Overview of Activity Rosters

Tool Search: Activity Monitor, Activity Dashboard

The Activity Roster provides a detailed view of the students who have registered for an activity and allows you to manage the roster for current and upcoming activities. For each student on a roster, you can see the student's name, ID, grade, whether their payment and required forms are complete, and the option purchased.

Screenshot of the activity roster

Tips and Tricks

  • Click the Export button to save a copy of the roster.
    • The Excel file includes a column for each required and/or optional form. Forms are marked as TRUE when they are complete and FALSE when they are incomplete. Required forms include an asterisk ( * ) before the form name.
  • The Export Payments option does not include transaction/service fees.
  • Use the Registration Status dropdown list to limit which registrations are displayed. Registration Status options include the following:
    • All
    • Required Registration Complete
    • Required Forms: Action Needed
    • Required Forms: Awaiting Signature
    • Optional Forms: Complete
    • Optional Forms: Review Needed

Screenshot of Activity Roster with the Export button and Registration Status highlighted.

Differences between Activities/Athletics and Field Trip Rosters

For Activity or Athletic types registrations, students are added to the Activity Roster and the Total Students field is incremented as purchases are made through the School Store. Once a student has registered for an activity or athletic event, that activity no longer appears for them to purchase in School Store.

This does not occur for Field Trip activities. Instead, Campus displays the number of students returning from the Ad Hoc filter associated with the field trip, in other words, all students who are expected to register for the field trip.. If you use the Query Wizard or a Pass-Through SQL Query filter, Campus updates the number of Total Students based on the filter's results. If you use the Selection Editor to create your filter, the number of Total Students does not change.

Screenshot of an activity where the type and the total number of students are highlighted.

View a Student's Emergency Contacts

Emergency contact information for each student is available on the Roster screen. Click the buttonscreenshot of the address book buttonnext to the student's name to quickly access contact information in Campus.

Screenshot of the Activity Roster. The Emergency Contact buttons are highlighted.