found.}There is an orphaned record in the Identity Mapping table that is not in the ODS.  A delete request is being sent and an error is returned because it does not exists in the ODS.1. Find the Resource ID for the record in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
2. Run a delete in the Delete Tool.
Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 404:Failed to delete "resourceName" resource. [message:Resource to delete was not found.]There are records in the edfiIdentityMapping table that are not in the ODS.1. Find the record in the Identity Mapping table using the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping Report.
2. Use the resource ID of that record to delete the record using the Delete Tool.
Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 409:Failed to delete "resourceName" resource. [message:The resource (or a subordinate entity of the resource) cannot be deleted because it is a dependency of the 'resourceName' entity.]This error occurs when the Delete tool is being used to delete a resource and there is dependent data of the resource that needs to be deleted prior to being able to delete it.   1. Review the resource information in the Campus Community to determine dependent data.
2. Delete dependent data.
3. Delete the resource that was originally attempted.
Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 500:Failed to delete sections resource. {message=An unexpected error occurred on the server.}500 errors are random and cannot trace the cause of the error.  1. Verify there is a valid connection to the ODS.
2. Resync the record.
Campus ErrorThe School ID being sent is non-numeric. Enter a numeric Ed-Fi School Number or State School Number on the Schools editor to correct this issue.Ed-Fi ODS does not accept alpha characters as a school number.1. Use the Ed-Fi School Number field on the School Editor to create a numeric school number if your State School Number is alpha-numeric.
Campus ErrorUnable to create Section in Ed-Fi:No room is assigned to the section. Add a location and retry the transaction.This error only occurs in Ed-Fi version 2.0 as room number is required for sections to send.1.  Add a room number to the section is failing.
2. This will trigger a new record in Ed-Fi, verify record landed in the ODS.

Error Code  Error MessagePossible CausePossible Resolution
Could not find dailyAttendance for personID: 9430

Could not identify grade level for student

Could not identify kindergarten code for this grade level

Could not identify valid term descriptor for graduation record

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'Staff' failed.  The supplied UniqueId value '99' was not resolved. ].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent' failed. Index was outside the bounds of the array. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'Track' failed.  NumberOfInstructionalDaysInWeekDescriptorId is required. ].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'Track' failed.  TrackNumberDescriptorId is required.  BeginDate : '1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM' must be within SQL datetime range ('1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM' to '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM')  BeginDate is required.  EndDate : '1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM' must be within SQL datetime range ('1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM' to '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM')  EndDate is required.  NumberOfInstructionalDaysInWeekDescriptorId is required. ].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'CourseOffering' failed.  Index was outside the bounds of the array. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'CourseOffering' failed.  TermTypeId is required.  Index was outside the bounds of the array. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'Section' failed.  Index was outside the bounds of the array. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'Track' failed.  NumberOfInstructionalDaysInWeekDescriptorId is required. ].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:[message:Validation of 'StudentSchoolAssociation' failed. Cannot open database "LEAData_FY2017" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'edfiLoader'. ].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=UniqueId: '12268499' not found. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation' failed. An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentNeed' failed. ReportingEducationOrganizationID is required. StudentNeedEntryDate : '1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM' must be within SQL datetime range ('1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM' to '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM') StudentNeedEntryDate is required. StudentUniqueId is required. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentNeed' failed. ReportingEducationOrganizationID is required. StudentNeedEntryDate is required. StudentNeedEntryDate : '1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM' must be within SQL datetime range ('1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM' to '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM') StudentUniqueId is required. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentSchoolAssociation' failed. An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentSchoolAssociation' failed. An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. An exception has been raised that is likely due to a transient failure. If you are connecting to a SQL Azure database consider using SqlAzureExecutionStrategy. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentSchoolAssociation' failed. The underlying provider failed on Open. The underlying provider failed on Open. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Validation of 'StudentSchoolAssociation' failed. Unable to access availability database 'LEAData' because the database replica is not in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role. Connections to an availability database is permitted only when the database replica is in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role. Try the operation again later. Unable to access availability database 'LEAData' because the database replica is not in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role. Connections to an availability database is permitted only when the database replica is in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role. Try the operation again later. }.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 400:{message=Value for the auto-assigned identifier property 'StudentUSI' cannot be assigned by the client (value was '3035443'.}.

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 401:[message:Resource 'tracks' is not authorized for calendar post submission window].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 401:[message:Resource 'calendarDateTrackEvents' is not authorized for calendar post submission window].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 401:[message:Resource 'calendarDateTrackEvents' is not authorized for calendar post submission window].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:[message:Authorization denied.  The claims associated with an identifier of 'SchoolId' cannot be used to authorize a request associated with an identifier of 'LocalEducationAgencyId'.].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 403:

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 409:[message:The value supplied for property 'studentUniqueId' of entity 'student' is not unique.].

Error code return from Ed-Fi. 500:[message:An unexpected error occurred on the server.].

Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 404:Failed to delete calendarDateTrackEvents resource. [message:Resource Id 'e2ad05f6-0d1e-4220-875d-bce3ae260d4f' not found for Resource Type 'calendarDateTrackEvents'.]

Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 404:Failed to delete calendarDateTrackEvents resource. [message:Resource Id '0135a877-130f-4b0b-87b2-ea0c7b9d7931' not found for Resource Type 'calendarDateTrackEvents'.]

Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 404:Failed to delete calendarDateTrackEvents resource. [message:Resource Id '80178d0d-a549-4ec8-8a92-aeb030a8f04d' not found for Resource Type 'calendarDateTrackEvents'.]

Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 500:Failed to delete calendarDateTrackEvents resource. [message:An unexpected error occurred on the server.]

Error code returned from Ed-Fi. 500:Failed to delete calendarDateTrackEvents resource. [message:An unexpected error occurred on the server.]

Referenced calendars resource could not be found. Resync calendars and try again.