SSRS Server Configuration

Tool Search: SSRS Server Configuration

The SSRS Server Configuration tool allows districts to set up a connection to an SSRS server from Infinite Campus that can run custom reports. Standard Infinite Campus hosting models include access to an SSRS server upon request.

screenshot of the SSRS server configuration tool

SSRS Server Configuration Fields

Server NameThe display name of the SSRS Server.
Execution URLBase URL called when executing reports. See below for how you would get this value.
Management URLBase URL called when managing reports. See below for how you would get this value.
UsernameThe username used to log into the SSRS Server.
PasswordThe password used to log into the SSRS Server.
Test ConnectionUsed to test the connection of the server. If the test is successful, continue to SSRS Report Configuration. If not, reenter your credentials and try again.

Setting Up SSRS Server Configuration

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter Server Name.
  3. Enter the Execution URL.
  4. Enter Management URL.
  5. Enter Username.
  6. Enter Password.
  7. Click Test Connection to verify the information entered is correct.
  8. Click Save. You'll be taken back to the server list, and a green confirmation will appear in the top right-hand corner.

Establishing Execution and Management URLs

To get the execution and management URLs for SSRS server configuration tool, you start with the login URL for your campus site:

Take base URL:

For the Execution URL, add:


For the Management URL, add:


Your Execution and Management URL should look like this, respectively:

The values should be assumed to be case-sensitive.

If you have configured your own server, the value for ‘ReportServer’ may have been changed and can be found in Reporting Services Configuration Manager > Web Service URL > Virtual Directory on the SSRS report server itself.