Student Special Education Program Associations (Nebraska v3.5)

Reports Special Education data for a student.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When an IEP is created and locked for a student.

  • IEP must overlap an enrollment. Only one record reports per school year.
  • When the student has multiple enrollments that overlap in the same school and year, this reports based on primacy of Service Type:
    • P: Primary
    • S: Partial
    • N: Special Ed
  • When the student only has one enrollment, a record reports regardless of Service Type.
  • Does not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • Does not send a record when enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
  • Does not send a record when enrollment is in a School marked as Exclude.

When a new enrollment is created for a student that has an active IEP.

  • Enrollment start date must be after IEP start date.
  • IEP end date must be NULL or after Enrollment start date.

When any field part of the natural key is changed:

  • When a SPED Setting is changed in an existing IEP and is re-locked.
  • When a SPED Entry Date is changed.

When any field not part of the natural key is changed:

  • endDate
  • reasonExitedDescriptor
  • levelOfProgramParticipationDescriptor
  • placementTypeDescriptor
  • specialEducationPercentage
  • toTakeAlternateAssessment
  • serviceDescriptor
  • serviceBeginDate
  • serviceEndDate
DeleteThe locked IEP is deleted for a student.
DeleteA SPED Setting is changed for a student.
DeleteA Sped Entry Date is changed for a student.
DeleteAll overlapping enrollments are deleted for a school.
DeleteWhen an IEP is unlocked it deletes.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneWhen a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data sends.
ResyncWhen a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncWhen a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS.
ResyncWhen a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes.
ResyncWhen the Student Special Education Program Association is toggled off, records are not deleted from this resource in the State ODS when resyncing.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Post/DeleteNatural Key changes: When the IEP Start Date changes the resource deletes/reposts.
DeleteCascading Deletes: N/A there are no dependent resources.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules
When a new IEP is created, the record reports in the Scope Year(s) the IEP has overlapping enrollments with.
Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
planPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
enrollmentPutReports ideaEligibility and specialEducationSettingDescriptor.
specialedstatePost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

id The unique identifier of the resource.

The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services.Reports the School the student's enrollment is associated. The School ID is a concatenation of the State District Number + State School Number.

When the program is SPED, 504, Title I part A or Homeless, only DistrictID + 000 reports.


System Administration> Resources> District Information> State District Number


System Administration> Resources> School> State School Number




programReferenceA reference to the related Program resource.

Reports the Natural Key from the Programs resource.


studentReferenceA reference to the related Student resource.

Reports the Natural Key from the Student resource.


beginDateThe month, day, and year on which the student first received services.

Reports the Start Date from the most recent locked IEP's Enrollment Status editor.

When the Enrollment Status editor Start Date is null, reports from the Special Ed Entry Date field from the student's Enrollment record.

When Entry Date is null, the (Education Plan editor) Start Date reports from the first locked, reported IEP or IFSP in all calendars for all grades within the student's Enrollment history 

Reports within the fiscal calendar 07/01-06/30.


Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Current Plan > Education Plan > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Entry Date

endDateThe month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services.Reports the Special Ed Exit Date when populated on the overlapping enrollment record.

When a new enrollment record is created with a Start Date after the Special Ed Exit Date and the enrollment overlaps the locked IEP, the Special Ed Exit Date from the new enrollment reports.

When NULL, the End Date reports as blank.

When a new enrollment record is created that does not overlap the IEP, the endDate is not updated.

When the enrollment is deleted, the end date reported reverts to the value saved in the previous (overlapping) enrollment.

Reports within the fiscal calendar 07/01-06/30.


Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed > Exit Date

reasonExitedDescriptorReports the reason the student exited from SPED.Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the Special Ed Exit Reason when populated on the overlapping enrollment being reported.

When a new enrollment record is created with a Start Date after the Special Ed Exit Date, and the enrollment overlaps the locked IEP, the Special Ed Exit Reason from the new enrollment reports.

When NULL, reports Special Ed Exit Reason as blank.

When a new enrollment record is created that does not overlap the IEP, nothing changes.

When the enrollment is deleted, the Special Ed Exit Reason reported reverts to the value saved in the previous (overlapping) enrollment.

CStudent Info > General > Enrollment> Current Enrollment > Special Ed > Special Ed Exit Reason
Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.

This is optional, does not report.


ideaEligibilityIndicator of the eligibility of the student to receive special education services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

This is optional, does not report.


Reports the Special Education setting for the student.

Reports the Ed-Fi code from the Special Ed Setting code selected in the locked IEP being reported.

When field is blank or Ed-Fi Code is NULL, does not report.

MStudent Information > General > SPED > Documents > Plan > Enrollments > Special Ed Setting
The number of hours per week for special education instruction and therapy.

This is optional, does not report.

OStudent Info> Special ED> General> IEP> Program Participation> Hours Per Week
schoolHoursPerWeekIndicates the total number of hours of instructional time per week for the school that the student attends.This is optional, does not report.OStudent Info > Special ED> General > IEP > Program Participation
multiplyDisabledIndicates whether the student receiving special education and related services has been designated as multiply disabled by the admission, review, and dismissal committee.

This is optional, does not report.


medicallyFragileIndicates whether the student receiving special education and related services is: 1) in the age range of birth to 22 years, and 2) has a serious, ongoing illness or a chronic condition that has lasted or is anticipated to last at least 12 or more months or has required at least one month of hospitalization, and that requires daily, ongoing medical treatments and monitoring by appropriately trained personnel which may include parents or other family members, and 3) requires the routine use of medical device or of assistive technology to compensate for the loss of usefulness of
a body function needed to participate in activities of daily living, and 4) lives with ongoing threat to his or her continued well-being.

This is optional, does not report.


lastEvaluationDateThe date of the last special education evaluation.

This is optional, does not report.


iepReviewDateThe date of the last IEP review.

This is optional, does not report.


iepBeginDateThe effective date of the most recent IEP.

This is optional, does not report.


iepEndDateThe end date of the most recent IEP.

This is optional, does not report.




Provides additional information regarding the student's level of participation in the program.Reports as 05 when any of the following are TRUE:
  1. Student is age 4 through 21 as of the reporting date.
  2. Student is age 3 PRIOR to August 31 of the current school year when on IEP.
  3. Student is a SPED student on an Equitable Services Plan:
    • Code 4 Primary Placement Type: "Nonpublic Placement - Parental Placement, Sped Services, Student on Equitable Services Plan".
Report as 06 when any of the following are TRUE:
  1. Student is age 2 or less.
  2. Student is 2 when exiting Special Education.
  3. Student is age 3 AFTER August 31 of the current school year when on ISFP.

placementTypeDescriptorIndicates placement type of the student.Reports Ed-Fi code from the Primary Placement Type selected in the enrollment reported.

When blank, reports as 0.

MStudent Info > General > Enrollment > Current Enrollment > Special Ed > Primary Placement Type
toTakeAlternateAssessmentIndicates the student needs
alternate assessment.
Reports based on the locked IEP.

Reports as True when the Alternate Assessment checkbox is marked.

Reports as False when the Alternate Assessment checkbox is NOT marked selected OR there is no IEP.

MStudent Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Plan Outline neIEP > Dist-Wide Assessments > Alternate Assessments
An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. This association represents the Special Education program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from.See the Array section below for details.O

disabilitiesAn unordered collection of studentDisabilities.

This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value from the Disability Descriptor page linked below under Type/Descriptors NE based on the Ed-Fi code value for each disability the student meets.

See the Array section below for Disabilities for full reporting requirements.

Core solution allows up to 5 disabilities to report, however NE only collects 3.

CStudent Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > IEP







serviceProvidersAn unordered collection of studentSpecialEducationProgram
AssociationServiceProviders. This association represents the Special Education program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from.

This is optional, does not report.



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Data Element LabelLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
serviceDescriptor Reports when the locked IEP contains services with an EdFi code value. Otherwise the record is ignored.MStudent Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Plan Outline neIEP > Sped Services/Related Services
primaryIndicator Does not report.O

serviceBeginDate Reports the Start Date value of the reported service.OStudent Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Plan Outline neIEP > Sped Services/Related Services
serviceEndDate Reports the End Date value of the reported service.OStudent Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Plan Outline neIEP > Sped Services/Related Services


Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
disabilityDescriptorA disability category that describes a child's impairment.Reports the Ed-Fi code from the Disabilities for the reported student.

The student must have a locked IEP which overlaps,
  • In the current year:
    • the student's enrollment end date.
    • Or when NULL, today's date.
  • In previous scope years:
    • the student's enrollment end date.
    • Or when NULL, the last instructional date of the year for previous scope years.

The IEP must overlap with the student's enrollment record.

When the student has a Special Education Exit Date that is on or before today's date;
  • When the SPED Exit date is on or after the enrollment end date, the disability reports.
  • When the Enrollment has not ended OR the SPED Exit date is before the enrollment end date, the disability is NOT reported.

When the student has more than 1 disability, each disability up to 3 disabilities reports.

MSpecial Ed> Documents> Plan> IEP> Primary Disability, Secondary Disability, Tertiary Disability, Fourth Disability, Fifth Disability






disabilityDiagnosisA description of the disability diagnosis.Does not report.O

orderOfDisabilityThe order by severity of student's disabilities: 1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, etc Reports the order of disability based on the disability being reported from above.

When Primary Disability, reports as 1.

When Secondary Disability, reports as 2.

When Fifth Disability, reports as 3.


disabilityDeterminationSourceTypeThe source that provided the disability determination. Does not report.O


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Reason Exited Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
01Died or is permanently incapacitatedDied or is permanently incapacitated
02Discontinued schoolingDiscontinued schooling
03Graduated with a high school diplomaGraduated with a high school diploma
04Moved out of stateMoved out of state
06Reached maximum ageReached maximum age
07Received cert of completion, modified diploma, or finished IEP requirementsReceived certificate of completion, modified diploma, or finished IEP requirements
08Suspended or expelled from schoolSuspended or expelled from school
09Transferred to another district or schoolTransferred to another district or school
10Unknown reasonUnknown reason
11Withdrawal by a parent (or guardian)Withdrawal by a parent (or guardian)
SPED01Transferred to another school districtTransferred to another school district in Nebraska and continues with Early Intervention Services
SPED02Returned to full-time regular education programReturned to full-time regular education program. Include students with a disability whose parent revokes consent for special education and related services.
SPED03Graduated with a regular high school diplomaGraduated with a regular high school diploma
SPED04Received a certificate of completionReceived a certificate of completion
SPED05Reached maximum ageReached maximum age
SPED07Dropped OutDropped Out
SPED09Withdrawn by parentWithdrawn by parent
SPED11Transferred to another school district (Moved known to be continuing)Transferred to another school district (Moved known to be continuing)
SPED12Completion of the IFSP prior to the age of 3 years oldCompletion of the IFSP prior to the age of 3 years old
SPED13Exit to other programExit to other program, reached age 3 years old, re-evaluated and found no longer eligible for Special Education Services
SPED14Exit with no referralExit with no referral, reached age 3 years old, re-evaluated and found no longer eligible for Special Education Services
SPED16Moved out of stateMoved out of state
SPED17Attempts to contact parents unsuccessfulAttempts to contact parents unsuccessful
SPED99Change in SPED record only, Not an ExitChange in SPED record only, Not an Exit

Special Education Setting Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
01Home - not School AgedHome - not School Aged
02Community Based - not School AgedCommunity Based - not School Aged
03Other - not School AgedOther - not School Aged
05Separate SchoolSeparate School
06Separate ClassSeparate Class
07Residential FacilityResidential Facility
08Home - School AgedHome - School Aged
09Service Provider LocationService Provider Location
10Public SchoolPublic School
14Private School or Exempt (Home) SchoolPrivate School or Excempt (Home) School
15Correction/Detention FacilityCorrection/Detention Facility
16Regular Early Childhood Program, 10+ h/wk; Services at EC ProgramRegular Early Childhood Program, 10+ h/wk; Services at EC Program
17Regular Early Childhood Program, 10+ h/wk; Services outside EC ProgramRegular Early Childhood Program, 10+ h/wk; Services outside EC Program
18Regular Early Childhood Program, LT 10 h/wk; Services at EC ProgramRegular Early Childhood Program, LT 10 h/wk; Services at EC Program
19Regular Early Childhood Program, LT10 h/wk; Services outside EC ProgramRegular Early Childhood Program, LT10 h/wk; Services outside EC Program
20Public Sool - inside regular class 80% or more of the dayPublic School - inside regular class 80% or more of the day
21Public School - Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the dayPublic School - Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day
22Public School - inside regular class less than 40% of the dayPublic School - inside regular class less than 40% of the day

Special Education Program Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Descriptionk
05IDEA Part BIDEA Part B
06IDEA Part CIDEA Part C

Placement Type Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
0Not ApplicableNot Applicable – Does not attend a Nonpublic School
1Nonpublic Placement - Parental PlacementNonpublic Placement - Parental Placement
2Nonpublic Placement - Other than Parental PlacementNonpublic Placement - Other than Parental Placement
3Nonpublic Placement – Parent Placemnt SPED Svcs from Res Dist Stud on IEPNonpublic Placement – Parental Placement, Special Education Services from Resident District, Student on IEP
4Nonpublic Placement – Parent Placemnt SPED Svcs Stud on Equitable Svcs PlanNonpublic Placement – Parental Placement, Special Education Services, Student on Equitable Services Plan