Test Accommodations

Tool Search: Test Accommodations

The Test Accommodations tool identifies the assessments for which the student requires special accommodations and modifications. Tests must exist in the Assessment Center, and the Test Accommodation Eligible Score Field must be selected. 

Available fields vary by state; refer to your state's State Tools for information specific to your state. 

Screenshot of the Test Accommodations tool, located at Student Information, General. Test Accommodations Record

Read - Access and view Test Accommodations records.
Write - Modify existing Test Accommodations records.
Add - Create new Test Accommodations records.
Delete - Permanently remove Test Accommodations records.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Field Descriptions

Field Description
Start Date The starting date of the student's accommodations.
End Date The ending date of the student's test accommodation.

The assessment(s) for which the student required special accommodation.

Only assessments marked Test Accommodations Eligible under the Score Fields section of the Test Detail tool in the Assessment Center display within this field.

Create a Test Accommodation for a Student

  1. Click New. The Test Accommodations Detail displays. 
  2. Enter the Start Date for this Accommodation. 
  3. Select the Assessment for which this Accommodation applies. 
  4. Populate any remaining required fields for your state. 
  5. Click Save when finished. The Test Accommodations record is listed in the Test Accommodations editor. 

Repeat this process for each test in which the student requires an accommodation. 

When the student no longer requires the accommodation, enter an End Date

Print Test Accommodations Report

Click the Print Summary Report to generate a PDF of the Test Accommodations. 

Screenshot of the PDF report of the Test Accommodations recordTest Accommodations PDF Report

State Edition Test Accommodations

Test Accommodations records sync between district and state editions. Records can also be created in state edition, but note the following:

  • When a record is created in State Edition, it is saved without a District ID indicating that it is state-owned. 
  • When a District is selected in State Edition, the record is saved with a District ID indicating it is district-owned.

In the State Edition, when the user does not select a district from the Context Switcher, the user can see any and all test accommodations that the student has across all districts. However, the details of that record are not displayed. To see specifics of an individual Test Accommodations record, the user must select the district associated with that record from the Context Switcher. 

In the following examples, the District of the record is selected in the Context Switcher. 

Screenshot of the State Edition Test Accommodations tool, showing the district selected in the Context Switcher. State Edition Test Accommodation with a District Selected

The record displays the same information that is entered in District Edition. 

Screenshot of the Test Accommodation record. District Edition Test Accommodation Record

The State Editon record displays blank or generic fields when the district is NOT selected in the Context Switcher. 

State Edition Test Accommodations Record with no District selected in the Context Switcher