Enrollments (Maine)

Tool Search: Enrollments

The Enrollments tool displays all current and historical occurrences of a student's enrollment in a district.

By default, enrollment records are listed first by grade level, then by enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue hyper-linked headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.

See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.

General Enrollment Information

For information about each field in the General Enrollment Information editor, see the General Enrollment Information section of the Enrollments article. 

Screenshot of General Enrollment Information editor.General Enrollment Information Editor

State Reporting Fields

The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting. 

Several state reporting fields have been moved and now report from the State Reporting Tab.

Screenshot of State Reporting Fields Editor.State Reporting Fields Editor

The following fields appear in Maine State Reporting Fields editor. The "Reports Used In" column indicates which state reports draw from each field. Each report name is a link that leads to that report's page, which includes tables of options for each applicable dropdown field.



Database Location

Reports Used In

State ExcludeExcludes the enrollment record from reporting on all state reporting extracts that honor state exclude functionality.Enrollment.stateExcludeStudents marked as State Exclude are not included in any state reports.
Title IA - MathIndicates if the child is considered at risk and is eligible for Title IA services by virtue of their status.EnrollmentME.title1N/A
Title IA - ELAIndicates if the child is considered at risk and is eligible for Title IA services by virtue of their status.EnrollmentME.titleIAEnrollment Report
Alternative EdIndicates if the student is participating in an alternative education program.EnrollmentME.
Enrollment Report
SAU PercentageIndicates the percentage of time spent at school by a home school student. This field can also indicate students who only receive Special Education services at the school.EnrollmentME.sauPercentEnrollment Report
Section 504Indicates if the student has a 504 Plan.Enrollment.section504Enrollment Report
GT - AcademicIndicates if the student is classified as gifted and talented intellectual/academic.EnrollmentME.
Enrollment Report
GT - ArtisticIndicates if the student is classified as gifted and talented - artistic.EnrollmentME.artisticEnrollment Report
Military FamilyIndicates the student qualifies as a child of US military under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.EnrollmentME.
Enrollment Report
Homeless CodeIndicates the nighttime residence of the homeless student.Enrollment.homelessEnrollment Report
Unaccompanied YouthIndicates the student is not in the presence of a parent, guardian or legal status identified by the court system.Enrolllment.
Enrollment Report
Resident Town CodeIndicates the student's town of residence.EnrollmentME.
Enrollment Report
Resident SAUIndicates the student's Resident SAU code (resident district). Resident SAU values are limited to only those valid for the Resident Town Code selected. Enrollment.residentDistrictEnrollment Report
Fiscal ResponsibilityIndicates who is responsible for the cost of the student's education.Enrollment.stateAidEnrollment Report
RefugeeIndicates if the student is a refugee.EnrollmentME.refugeeEnrollment Report
Out of Work IndividualIndicates the student provides unpaid services to a family member(s) in their home or were dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income or is underemployed or experiencing difficulty in obtaining employment.Enrollment.
Single ParentIndicates the student is a single parent.Enrollment.singleParentN/A
Serving SAUIdentifies the student's serving district which is responsible for reporting data to the state.Enrollment.servingDistrictN/A
Percent EnrolledThe percent the student is enrolled in the school.Enrollment.

Medicaid ID

The student's Medicaid ID number.Enrollment.
Ward of StateIndicates if the student is in the care or custody of DHS, BDS or DOC.EnrollmentME.stateAgencyN/A
Supplemental Education ServicesIndicates if the student is receiving supplemental education services.EnrollmentME.SESN/A
MigrantIndicates if the student has migrant status.Enrollment.migrantN/A
Vocational EdIndicates if the student is participating in a vocational education program.Enrollment.vocationalCodeN/A
Foreign ExchangedIndicates if the student is a foreign exchange student.EnrollmentME.

Special Education Fields

As of Release Pack .1801, Special Education Fields have been moved to the ME State Reporting Plan (Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > ME State Reporting Plan).

Screenshot of ME State Reporting Plan.ME State Reporting Plan