Evaluation (Kentucky)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

Evaluations are used to document the student's educational needs and the student's determination of eligibility for special education. This document describes each editor, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor and fields.

An evaluation must be created whether or not the student is determined to have a disability. A copy of the evaluation summary report, including the documentation of eligibility, is given to the student’s parents by the school.

The current format of this document is the KY Evaluation 2023.1 print format. Formats are selected in Eval Types.

Screenshot of the list of editors in the Evaluation.Editor Home

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

This article provides information on the core functionality of Special Ed Plans and Evaluations rewritten in the New Look of Campus. See your state's specific articles for information on the editors within the plan or evaluation.

Editor Home

The Editor Home lists the editors available, their status, and Modification and Completion information.

NameThe name of the editor.

The state of the editor. Statuses can be:

  • In Progress indicates a user has entered and saved data in that editor.
  • Not Started is the default status for all editors.
  • Complete indicates that a user has clicked the Complete button on the editor, making it read-only. This does not lock the editor from further editing but indicates that the user considers the editor finished.
  • Not Needed indicates a user has clicked the Not Needed button on the editor. This is usually done for editors that do not apply to the student.

The following statuses are only available for certain state-specific documents:

Modified ByThe date and the user by whom the editor was last edited.
Completed ByThe date and the user who clicked the Complete button for that editor.

General Information

The following table lists the actions available for the editors. When resizing the window, certain buttons are condensed into a single Action button. 


Different editors have different save options. Click the arrow next to the Save & Stay button to view all saving options for any given editor.

  • Save captures progress and navigates the user to the Editor Home or to the List Screen for List editors. See the Editor Types section for additional information.
  • Save & Stay captures progress and keeps the user on the current editor. This save button is the default save option and is usually found within the detail screen or list editors, such as Goals and Objectives. 
  • Save & Next captures progress and navigates the user to the next editor.
  • Save & New captures progress and creates a new record. This save button is usually found within the detail screen of a list editor, such as Goals and Objectives. See the Editor Type section for additional information.

Retrieves a new copy of data from the student's record, including enrollment, student, parent/guardian, and team member information. It also returns any accidentally deleted records. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

A side panel lists all the student's applicable enrollment records. See the Enrollments tool documentation for additional information.

CancelNavigates the user to the Editor Home screen or the List Screen for List editors.


Changes the status of the editor. 

  • Complete indicates the editor is finished. This makes the editor read-only. However, it does not lock the editor from further editing. The user must click In Progress to further edit after an editor is marked Complete.
  • Not Needed indicates the editor does not apply to the student's plan or evaluation. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. Click the In Progress button to further edit after an editor is marked Not Needed.
  • In Progress only displays when the editor is in the Complete or Not Needed status and allows additional edits to be made.
  • Complete Pending eSignature only displays for certain editors. This button marks the editor as complete until the parent/guardian electronically signs those plan sections via the Campus Parent Portal. See the Special Ed eSignature Process articles for additional information.

Prints the entire document.

EditorsOpens a side panel listing all the available editors and their status. Select an editor from this list to navigate to that editor or click Close to collapse the side panel.
PreviousNavigates the user to the previous editor.
NextNavigates the user to the next editor.

Editor Types

There are two types of editors available: List or Basic editors. When navigating to a Basic editor, the list of fields within the editor is displayed. List editors display a list of all records within that editor. Clicking an existing record or the New button opens the detail view for an individual record.

Editor Lock Out and Release Logic

Only one user at a time can actively work on an editor. A person with a padlock icon (Screenshot of the Padlock Icon.) displays in the Editors side panel, Editor Home, and List Screen of list editors, indicating which editors currently have users working on them. Hovering over the icon displays the name of the user who has checked out the editor, including the current user (you).

Editors that are currently being edited are read-only for all other users. The name of the person working on the editor displays in the header. 

To release an editor, the user must:

  • navigate to the next editor by clicking Save and Next or the Editors button and selecting the next editor from the side panel.
  • click the Cancel button to return to the Editor Home screen.
  • log out of the Campus application.
  • navigate to a different tool in the Campus application.

Editors are automatically released when the in-application timeout limit has been exceeded. This is a back-end process and is usually around 30-60 minutes.

Template Banks

Certain fields within several editors have an Add Template icon that displays next to their name. Clicking this button displays a side panel with the available library of predetermined text for that field. Template Banks are managed in System Administration.

This feature is not available for Delaware users.

Screenshot of the Add Template icon highlighted and the Template Bank side panel displayed on the right.Template Bank Side PanelClick the plus (+) icons next to the category to view the available template values.

Screenshot of an expanded Template Bank Category on the left and several template values selected on the right. Expanded Category and Values SelectedTemplate Bank Categories display on the left, and the selected text displays on the right. Click the Add button to add the template value. This adds the template to the queue of values on the right. The red X removes selected templates, while the sequence field can be used to reorder the templates. Another option is to use the up and down arrows next to the sequence field to reorder values. 

Click Cancel to go back to the document. The Clear Selected Template(s) button removes all selected template values from the right selection screen. 

Once selections are finalized, click the Insert Selected Template(s) button to add the values to the field within the document in the selected order. Carriage returns separate template values.

Screenshot of an example field with several template bank selections added.Example Template Bank Selections in the Document

Text Editors

Images should not be inserted into text fields. 


The following section lists each editor and describes each field on the editor.

Evaluation Header

The Evaluation Header includes the dates associated with evaluation of the student, including the date the student was notified, the date of consent for initial evaluation and the date of consent for services.

Screenshot of the Evaluation header editor.Evaluation Header Editor

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ARC Date
The date the Admissions and Release Committee met.N/A
Evaluation Type

The type of evaluation. Options include:

  • Initial Evaluation
  • Reevaluation
  • Transferred
These options are hard-coded.
Date of Consent/Denial for ServicesThe date the parent/guardian gave consent/denial for an evaluation.N/A
Reason for missing 60 day timelineThe reason the 60 day timeline for evaluation was not met. Options include:
  • Timeline met, but consent not signed at meeting
  • Availability of Evaluation Personnel
  • Personnel Training Issue
  • Excessive Student Absenteeism
  • Transfer Student
  • Parental Factors
  • Issues with District Tracking System
  • Difficulty Obtaining External Evaluation Components
These options are hard-coded.

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment record. This editor is read only.

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. The Refresh button must be clicked before the editor can be placed in a Complete status.

See the General Information section for additional information.

Screenshot of the Enrollment Information editor. Enrollment Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionDatabase Name/Location (when Refresh is clicked)Validation
Primary Disability, if currently identifiedThe student's primary disability.Enrollment > Primary Disability

This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.

Displays None when a disability is not identified.
GradeThe student's current grade.

Enrollment > Grade


This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
School NameThe student's school of attendance.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Enrollments > residentSchool

This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
School PhoneThe student's school of attendance phone number.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > School > Phone

This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District Information
District NumberThe district number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District NumberThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District NameThe district name associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > NameThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District AddressThe district address associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > AddressThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District PhoneThe district phone number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > PhoneThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District SPED AddressThe district special education address associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED AddressThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District SPED PhoneThe district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED PhoneThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.

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Student Information

The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor.  

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.

Screenshot of the Student Information editor. Student Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionDatabase/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked)
Last NameThe student's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First NameThe student's first name.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle NameThe student's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


SuffixThe student's suffix.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


GenderThe student's gender.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


BirthdateThe student's birthdate.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


Race, EthnicityThe student's race/ethnicity.Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Primary Mode of Communication of StudentThe student's language they speak at home.

Values available are found in the locked Attribute Dictionary, LanguageList.
Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language


The student's address.

This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt; address.city; address.state; address.zip

Student NumberThe student's identification number.Census > People > Demographics > Student Number
State IDThe student's state identification number.Census > People > Demographics > State ID
Case Manager Information
These fields are read-only.
NameThe first and last name of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Name
TitleThe role of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Title
PhoneThe phone number of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Work Phone

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.

The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the Evaluation. 

The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

Screenshot of the Parent/Guardian Information editor. Parent/Guardian Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionDatabase/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked)Validation
Last NameThe last name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First NameThe first name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle NameThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
SuffixThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
RelationshipThe relation of the parent/guardian to the student.Census > People > RelationshipsThis field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Print SequenceThe print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP.N/AWhen no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number print in the order defined. Un-sequenced parent/guardians display at the bottom. 
AddressThe parent/guardians' address.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt; address.city; address.state; address.zip

This field populates from Census. 

When there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the dropdown has one option. The populated address is the one marked Primary.

Home PhoneThe home phone number of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Household PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Work PhoneThe work phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Work PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Cell PhoneThe cell phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Cell PhoneThis field populates from Census.
E-mailThe primary email address for the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > EmailThis field populates from Census.

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Multi-Disciplinary Report

The Multi-Disciplinary Report editor is used to record reports regarding various areas of evaluation.

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Multi-Disciplinary Report List Screen

Screenshot of the Multi-Disciplinary Report list editor. Multi-Disciplinary Report List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the Multi-Disciplinary Report record.
Report DisciplineThe area evaluated.
Report Discipline SummaryThis displays the first 100 characters of the Report Discipline Summary.

Multi-Disciplinary Report Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Multi-Disciplinary Report detail.Multi-Disciplinary Report Detail Screen

Report Discipline

The area evaluated. Options include:

  • Evaluation Report
  • Educational History
  • Interventions
  • Physical Functioning (Health/Vision/Hearing/Motor)
  • Intellectual Functioning
  • Academic Functioning
  • Communication Functioning
  • Social and Developmental History
  • Social-Emotional-Behavioral Functioning
  • Observations
  • Work Skills/Technical/Vocational/Transition
  • Summary and Recommendations

Once a record has been created for a Discipline, that option is no longer available in the dropdown.

The options available in the dropdown are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Report Discipline.

<Report Discipline Summary>A description of the information regarding the particular discipline.Report Discipline displays the name selected from the Report Discipline dropdown.

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RR-Review of Existing Data

The Review of Existing Data editor describes the student's currently identified disability and services as well as previous eligibilities.

This is required only for a reevaluation, not an initial evaluation.

Screenshot of the RR-Review of Existing Data editor. RR-Review of Existing Data Editor

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Field NameDescriptionValidation
Current Disability

The student's current disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The options available are available in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability.
If "Multiple Disabilities" is selected, list categories

The student's disabilities, when applicable. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-blindness
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment

*This field is available and required when Multiple Disabilities is selected above. 

Once an option is selected, it no longer displays in the dropdown.

The options available are available in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability. The Multiple Disability, Developmental Delay, and Speech of Language Impairment options do not display.

List Current Disability Area(s)

The options when Developmental Delay is selected include:

  • Cognition
  • Motor development
  • Self-help/adaptive behavior
  • Communication
  • Social-emotional development

The options when Specific Learning Disability is selected include:

  • Oral Expression
  • Written Expression
  • Reading Fluency Skills
  • Mathematics Calculation
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Basic Reading Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics Reasoning

The options when Speech or Language Impairment is selected include:

  • Speech Sound Production and Use
  • Language
  • Fluency
  • Voice

*This field is available and required when Developmental Delay, Specific Learning Disability or Speech or Language Impairment is selected from the Current Disability dropdown. 

Once an option is selected, it no longer displays in the dropdown.

The options available are available in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Developmental Delay/Specific Learning Disability/Speech Language.

Current Related Services

The student's current services. Options include:

  • N/A
  • OT
  • PT
  • Speech
  • O & M
  • Special Transportation
  • Other
Multiple options can be selected.
Specify Other
The student's other services.*This field is available and required when Other is selected above.
Previous Eligibility Determinations
Previous Eligibility DeterminationsA description of the student's previous eligibility determination.N/A
ARC Dates for Eligibility DeterminationThe ARC dates of the eligibility determination.N/A
Evaluation/Reevaluation Report in File

Indicates the Evaluation/Reevaluation Report is included in the files. Options are Yes or No.


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RR-Review of Records

The Review of Current Performance editor summarizes current information about the student’s assessments.

This is required only when this is a Reevaluation, not an Initial Evaluation.

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RR-Review of Records List Screen

Screenshot of the RR-Review of Records list screenRR-Review of Records List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the Review of Records record.
Expand/CollapseWhen expanded, associated date, score, and scaled score display.
Assessment AreaThe assessment area.

RR-Review of Records Detail Screen

Click an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the RR-Review of Records detail screen.RR-Review of Records Detail Screen

Assessment Area

The assessment area. Options include:

  • Communication Status
  • Academic Performance
  • Health, Vision, Hearing, Motor Abilities
  • Social and Emotional Status
  • General Intelligence
  • Transition Needs
  • Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment
  • Functional Hearing, Listening and Communication Assessment

Once a user creates a record for an Assessment Area, that option no longer displays in the dropdown.

The options available are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Assessment Area. 

<Assessment Area>: <Text>
The card is limited to 8 rows.
DateThe date of the assessment.N/A
TestThe test administered.N/A
ScaleThe scale of the test.This field is limited to 50 characters.
Standard ScoreThe score of the test. This field is limited to 50 characters.
Interpretation of ResultsA description of the interpretation of the results of the assessment.N/A

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RR-Review of Current Performance

The Review of Current Performance editor summarizes current information about the student’s academic and functional performance levels.

This is required only when this is a Reevaluation, not an Initial Evaluation.

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RR-Review of Current Performance List Screen

Screenshot of the RR-Review of Current Performance list screen.  RR-Review of Current Performance List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe person currently working on the Review of Current Performance record. 
DocumentationThe assessment area.
Additional AssessmentsIndicates additional assessments are needed.

RR-Review of Current Performance Detail Screen

Click an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the RR-Review of Current Performance detail screen.RR-Review of Current Performance Detail Screen

RR-Review of Current Performance


  • Summarize current information about the student's academic and functional performance levels.
  • At least two observations are required for all evaluations.
  • Include information for applicable items listed and any other relevant information.

The assessment area. Options include:

  • Communication Status
  • Academic Performance
  • Health, Vision, Hearing, Motor Abilities
  • Social and Emotional Status
  • General Intelligence
  • Transition Needs
  • Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment
  • Functional Hearing, Listening and Communication Assessment
The options available are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Assessment Area.
<Documentation Area> Documentation Method

The options available when Communication Status is selected include:

  • IEP Progress Data for each Goal
  • Assistive Technology
  • Augmentative Communication Devices
  • Primary Mode of Communication
  • Observations
  • Other, Specify

The options available when Academic Performance is selected include:

  • IEP Progress Data for each Goal
  • Grades (current and previous year)
  • Attendance
  • State Assessment Results
  • District Assessment Results
  • Work Sample Results
  • Effective Accommodations
  • Basic Skills
  • On-Task Behavior
  • Rate of Learning
  • Work Completion
  • Math Computation
  • Math Reasoning
  • Written Language
  • Reading Decoding
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Universal Screening Data
  • Observations
  • Intervention Data
  • School-Bases Assessment
  • Learning Styles
  • Other, Specify

The options available when Health, Vision, Hearing, Motor Abilities is selected include:

  • IEP Progress Data for each Goal
  • Current Health Status
  • Medications and Impact
  • Diagnosis
  • Vision Screening
  • Hearing Screening
  • Vision/Hearing Difficulties
  • Gross/Fine Motor Skills
  • Motor Planning
  • Sensory Issues
  • Injuries
  • Mobility
  • Observations
  • Other, Specify

The options available when Social and Emotional Status is selected include:

  • IEP Progress Data for each Goal
  • Adaptive Skills
  • Attention, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity Issues
  • Disciplinary Referrals
  • Suspensions Bus/School
  • Peer Interaction
  • Adult Interaction
  • Aggression
  • Self-Control
  • Functional Behavior Assessments
  • Observations
  • Social/Developmental History Update
  • Other, Specify

The options available when General Intelligence is selected include:

  • Aptitude
  • Retention of Information (memory)
  • Application of Knowledge
  • Reasoning Skills
  • Generalizes Knowledge
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Observations
  • Other, Specify

The options available when Transition Needs is selected include:

  • IEP Progress Data for each Goal required
  • Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  • Transition Assessments
  • Learning Styles
  • Community Based Instruction
  • Careers of Interest
  • Work Experience
  • Collaboration with Others
  • Independent Living
  • Home Responsibilities
  • Multi-Year Course of Study required
  • Observations
  • Other, Specify

*This field is available and required when a documentation area is selected for all areas except Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment and Functional Hearing, Listening and Communication Assessment.

The <Documentation Area> name and options available change based on the Documentation option selected.

The options available are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, EvaluatorAssessment > Communication Status/Academic Performance/Health/Social and Emotional Status/General Intelligence/Transition Needs.

Other, Specify
The other documentation method.*This field is available and required when Other, Specify is selected.
Functional <Name> AssessmentA description of the additional assessment needed. This field is available when Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment or Functional Hearing, Listening, & Communication Assessment is selected in the Documentation dropdown.

This field's name changes based on the selection made in the Documentation dropdown; Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment OR Functional Hearing, Listening, & Communication Assessment.


Provide information if blind or visually impaired

  • Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment
  • Functional Hearing, Listening, & Communication Assessment
<Label> changes based on what option is selected.
SummaryA summary of the review.N/A
ARC Determined Additional Assessments

Indicates additional assessments are necessary. Options are, Are needed or Are not needed.


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Eligibility Form

The Eligibility Form editor lists the student's eligible disability, or disabilities, determination(s). 

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Eligibility Form List Screen

Screenshot of the Eligibility Form list screen.Eligibility Form List Screen - Autism Example

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe person currently working on the Eligibility Form record.
Eligible DisabilityThe student's disability.
DeterminationThe determination.
ARC DeterminationThe ARC determination. This field pulls from the field, The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine. This displays as one of the following options:
  • Eligible
  • Not Eligible
  • Not Eligible, no impact
  • Insufficient Data

Eligibility Form Detail Screen

Click an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Eligibility Form detail screen.Eligibility Form Detail Screen - Autism Example

Eligible Disability

The student's disability. Options include:

Once a disability has been selected, it no longer displays in the dropdown for subsequent Eligibility checklist records.

Selection determines which fields display below.


Options include:

  • Initial Determination
  • Re-determination


Autism Eligibility

The following fields display when Autism is selected as the Eligible Disability.

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Autism Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to meet the eligibility criteria for autism and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1a. The student has a developmental disability, generally evident before age 3, significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication.

Indicates the student has a developmental delay impacting verbal and nonverbal communication. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
1b. The student has a developmental disability affecting social interaction.

Indicates the student has a developmental disability impacting their social interactions. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
2. The student's deficits are not primarily the result of an emotional- behavioral disability.

Indicates the student's deficits are not the result of an emotional/behavioral disability. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
3. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

5. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's autism eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for autism, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for autism and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has autism, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility. *This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

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Deaf-Blindness Eligibility

The following fields display when Deaf-Blindness is selected as the Eligible Disability.

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Deaf-Blindness Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a disability of deaf-blindness and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

1a. Student has a Hearing Impairment.

Attached Hearing Impairment Eligibility Form

Indicates the student has a hearing impairment. Options are Yes or No.


1b. Student has a Visual Impairment.

Attached Visual Impairment Eligibility Form

Indicates the student has a visual impairment. Options are Yes or No.

2. The combination of the two impairments causes such severe communication, developmental and educational needs that the student cannot be accommodated in special education programs designed solely for students with visual impairments or hearing impairments, unless supplementary assistance is provided to address educational needs resulting from the two disabilities.

Indicates the combination of the two impairments impacts the student significantly unless supplementary assistance is provided. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

5. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's deaf-blindness eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for deaf-blindness, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for deaf-blindness and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has deaf-blindness, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Developmental Delay Eligibility

The following fields display when Developmental Delay is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Developmental Delay Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a developmental delay and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

1. Student is three through eight years of age.

Note: Eligibility for DD ends on the student's ninth birthday.

Indicates the student is between 3 and 8 years of age. Options are Yes or No.

2. Student has not acquired skills or achieved commensurately with recognized performance expectations for his/her age in one or more of the developmental areas.

Indicates the student is behind same-age peers in acquired skills and achievement in one or more developmental areas. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
Developmental Areas

Indicates the area of development the student requires assistance to match the level of same-age peers. Options include:

  • cognition
  • communication
  • motor development
  • social-emotional development
  • self-help/adaptive behavior
3a. Performance compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed the student's performance. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Inconclusive
Student demonstrates a measurable, verifiable difference between expected performance and current level of performance by

Indicates the student demonstrated a verifiable difference between expected and current level of performance. Options include:

  • scores of two standard deviations or more below the mean in one or more of the five (listed above) developmental areas using norm-referenced instruments and procedures; OR
  • scores of 1.5 standard deviations below the mean in two or more of the five developmental areas (listed above) using norm-referenced instruments and procedures

Users can either select an option from these two checkboxes OR one of the 3b options.

3b. If 3a is marked inconclusive, the professional judgement of the ARC verifies the existence of significant atypical quality or pattern of development.

Indicates the ARC verifies the existence of significant atypical quality or pattern of development. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • NA
4. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

5. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

6. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's developmental delay eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for developmental delay, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for developmental delay and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has developmental delay, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Emotional-Behavioral Disability Eligibility

The following fields display when Emotional-Behavioral Disability is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Emotional-Behavioral Disability Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have an emotional-behavioral disability and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

Social-emotional needs have been compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed the student's social-emotional needs. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
When provided with interventions to meet instructional and social-emotional needs, the student continues to exhibit one or more of the following, when compared to the student's peer and cultural reference groups, across settings, over a long period of time and to a marked degree

Indicates the student continues to display one of the following with intervention. Options include:

  • Severe deficits exist in social competence or appropriate behavior which causes an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with adults or peers.
  • Severe deficits exist in academic performance which are not commensurate with the student's ability level and are not solely a result of intellectual, sensory, or other health factors but are related to the student's social-emotional problems.
  • The student exhibits a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression.
  • The student exhibits a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems.
2. The severe deficit in social competence, appropriate behavior and academic performance is not the result of isolated inappropriate behaviors that are the result of willful, intentional or wanton acts.

Indicates the social/behavior/academic performance is not the result of isolated inappropriate intentional behaviors. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
3. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

5. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's emotional-behavioral disability eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for an emotional-behavioral disability, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for an emotional-behavioral disability and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has an emotional-behavioral disability, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Functional Mental Disability Eligibility

The following fields display when Functional Mental Disability is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Functional Mental Disability Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a functional mental disability and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1a. Cognitive functioning is at least three standard deviations below the mean.

Indicates the student's cognitive functioning is at least three levels below the mean. Options are Yes or No.

1b. Adaptive behavior is at least three standard deviations below the mean.

Indicates the student's adaptive behavior is at least three levels below mean. Options are Yes or No.

1c. A severe deficit exists in overall academic performance including acquisition, retention and application of knowledge.

Indicates a severe deficit exists in the student's overall academic performance. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
1d. Manifestation is typically during the developmental period.

Indicates the manifestation of the deficit is during the student's developmental period. Options are Yes or No.

2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's autism eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a functional mental disability, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a functional mental disability and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a functional mental disability, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Hearing Impairment Eligibility

The following fields display when Autism is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Hearing Impairment Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a hearing impairment and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

1. The student has a hearing loss that may be mild to profound, unilateral or bilateral, or permanent or fluctuating.

Indicates the ARC analyzed the student's hearing loss information. Options are Yes or No.

2. The hearing loss results in difficulty in identifying linguistic information through hearing.

Indicates the student's hearing loss results in difficulty in identifying linguistic information through hearing. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
3. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

5. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's hearing impairment eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a hearing impairment, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a hearing impairment and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a hearing impairment, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Mild Mental Disability Eligibility

The following fields display when Mild Mental Disability is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Mild Mental Disability Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a mild mental disability and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1a. Cognitive functioning is at least two standard deviations, but not more than three standard deviations below the mean.

Indicates the student's cognitive functioning is a least two levels, but no more than three levels below the mean. Options are Yes or No.

1b. Adaptive behavior is at least two standard deviations below the mean.

Indicates the student's adaptive behavior is a least two levels, but no more than three levels below the mean. Options are Yes or No.

1c. Severe deficit exists in overall academic performance including acquisition, retention and application of knowledge.

Indicates the student has severe deficits in their overall academic performance. Options are Yes or No.

1d. Manifestation is typically during the developmental period.

Indicates manifestation of the mild mental disability is typical during the student's developmental period. Options are Yes or No.

2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's mild mental disability eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a mild mental disability, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a mild mental disability and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a mild mental disability, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Multiple Disabilities Eligibility

The following fields display when Multiple Disabilities Eligibility is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Multiple Disabilities Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have multiple disabilities and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1a. Disabilities compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed the student's disabilities data. Options are Yes or No.

The student has a combination of two or more of the following disabilities

Indicates which of the following combination of disabilities the student experiences. Options include:

  • autism
  • deaf-blindness
  • emotional-behavioral disability
  • functional mental disability
  • hearing impairment
  • mild mental disability
  • orthopedic impairment
  • other health impairment
  • specific learning disability
  • traumatic brain injury
  • visual impairment
1b. The student's disability is not solely a combination of deafness and blindness.

Indicates the student's disability is not a combination of deaf/blindness. Options are Yes or No.

1c. The student's disability is not a combination of speech or language impairment and one other disabling condition.

Indicates the student's disability is not a combination of speech/language impairment and one other condition. Options are Yes or No.

1d. The combination of these disabilities causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated through special education programs solely for one impairment.

Indicates the combination of disabilities impacts the student severely where accommodation through special education for one impairment does not suffice. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's multiple disabilities eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for multiple disabilities, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for multiple disabilities and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has multiple disabilities, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Orthopedic Impairment Eligibility

The following fields display when Orthopedic Impairment is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Orthopedic Impairment Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have an orthopedic impairment and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

1. Orthopedic Impairment existence and causes compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed the student's orthopedic impairment data. Options are Yes or No.

A severe orthopedic impairment exists and is caused by one or more of the following

Indicates an orthopedic impairment exists and is caused by one or more of the following. Options include:

  • 1a. congenital anomaly such as clubfoot or absence of some member
  • 1b. disease such as poliomyelitis or bone tuberculosis
  • 1c. other causes such as cerebral palsy, amputations, fractures or burns that cause contractures
2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's autism eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for an orthopedic impairment, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for an orthopedic impairment and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has an orthopedic impairment, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Other Health Impairment Eligibility

The following fields display when Other Health Impairment is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Other Health Impairment Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have an other health impairment and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1a. The existence of a health impairment caused by chronic or acute health problems such as acquired immune deficiency syndrome, asthma, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, Tourette's syndrome or tuberculosis.

Indicates the ARC determined the student has a health impairment caused by chronic or acute health problems. Options are Yes or No.

The other health impairment isA description of the student's medical condition.N/A
1b. Health problem limitations compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed the health problem limitations. Options are Yes or No.

Due to the chronic or acute health problem, the student has limited

Based on the student' medical condition, the student is limited in the following areas. Options include:

  • strength
  • vitality
  • alertness (including heightened alertness to environmental stimuli that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment)
2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's other health impairment eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for an other health impairment, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for an other health impairment and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has an other health impairment, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

^ Back to Top

Specific Learning Disability Eligibility

The following fields display when Specific Learning Disability Eligibility is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Specific Learning Disability Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a specific learning disability and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

1. The student is provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for the student's age or state-approved grade level standards.

Indicates the student is provided with learning experiences/instruction appropriate for age and state-approved grade level standards. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
2. Method A or B compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed method A or B data. Options are Yes or No.



The method of data. Options include:

  • Method A: Severe Discrepancy.  The student exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement or both relative to ability level or intellectual development. Note: The ARC must use the SLD Reference Tables when choosing this method. OR
  • Method B: Response to Intervention. The student fails to achieve a rate of learning to make sufficient progress to meet grade level standards aligned with the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) in one or more of the areas identified below when assessed using a response to scientific, research-based intervention process.
Only one option can be selected. 
3. Student Achievement compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed student achievement data. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
The student does not achieve adequately, as indicated on multiple data sources, for the student's age or grade level standards aligned with KAS in one or more of the following areas

Indicates the student does not achieve adequately in one or more of the following areas. Options include:

  • oral expression
  • listening comprehension
  • written expression
  • basic reading skills
  • reading fluency skills
  • reading comprehension
  • mathematics calculation
  • mathematics reasoning

4. The deficits in achievement are not primarily the result of any of the following: visual, hearing, or motor impairment, mental disability, emotional-behavioral disability, cultural factors, environmental or economic disadvantage or limited English proficiency.

Indicates the deficits in achievement are not the result of the listed disabilities. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Insufficient
5. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

6. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

7a. The following relevant behavior was noted during the observations of the studentA description of the student noted behavior during observation.N/A
7b. What is the ARC's interpretation of the relationship of the observed behavior (7a) to the student's educational functioning?A description of the ARC's interpretation of the relationship between the observed behavior to the student's academic performance. N/A
8. Educationally relevant medical findings, if anyA description of any applicable medical findings.N/A
9. Document the instructional strategies implemented and the student-centered data collected based on the student's response to scientific, research-based intervention.A description of the instructional strategies implemented.N/A
10a. The student's parents have been notified of the policies regarding

Indicates the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) have been notified of policies. Options include:

  • amount and nature of the student performance data that is collected and the general education services that are provided
  • strategies for increasing the student's rate of learning
  • parent's right to request an evaluation
10b. Describe how the information above was provided to the parent.A description of how the parent(s)/guardian(s) were notified.N/A

Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's specific learning disability eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a specific learning disability, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a specific learning disability and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a specific learning disability, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.
Admission and Release Committee Members
All ARC members shall certify with their signature below whether the report reflects each members conclusion.  A member who disagrees shall submit a separate statement explaining the member's conclusion. Each differing conclusion must be attached (associated in Infinite Campus) to the Eligibility Determination  Form and Written Report.
NameThe name of the ARC member.N/A
RoleThe role of the ARC memberN/A

The ARC member's conclusion. Options are Agree or Disagree.


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Speech or Language Impairment Eligibility

The following fields display when Speech or Language Eligibility is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Speech or Language Impairment Eligibility

This form documents the student's eligibility for SLI as a disability category only.  This form is not required for speech or language as a related service.

The ARC determines a student to have a speech or language impairment and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:

Communication disorder areas compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed communication disorder data. Options are Yes or No

Communication disorder in one or more of the following

The type of communication disorder. Options include:

  • absence of language
  • delayed acquisition of language
  • impaired articulation
  • language impairment
  • stuttering
  • voice impairment
2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting Documentation

A text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's speech or language impairment eligibility status.*Note: The guidelines in the Kentucky Eligibility Guidelines - Revised for Students with Speech Language Impairment, 2009 may be used as supporting evidence to verify speech language impairment.
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a speech or language impairment, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a speech or language impairment and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a speech or language impairment, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Eligibility

The following fields display when Traumatic Brain Injury is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Traumatic Brain Injury Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a traumatic brain injury and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1a. Evaluation information collected across multiple settings verifies an acquired injury to the brain caused by external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment or both.  This is not a congenital, degenerative, or brain injury induced by birth trauma.

Indicates the student acquired a severe injury to the brain resulting in a total or partial disability and/or psychosocial impairment. Options are Yes or No.

Traumatic brain injury is evidenced by information that indicates an open or closed head injury resulted in an impairment in one or more of the following areas

The are in which the impairment impacts. Options include:

  • cognition
  • judgement
  • language
  • problem-solving
  • memory
  • sensory, perceptual and motor abilities
  • attention
  • reasoning
  • psychosocial behavior
  • physical functions
  • abstract thinking
  • information processing
  • speech
1b. The extent of the brain injury is compared/analyzed by ARC

Indicates the ARC analyzed the extent of the brain injury data. Options are Yes or No.

The extent of the brain injury isA description of the extent of the injury.N/A
2. Evaluation information confirms there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates there is an adverse impact on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's traumatic brain injury eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a traumatic brain injury, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a traumatic brain injury and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a traumatic brain injury, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

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Visual Impairment Eligibility

The following fields display when Visual Impairment is selected as the Eligible Disability.

Click here to expand...

Visual Impairment Eligibility
The ARC determines a student to have a visual impairment and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services when:
1. There is documentation of a visual impairment/loss and the child demonstrates the characteristics of blindness or visual impairment/loss (which includes both partial sight and blindness).

Indicates the student has a documented visual impairment. Options are Yes or No.

2. Evaluation information confirms, even with correction, there is an adverse effect on educational performance.

Indicates the evaluation confirms the adverse impact of the visual impairment on the student's educational performance. Options are Yes or No.

3. Evaluation information confirms lack of instruction in reading and math is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates a lack of instruction in reading/math is not a determinant factor on the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.

4. Evaluation information confirms limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision.

Indicates limited English proficiency is not a determinant factor in the eligibility decision. Options are Yes or No.


Provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the ARC:

  • Used multiple sources to triangulate the data and substantiate the existence of the disability; and
  • Confirmed progress of the student is impeded by the disability to extend the student's educational performance is significantly and consistently below the level of similar age peers.
Supporting DocumentationA text field used to describe the supporting documentation used to determine the student's visual impairment eligibility status.N/A
The ARC used the interpretation of the evaluation data documented above to determine

The ARC's determination. Options include:

  • The student meets the eligibility criteria for a visual impairment, which adversely impacts her/her education, and is eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility criteria for a visual impairment impairment and is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • The student has a visual impairment impairment, but it does not adversely impact his/her education; therefore, the student is not eligible for specially designed instruction and related services.
  • Evaluation data are insufficient to determine eligibility.  Additional assessments and data will be obtained in the area(s) of:

*This field is required in order to Complete the editor. 

Only one option can be selected.

Specify Additional Assessments and Data
A description of the additional assessments and data used to make the determination.*This field is available and required when Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected above.
Date ARC will reconvene to review and determine eligibility
The date the ARC plans to meet again to review and determine the student's eligibility.*This field is available and required when "Evaluation Data are insufficient...." is selected.

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Eligibility Determination

The Eligibility Determination editor records the ARC team's review of current available data about the student, whether that data is sufficient to come to an eligibility conclusion, and what that determination is.Screenshot of the Eligibility Determination editor. 

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Eligibility Determination
Document the ARC decision regarding the determination of the student's eligibility for special education and related services and reasons for the decision on the appropriate Eligibility Determination form(s).  (Note: For Multiple Disabilities, complete a separate form for each underlying disability category.)
Date of Eligibility Determination
The date of determination.N/A
Student does not have an educational disability requiring special education and related servicesIndicates the student does have a disability that required special ed or related services.

*Users must select this field or a Primary Disability.

Primary Disability

The student's primary disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment

*Users must select either a Primary Disability or the checkbox indicating they do not have a disability.

The Primary Disability auto-populates when there is an existing, locked Evaluation upon initial creation of the Evaluation.

The options available in the dropdown are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability.

List Current Disability Area(s)

When Developmental Delay is selected, the options available include:

  • Cognition
  • Motor development
  • Self-help/adaptive behavior
  • Communication
  • Social-emotional development

When Specific Learning Disability is selected, the options available include:

  • Oral Expression
  • Written Expression
  • Reading Fluency Skills
  • Mathematics Calculation
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Basic Reading Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics Reasoning

When Speech or Language Impairment is selected, the options available include:

  • Speech Sound Production and Use
  • Language
  • Fluency
  • Voice
*This field is available and required when Developmental Delay, Specific Learning Disability or Speech or Language Impairment are selected as the Primary Disability.

The options available are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Speech Language/Developmental Delay/Specific Learning Disability.
For students identified as Multiple Disabilities document the underlying disabilities below:
Underlying Disability (A)

The first underlying disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
*When Multiple Disabilities is selected as Primary Disability, Underlying Disability A and B are required.

The options available in the dropdown are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability (excluding Multiple Disability, Developmental Delay, and Speech or Language Impairment).
Underlying Disability (B)

The second underlying disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
*When Multiple Disabilities is selected as Primary Disability, Underlying Disability A and B are required.

The options available in the dropdown are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability (excluding Multiple Disability, Developmental Delay, and Speech or Language Impairment).
Underlying Disability (C)

The third underlying disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The options available in the dropdown are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability (excluding Multiple Disability, Developmental Delay, and Speech or Language Impairment).
Underlying Disability (D)

The fourth underlying disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The options available in the dropdown are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Enrollment > Primary Disability (excluding Multiple Disability, Developmental Delay, and Speech or Language Impairment).

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Previous Versions

Evaluation (Kentucky) [.2315 and previous]