Person Address Extract (Idaho)

Last updated 02/24

Tool Search: Person Address Extract

The Person Address Extract reports both the physical and mailing address from each student's primary household residence. Information is reported by Student State ID only. No personally identifying information displays.

Screenshot of Idaho Person Address Extract editor.Idaho Person Address Extract

Report Logic

  • This report returns both the Physical and Mailing address from a student's primary household residence. A record will not be returned for an actively enrolled student if the student's primary household address in Campus is not marked as either Mailing or Physical.
  • If a student has more than one active address marked Physical on the extract editor end date, the report returns either the address with the earliest start date or, if they have the same start date, the address that was last entered (by address ID).
  • If the student has more than one active address marked Mailing on the extract editor end date, the report returns either the address with the earliest start date or, if they have the same start date, the address that was last entered (by address ID).
  • In order to report, a student must have a Student State ID and must be enrolled on at least one date in at least one calendar within the reporting range.  The student's enrollment must not be flagged as No Show or State Excluded, the enrollment must not be in a state-excluded calendar, and the student must not be mapped to a state-excluded grade level.
  • The report can be run by District Edition customers. The report can be run against a district's active year as well as any prior year.

Extract Editor

Last Updated DateEnter the date the student addresses were last updated. Value entered returns in the lastUpdated field of the extract for all records. If this field is left blank, the Date Last Modified for each student's address record may report. 
Effective DateBy default, the current date is used. Address records active on the Effective Date are included in the report.
Select CalendarsDefaults to calendar selected in Campus Toolbar. At least one active or prior year calendar must be selected. Calendar list may be sorted by active year, school or calendar year. 
Ad hoc FilterSelect a filter to limit the students included in the report to a subset of results.
FormatUser may choose to generate the file in either comma separated (CSV) or HTML format.

Generate the Extract

  1. Select one or more Calendars to include in the report.
  2. If appropriate, enter the Last Updated Date. The date that is entered reports for all student records. Leave this field blank to report the Date Last Modified for each student's address record.
  3. Enter an Effective Date to include qualifying records active on the date entered. Leave the field blank to use the current date as the effective date.
  4. To narrow the results to a certain subset of students, select an Ad Hoc Filter. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
  5. Choose whether to generate the report in CSV or HTML format.
  6. Use Generate Report to run the report immediately, or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report is to run.

Screenshot of Idaho Person Address Extract generated in CSV formatIdaho Person Address Extract - CSV FormatScreenshot of Idaho Person Address Extract generated in HTML formatIdaho Person Address Extract - HTML Format

Extract Layout

Element NameDescriptionLocation
idPersonIdUnique student state identifier
Student State ID
Numerical, 9 digit

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

If address of record is marked Mailing, report as M

If address of record is marked Physical, report as P

If the address of record is marked BOTH Mailing and Physical, report as P

Alpha, 1 digit
Census > Address
addressLine1Concatenated value with 'not null' values for P.O. Box, Number, Prefix and Street separated by a single space.
Alphanumeric, 60 digit
Census > Address
addressLine2Concatenated value with 'not null' values for Tag, Direction and Apt separated by a single space.
Alphanumeric, 60 digit
Census > Address
addressCityReports City from address of record.
Alphanumeric, 50 digit
Census > Address
addressStateReports State from address of record.
Alpha, 2 digit
Census > Address
addressZipCodeReports from the address of record if the address is marked mailing. May report as 5-digit or zip+4 (must not include hyphen or space) if present. An address of record marked only Physical is reported as null/blank.
5 or 9 digit 
Census > Address
lastUpdatedDate the person's address was last updated. Reports the date entered in the Last Updated Date field on the extract editor. If the field is left blank, the Modified Date from the student's address of record reports. Addresses that have never been modified since originally entered will report as null/blank.
Date, 10 digit, MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY
Extract Editor > Last Updated Date
Address > Modified Date