Student Comments Translation

This functionality is available to districts that have purchased the Multi-Language Editor as an add-on service. For more information, contact the appropriate Client Relationship Manager.

Tool Search: Student Comments

The Student Comments Translation tool is used to generate a report of student comments in need of translation or verification.

Screenshot of the Student Comments Translation toolStudent Comments Translation tool

Translate Student Comments

  1. Select a Language.
  2. Select a Term.
  3. Select How you would like the language to be filtered?
    1. Student's Home Primary Language
    2. Student's Preferred Language
  4. Select which students to include:
    1. Students in need of translation or verification only
    2. All students with comments (***Denotes Action Needed)
  5. Select an option from the Teacher Filter dropdown.
  6. Select an option from the Student dropdown.
  7. Click the Show Student Comments button. Results display below.