Tool Search: Student Infraction & Student Infraction Response Template
The Student Infraction & Student Infraction Response Templates are used to track student disciplinary infractions and a school’s response(s) to the infractions for USDE Safe Schools reporting.

Report Logic
- All reporting Event Types and Resolution Types must map to a State Code to report.
- To report an Unknown Offender, districts must add an unknown record manually to the file or create a mock student enrollment marked as State Exclude with Student State ID #825881329.
Student Infraction
- The Student Infraction reports an offender's most severe event per incident based on the Most Severe flag on the Event Editor.
- When the incident date falls on/between the reporting range and the offender has only one event mapped to a state event code, that event reports.
- When the incident date falls on/between the reporting range and the offender has multiple events mapped to a state event code, only events flagged Most Severe report.
If the student's State ID... | Then... |
is NOT = 825881329 | ONLY one record reports per offender per infraction in this report.
IS 825881329 (i.e., Unknown Offender/s) | there are no restrictions on how many records an Unknown Offender may have.
Student Infraction Response
- The Student Infraction Response reports the most severe resolution mapped to a state resolution code from reporting events in the Student Infraction Template.
If no reportable response exist, no record reports.
If multiple resolutions exist on the offender/event of record, the resolution with the lowest value reports.
A response record reports for each infraction record submitted unless the unknown perpetrator ID reports (student state ID #825881329).
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Extract Type |
Submission Start Date | The Start Date of the reporting range. |
Submission End Date | The End Date of the reporting range. |
Ad Hoc Filter | Ad Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. |
Format | The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML, Comma Separated and XML. |
Select Calendars | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. |
Generate Extract/ Submit to Batch | Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of immediately generating the report by clicking Generate Extract. The batch process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. |
Report Examples
Student Infraction Template
Element | Logic | Type, Format, & Length | Campus Database | Campus Location | |||||||||||||||
District Code | A three character district code. | Numeric, 3 digits | District.number | District Information > District Number | |||||||||||||||
Location Code | The State School Number based on the active enrollment/s on the incident date. Reports 998 If a NM Exceptionality Plan is active on the infraction date for this offender where Location Code = 998. Otherwise, the State School Number reports. | Numeric, 3 digits | School.number Enrollment. Enrollment. | School Information > State School Number Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Setting | |||||||||||||||
School Year Date | The end year value based on the Year selected in the Campus Toolbar. Report as YYYY-06-30 all records, where YYYY is the year value based on Calendar > End Date. | Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD | Calendar.endDate | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Student ID | The state-assigned identifier for the student. | Numeric, 9 digits | Person.stateID | Demographics > State ID | |||||||||||||||
Infraction Date | The date of the incident. | Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD | BehaviorIncident. | Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Incident Detail Information > Date of Incident | |||||||||||||||
Filler 6 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Infraction Code | The Infraction Code on the reporting incident. State Event Codes 54c and 54m report as 54, all remaining State Event Codes report the value selected. If there is only one resolution mapped to a state resolution code on the student's reporting Event of Record, that resolution's mapped state code value reports. If there is more than one resolution mapped to a state resolution code on the student's Event of Record, the most serious mapped State Event Code on the reporting incident for the reporting offender of record based on the value set on the data dictionary reports. | Numeric, 3 digits | Behavior. | Behavior Management > Event Details > State Code Behavior > Admin > Event Type > State Event Code Mapping Behavior Management > Event Details > Most Severe | |||||||||||||||
Filler 8 - 13 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Event Identifier | Campus generated Incident ID. | Behavior Management > Incident ID | |||||||||||||||||
Infraction Comment | Reports blank for all records. | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Filler 16 - 18 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Weapon Type | Indicates whether the offender had a weapon. If the offender had a weapon, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. | Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | BehaviorWeapon. weaponType | Behavior Management > Event Types > Behavior Event Type Editor > Behavior Event Type Detail > Classification = Weapon Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Events and Participants > Event and Participant Details > Participant(s) Details > Weapon Type | |||||||||||||||
Victim 1 Type | Indicates the type of victim based on their relationship to the school. If multiple victims are present on the reporting event, the value reports from the first victim entered. If there is at least one victim present on the reporting event of record and the victim has a relationship to the assigned school, the state code reports based on the following table. Otherwise, this column reports blank.
| Numeric, 2 digits | BehaviorRole. BehaviorRole.role | Behavior Management > Participant(s) Details > Role; Relationship to School | |||||||||||||||
Filler 21 - 25 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Criminal Charge Code | If the Police Reported checkbox is marked, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. | Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Behavior. lawEnforcement | Behavior Management > Event Details > Police Reported | |||||||||||||||
Filler 27 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Infraction Cost | The cost of the damages caused by the behavior incident. | Numeric, 8 digits | BehaviorIncident. damages | Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Damages | |||||||||||||||
Drug Related Indicator | Indicates whether the incident is drug related.
| Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | BehaviorEvent. drugsrelated | Behavior Management > Event Types > Behavior Event Type Editor > Behavior Event Type Detail > Classification = Drug Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Events and Participants > Event and Participant Details > Participant(s) Details > Drug Type | |||||||||||||||
Alcohol Related Indicator | Indicates whether the incident is alcohol related.
| Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | BehaviorEvent. | Behavior Management > Event Types > Behavior Event Type Editor > Behavior Event Type Detail > Classification = Drug Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Events and Participants > Event and Participant Details > Participant(s) Details > Drug Type | |||||||||||||||
Gang Related Indicator | Indicates whether the incident is gang related. If the Gang Related checkbox is marked, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. | Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | BehaviorEvent. | Behavior Management > Event Details > Gang Related | |||||||||||||||
Hate Crime Indicator | Indicates whether the incident is a hate crime. If the Hate Crime checkbox is marked, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. | Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | BehaviorEvent. hateCrime | Behavior Management > Event Details > Hate Crime | |||||||||||||||
Serious Bodily Injury Indicator | Indicates whether the incident resulted in serious bodily injury. If the Serious Bodily Injury checkbox is marked, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. | Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | BehaviorRole.injury | Behavior Management > Event Details > Serious Bodily Injury |
Student Infraction Response Template
Element | Logic | Campus Database | Campus Location | |
District Code | A three character district code. | Numeric, 3 digits | District.number | District Information > District Number |
Location Code | The State School Number based on the active enrollment/s on the incident date. Reports 998 If a NM Exceptionality Plan is active on the infraction date for this offender where Location Code = 998. Otherwise, the State School Number reports. | Numeric, 3 digits | School.number Enrollment. Enrollment. Enrollment. | School Information > State School Number Enrollment > Home Schooled Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Setting |
School Year Date | The end year value based on the Year selected in the Campus Toolbar. Report as YYYY-06-30 all records, where YYYY is the year value based on Calendar > End Date. | Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD | Calendar.endDate | N/A |
Student ID | The state-assigned identifier for the student. | Numeric, 9 digits | Person.stateID | Demographics > State ID |
Response Date | The start date of the behavior resolution | Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD | BehaviorResolution. | Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Resolution Start Date |
Filler 6 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Response Code | The state code for the resolution.
| Numeric | Behavior. stateResCode | Behavior Management > Resolution Details > State Code |
Administrator ID | If the Response Code field (#7) reports a state resolution code of 10, 11, or 12, then this field reports the SSN of the staff selected in the Behavior Admin Staff Name dropdown list on the Resolution Editor from the resolution of record. | Numeric | N/A | Demographics > Person Information > Soc Sec Number Behavior Management > Incident Manager Editor > Events and Participation > Resolution > Resolution Details > Behavior Admin Staff Name |
Filler 9 - 10 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Event Identifier | The Campus-generated Incident ID for the reporting infraction response. | Numeric | BehaviorIncident. incidentID | Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Incident Detail Information > Incident ID |
Response Comment | The first 255 characters entered in the Detail field on the Behavior Resolution ONLY when the resolution maps to a State Resolution Code of 8, 10, 11, or 12. | Alphanumeric | N/A | Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Detail |
Response Duration | The value entered in the Duration in School Days on the reporting resolution. If the Duration in School Days field is null, the duration is calculated based on Start and End Dates.
| Numeric, 5 digits xxx.xx | BehaviorResolution. BehaviorResolution. Day.schoolDay | Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Duration in School Days; Resolution Start Date; Resolution Start Time; Resolution End Date; Resolution End Time Calendar > Calendar > Days > Day Detail > School Day |
Filler 14 - 33 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |