Tool Search: CLM
The Class Level Membership (CLM) Extract reports, at the class level, the number of students being instructed in core academic subjects and information about the teacher who instructs each class.
There are two extract types.
Type | Description |
Summary | Used for state submission. |
Detail | Used to audit the summary report. This extract includes individual student information. |

Report Logic
- To report, courses must meet the following criteria:
- Subject type is CORE or ELEM.
- Course is marked as Active.
- Course Exclude is null.
- State Code cannot be null.
- Section must have at least 1 student in state grades 91-12 registered for the school year.
- Reports the Primary Teacher as of the section end date tied to the course sections that meet the previous criteria.
- If the section has not ended, the Primary Teacher as of the Effective Date selected on the extract editor reports.
If there is no active primary teacher, the most recent active teacher as of the course End Date reports, or if the course has not ended, the effective date where the role Teacher of Record (TR) or Long Term Substitute (LT) reports.
- If multiple teachers meet the previous criteria, both teachers report.
A teacher may only report 12 times on the extract. If a teacher meets the requirements to report on more than 12 sections, then the top 12 sections based on the number of students rostered as of the Effective Date report.
All fields that report a student count only report for students who were active in the section as of the report Effective Date.
The report sorts first alphabetically by Teacher Last Name then by lowest to highest Course Number.
Title 1 Students
- A student is considered to be Title 1 if the student has an active Title1 Flag that meets the following criteria:
- State code of T1.
- Flag is marked as state-reported.
- Flag is active as of section end date (If the section has not ended, Campus uses the system date).
If student has a value in the home school field on their enrollment AND there is a school in the district with that state school code, then Campus finds the school record that falls as of the end date on the extract editor and reports the value from the Title 1 field on that school.
Campus considers the School History Record and Title 1 Flag.
Code in School
Included in the total for Title 1 Students?
Targeted Assistance Eligible - No Program
Targeted Assistance Program
Yes, if the student has an active Title1 Flag with a state code of T1 and is marked as state reported as of the report end date report. Otherwise, no.
Schoolwide Eligible - Targeted Assistance
Yes, if the student has an active Title1 Flag with a state code of T1 and is marked as state reported as of the report end date. Otherwise, no.
Schoolwide Eligible- No Program
Schoolwide Program
Not a Title I School
Report Editor Fields
Field | Description |
Report Type |
There are two Report Types.
Effective Date | The Effective Date selected here is used to calculate the values for multiple fields on the extract. The default value is today’s date. |
Output Format |
Format in which the report is generated:
Which students would you
like to include in the report? |
Grade - Select the grade(s) to include in the report. Ad Hoc Filter - Student Ad Hoc filters are available to narrow report results. |
Ad Hoc Filter (Staff) | Staff Ad Hoc filters are available to narrow report results. |
Ad Hoc Filter (Course) | Course Ad Hoc filters are available to narrow report results. |
Exclude Cross-Site Data
Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Include Course Information |
When this checkbox is marked, the Course Number, Course Name, and Section Number report. This checkbox only displays when the Report Type is CLM Summary. |
Select Calendars | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. |
Generate Report Submit to Batch |
Users can submit the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. |
Summary Report Layout
Element | Description | Location |
LEA Number |
The two-digit state designation of the local education agency.
Numeric, 2 digits |
District Information > State District Number |
School Number | The four-digit code assigned to the school building.
Numeric, 4 digits |
School Information > Reporting School ID
School Information > State School Number |
Unique Statewide Identifier | The State Assigned Teacher Identification (SATID).
Alphanumeric, 10 characters |
Demographics > StateStaff ID |
Local Employee Number | The locally assigned employee number.
Numeric, 10 digits |
Demographics > Local Staff Number |
Last Name |
The teacher’s last name.
Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports.
Alphanumeric, 25 characters |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name |
First Name |
The teacher’s first name.
Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name |
Middle Name |
The teacher’s middle name.
Reports the middle name from the current Identity record. Legal Middle Name reports. If the Legal Middle Name is null, the Middle Name reports.
Alphanumeric, 15 characters |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Middle Name or Middle Name |
Generational Suffix |
The teacher of record's generational suffix.
Reports the suffix from the current Identity record. If the Legal First Name and Legal Name are not null, Legal Suffix reports. If the Legal First Name and Legal Middle Name are null, Suffix reports.
Alphanumeric, 3 characters |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Suffix or Suffix |
BC-Maiden Last Name |
The teacher of record’s maiden name.
Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric, 25 characters |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name |
Date of Birth | The teacher of record’s birth date.
Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD |
Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date |
Gender |
The teacher of record’s gender. M: Male F: Female X: Non-Binary
Reports the gender from the current Identity record. Legal Gender reports. If Legal Gender is null, Gender reports
Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Gender or Gender |
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity | The teacher of record’s ethnicity. Y reports when this checkbox is marked. Otherwise, this element reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino |
Race |
The five-digit code describing the teacher's race.
Numeric, 5 digits |
Demographics > Race Ethnicity |
SSN | The teacher’s social security number.
Numeric, 9 digits |
Demographics > SSN |
Filler | N/A | N/A |
Long Term Substitute | If the teacher's role is "Long Term Substitute," 1 reports. Otherwise, this element reports 0.
Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Section Staff History > Teacher > Role |
Time of Year |
The time of year in which the course takes place. See the Time of Year Codes for valid options. Alphanumeric, 2 characters |
Section Information > Section Editor > Time of Year
Class Number |
The class number is based on the total number of sections in which the teacher is tied across the calendar(s) selected in the extract editor. The sequence is based on the number of students in the course as of the section end date. If the section has not ended, the calculation uses the Effective Date entered on the extract editor. If multiple sections have the same number of students, the sequence number is based on the section ID. The highest ID gets the highest sequence number.
The maximum value for this element is 12. For example, if the teacher has 12 students in section A and 14 in section B, Section B would report 01 and section A would report 02. Numeric, 2 digits |
N/A |
Grade |
The minimum state grade level of the students enrolled as of the effective date. Campus reviews the roster as of the Effective Date and reports the grade of the student with the lowest state grade level. State grade 91 is the lowest, and state grade 12 is the highest. Numeric, 2 digits |
Course > Section > Roster > Grade
Grade Level Setup > State Grade
Subject Code | The state code from the course.
Alphanumeric, 4 characters |
Course Information > State Code
Hispanic/Latino=’Y’ and any race - Male Students | The number of male students that are Hispanic/Latino as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Demographics > Identity > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic Latino > Yes |
Hispanic/Latino=’Y’ and any race - Female Students | The number of female Hispanic students as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and American Indian or Alaska Native - Male Students | The number of students that are American Indian or Alaska Native and male as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Demographics > Identity > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic Latino > N:No
Census > People Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 2 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and American Indian or Alaska Native - Female Students | The number of students that are American Indian or Alaska Native and female as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 2 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Asian - Male Students |
The number of students that are Asian and male as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 3 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Asian - Female Students | The number of students that are Asian and female as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 3 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Black or African American - Male Students | The number of students that are Black and male as of the section end date
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 4 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Black or African American - Female Students | The number of students that are Black and female as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 4 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - Male Students |
The number of students that are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and male as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 5 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - Female Students |
The number of students that are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and female as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Census > People Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 5 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and White - Male Students | The number of students that are White and male as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Census > People Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Census > People Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 6 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and White - Female Students | The number of students that are White and female as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 6 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Two or More Races - Male Students | The number of students that are two or more races and male as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Male
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 7 |
Hispanic/Latino=’N’ and Two or More Races - Female Students | The number of students that are two or more races and female as of the section end date.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Demographics > Identity > Gender > Female
Demographics > Identity > Federal Race/Ethnicity > 7 |
Title I Students | The number of students that are Title 1. See the Title 1 Students information in the report logic for more details.
Numeric, 4 digits |
Enrollments > End Status > Standard code area of the dictionary |
Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals | The number of students that have free or reduced meals. If the student's eligibility is free or Reduced as of the section end date, they will report. Otherwise, they are not included.
Numeric, 4 digits |
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility |
Students with Disabilities |
The number of student with disabilities. To calculate this element, Campus uses the student’s most recent IEP where the print format is MD SPED Data as of the end date on the extract editor to determine the special ed status. Students are included if their most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date that is prior to or equal to the report course End Date. If the course has not ended, Campus uses the extract editor Effective Date. The latest IEP Closed Date must be less or equal to the extract editor Effective Date AND
Numeric, 4 digits |
Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Print Format is MD SPED Date > Detail Editor > Start Date, IEP Closed Date, Exit Code |
Students with 504 Plans |
The number of students with a 504 plan. Campus totals the number of students rostered into the course as of the course End Date that are 504. Students are considered 504 if they have an active 504 record with a start date before the last day of the section or if the section has not ended, a 504 start date prior to the Effective Date and one of the following: 504 End Date is NULL OR 504 End Date is after the extract editor End Date. Numeric, 4 digits |
Flags > Flag (State Code of 504 and marked as state reported) |
Students with Limited English Proficiency |
The number of student with Limited English Proficiency. Students in the course/section that meet the following criteria report:
English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status = EL or Exited EL |
LEA Use | Blank | N/A |
Course Number | The Course Number. This element only reports when the Include Course Information checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Numeric, 20 digits |
Course Information > Number
Course Name | The Course Name. This element only reports when the Include Course Information checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Alphanumeric, 40 characters |
Course Information > Name |
Section Number | The Section Number. This element only reports when the Include Course Information checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Numeric, 15 digits |
Section Information > Number
Detail Report Layout
Element | Description | Location |
Course Number | The Course Number. This element only reports when the Include Course Information checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Numeric, 20 digits |
Course Infomation > Number
Course.number |
Section Number | The Section Number. This element only reports when the Include Course Information checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Numeric, 15 digits |
Section Information > Number
Section.number |
Subject Code | The state code from the course.
Alphanumeric, 4 characters |
Course Information > State Code
Course.statecode |
Time of Year |
The time of year in which the course takes place. See the Time of Year Codes for valid options. Alphanumeric, 2 characters |
Section Information > Section Detail > Time of Year
definition.termtype |
Teacher Last Name | The teacher's last name.
Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric |
Identities > Legal Last Name or Last Name
identity.lastname |
Teacher First Name | The teacher's first name.
Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. |
Identities > Legal First Name or First name
identity.firstname |
Long Term Substitute | If the teacher's role is "Long Term Substitute," Y reports. Otherwise, this element reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Section Staff History > Teacher > Role
Teacher.role |
Class Number |
The class number is based on the total number of sections the teacher is tied across the calendar(s) selected in the extract editor.
The sequence is based on the number of students in the course as of the section end date. The calculation uses the Effective Date entered on the extract editor if the section has not ended. The sequence number is based on the section ID if multiple sections have the same number of students. The section with the highest ID gets the highest sequence number.
The maximum value for this element is 12. For example, if the teacher has 12 students in Section A and 14 in Section B, Section B would report 01, and Section A would report 02. Numeric, 2 digits |
N/A |
LEA Number | The two-digit state designation of the local education agency.
Numeric, 2 digits |
District Information > State District Number
District.number |
Reporting School ID | The state school number for the school to which the course is tied.
Numeric, 4 digits |
School Information > Reporting School ID
School.reportingSchoolIDnumber |
School Number | The four-digit code assigned to the school building.
Numeric, 4 digits |
School Information > State School Number
School.number |
Unique Statewide Identifier | The State Assigned Teacher Identification (SATID).
Numeric |
Demographics > StateStaff ID
Person.stateID |
Local Student Number | The student's local ID.
Numeric |
Demographics > Local Student Number
Person.studentnumber |
Last Name | The student's last name.
Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name
identity.lastname |
First Name | The student's first name.
Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name
identity.firstname |
Middle Name | The student's middle name.
Reports the middle name from the current Identity record. Legal Middle Name reports. If the Legal Middle Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Middle Name or First Name
identity.middlename |
Date of Birth | The student's birthday.
Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD |
Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date
identity.birthdate |
Gender |
The student's gender.
Reports the gender from the current Identity record. Legal Gender reports. If Legal Gender is null, Gender reports. Alphanumeric |
Identities > Current Identity > Legal Gender or Gender
identity.gender |
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity | The student's ethnicity. Y reports when this checkbox is marked. Otherwise, this element reports N.
Alphanumeric, 1 characters |
Demographics > Race Ethnicity > is the individual Hispanic/Latino
Identity.hispanicEthnicity |
Race | The five-digit code describing the student's race.
Example 02000 = Asian Numeric |
Demographics > Race Ethnicity
Identity.raceEthnicityFED |
Grade | The student's grade level as of the Effective Date.
Numeric |
Enrollment > Grade Level System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels Enrollment.grade Gradelevel.stategrade |
Title I Students | The number of students that are Title 1. See the Title 1 Students information in the report logic for more details.
Alphanumeric |
Enrollments > End Status > Standard code area of the dictionary |
Students Eligible for Free or Reduced PriceMeals | The number of students that have free or reduced meals. If the student's eligibility is free or Reduced as of the section end date, they will report. Otherwise, they are not included.
Numeric, 4 digits |
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility
POSEligibility.eligibility |
Students with Disabilities |
The number of student with disabilities. To calculate this element, Campus uses the student’s most recent IEP where the print format is MD SPED Data as of the end date on the extract editor to determine the special ed status. Students are included if their most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date that is prior to or equal to the report course End Date. If the course has not ended, Campus uses the extract editor Effective Date. The latest IEP Closed Date must be less or equal to the extract editor Effective Date AND
Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Print Format is MD SPED Date > Detail Editor > Start Date, IEP Closed Date, Exit Code
Students with 504 Plans |
The number of students with a 504 plan. Campus totals the number of students rostered into the course as of the course End Date that is 504. Students are considered 504 if they have an active 504 record with a start date before the last day of the section or if the section has not ended, a 504 start date before the Effective Date, and one of the following: 504 End Date is NULL OR 504 End Date is after the extract editor End Date. Numeric, 4 digits |
Flags > Flag (State Code of 504 and marked as state reported) Program.code |
Students with Limited English Proficiency |
The number of students with Limited English Proficiency. Students in the course/section that meet the following criteria report:
English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status is EL or Exited EL
Lep.programstatus Lep.idenfiedDate |
Time of Year Codes
Code | Name |
1Q | 1st Quarter |
1S | 1st Semester/Fall Semester |
1T | 1st Trimester |
2Q | 2nd Quarter |
2S | 2nd Semester/Spring Semester |
2T | 2nd Trimester |
3Q | 3rd Quarter |
3T | 3rd Trimester |
4Q | 4th Quarter |
F | Full Year |
M | Mini Session |
O | Other |
S | Summer Term |
SY | School Year |