NC CTE Extract

Tool Search: NC CTE Extract

The CTE Extract collects data on CTE CTE Concentrators, Potential Concentrators, OCS/ECS Exclusions, Pathway Course Sequences, and Major Level courses. 

Screenshot of the NC CTE Extract editor, located at Reporting, NC State Reporting.NC CTE Extract Editor

Read - Access and generate the NC CTE Exxtract.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Report Logic

Student Enrollments must be active at least one day during the reporting period in order to be included. 

OCS/ECS Students, Pathways Details and Subgroup Categories are excluded from the report unless the checkbox is marked on the Report editor. 

Students are NOT included when: 

  •  The Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude or Summer School.
  • The Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The Enrollment record is marked as State Exclude or No Show. 

Report Editor

Data Element Description
Search Calendars Search field to narrow the list of calendars to select. Use the Expand All/Collapse All. Place a checkbox next to the desired school and calendars.
Show Active Year  Only

When set to ON, only those calendars for the current school year are available for selection.

When set to OFF, all calendars from all school years are available for selection.

Report Options
Extract Type
Lists the available extracts to generate. At this time, only the CTE Status is type is available.
Grade Levels
Lists the Grade Levels of enrollment that can be selected. Select the All option or individual grade levels. More than one grade level can be selected.
CTE Status
Indicates the CTE Status to include in the extract. Choose the All option or an individual status. Only one status can be selected.
Include OCS/ECS Students
When marked, students who are OCS or ECS are included in the report.
Include Pathway Details
When marked, the Pathway Details are included in the report.
Include Subgroup Categories
When marked, students who are Homeless, Migrant, and English Language Learners are included in the report.
Effective Date
Entered date reflects the date by which students are considered active in the school. This date defaults to the last day of the selected calendar. Use the Calendar icon to select a different date or enter a new day in MMDDYY format.
Exclude Cross-Site Data
When marked, students who are enrolled in Cross-Site courses are NOT included in the report.
Ad hoc Filter Select which students to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer. Only those students included in the filter are included in the report.
Output Options
Report Processing To generate the report immediately,select Generate Now option. To choose when the report generates, use the Submit to Batch option. Submit to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for larger amounts of data being reported. See the Batch Queue article for more information.
Format Type Determines in which format the report generates - CSV or HTML.

Generate the Report

  1. Search for and select the desired Calendars.
  2. Select CTE Status from the Extract Type field. 
  3. Select one of more Grade Levels. More than one can be selected.
  4. Select the desired CTE Status from the dropdown list. Only one can be selected. 
  5. Mark the checkboxes to include students in additional reporting categories - Include OCS/ECS Students, Include Pathway Details, and Include Subgroup Categories
  6. Enter an Effective Date for the report. 
  7. Mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox to not include students enrolled in Cross-Site courses. 
  8. Select an Ad hoc Filter to only report data for students included in the filter. 
  9. Select the desired Report Processing option of Generate Now or Submit to Batch Queue
  10. Select the desired Format Type
  11. Click Generate. The report displays in the selected format.
Screenshot of the CSV Format of the CTE Extract.CTE Extract - CSV Format


Screenshot of the HTML Format of the CTE EXtract.CTE Extract - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data Element
Student Number
Reports the locally assigned Student Number.

Demographics > Local Student Number

Last Name
Reports the student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Demographics > Last Name

First Name
Reports the student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Demographics > First Name

Reports the grade level of enrollment for the student.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

Reports the student's gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)
Demographics > Sex

Indicates the student's Race/Ethnicity.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Career Pathway
Reports the Academic Plan associated with the Pathway.

Academic Program Detail > Program Name

Career Cluster
Reports the student's Career Cluster.

Academic Program Detail > Cluster
CTE Status
Indicates whether the student is a Concentrator, Participant, or Potential Concentrator.

When the Academic Program Student Status is set to Concentrator or Participant, that value reports.

Otherwise, a check is done to see whether the student is a Potential Concentrator based on the Compound Requirements for the Program in which the student is enrolled. When 1 and 2 are complete and the student is scheduled into 3, reports as a Potential Concentrator.

Academic Program Detail > Student Status

Academic Program Setup > Compound Requirements

Indicates the student has been granted an override to participate in the program

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N) 
Academic Program Detail > Override

Course(s) In Progress
Lists the in-progress courses the student is currently taking.

This reports only when the Include Pathway Details is marked on the Extract editor.

Foundational Prerequisite Course
Lists the Course Numbers of the courses that are considered pre-requisites.

This reports only when the Include Pathway Details is marked on the Extract editor.

Prerequisite Course
Lists the Course Numbers of the courses that are considered pre-requisites.

This reports only when the Include Pathway Details is marked on the Extract editor.

Concentrator Course
Lists the courses the student is taking that are considered Concentrator.

This reports only when the Include Pathway Details is marked on the Extract editor.

Pathway Credits Required
Lists the number of credits required for the Pathway.

This is the SUM of credits required for all courses in the Pathway.

This reports only when the Include Pathway Details is marked on the Extract editor.

Academic Program Setup > Course Requirements > Minimum Credits
Individuals with Disabilities
Indicates whether the student is designated as OCS or ECS.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Individuals Preparing for Non-Traditional Fields
When the Non-Traditional Participation checkbox is marked on the student's Academic Plan, reports either Y or N.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
Academic Program Detail > Non-Traditional Participation
Single Parents
Indicates the student is also a single parent.

When the Pregnant and Parenting Program Status field is populated, a value of Y reports.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
Pregnant and Parenting > Program Status
English Learners
Indicates the student is also an English Language Learner.

When the student's English Learner Program Status is EL,  a value of Y reports. Otherwise, a value of N reports.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Active EL Record > Program Status
Homeless Individuals
Indicates the student is also considered unhoused.

When the student has an active Homeless record (no End Date or End Date after the date of the report), a value of Y reports. Otherwise, a value of N reports.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
Homeless > End Date
Migrant Students
Indicates the student is also considered a Migrant.

when the student's Migrant record has a Program Status of Active, reports a value of Y. Otherwise, a value of N reports.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
Migrant > Program Status
Youth with Parents In Active Military
Indicates the student's parents are active members of the military.

When the Military Connections Editor has an active record, reports a value of Y. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

This reports only when the Include Subgroup Categories is marked on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
Military Connections
Indicates the student participate in OCS/ECS.

School Year
Reports the selected school year.

Numeric, 9 characters (YYYY - YYYY)
Calendar > Start Year, End Year

School Number
Reports the State School Number of the school in which the student is enrolled.

School Information > State School Number

District Number
Reports the State District Number in which the student attends school.

District Information > State District Number
