Tool Search: Course
The Course Information tool contains general information about courses attached to this calendar or school. New courses are created using the Add Course Wizard, but users can edit course details here. If using Course Masters, the fields are first populated there, then pushed to the Course Information tab.
For additional information about Courses, see the Courses (Scheduling) main page.

Course Information Fields
The Course Editor includes fields that are reported through Ed-Fi. The CWCS Course and Teacher Extract (Wisconsin) and CWCS Student Extract (Wisconsin) are available for historical/auditing purposes.
If including these fields in an Ad hoc filter, use the Course/Section Data Type to locate fields in the Course > Course Information and Course > Course Information > Custom Course folders.
Post Secondary Information
Field contains list of Institutions in Wisconsin that provide Dual Credit.
When populated on the course or course masters editor, the student's transcript record for that course indicate the location where the credit was received.
Cluster/Career Program Pathway
Allows districts to select the cluster/career pathway the course belongs to for CTE programs.
Dual Enrollment
A program through which high school students are dually enrolled in both high school and college; e.g., youth options, youth apprenticeship, advanced standing, transcripted credit, and earn high school and college credit.
World Language
World Language Courses are domestic courses of study in languages other than English. Courses may be designed to meet the needs of heritage or second language learners. Such courses were previously commonly referred to as “Foreign Language” courses.
Certified Learning Method
Indicates the type of certified career education program. This field is used for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs and Ed-Fi.
Non-Certificated Learning Method
Indicates the non-certificated career education program methods used for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs and Ed-Fi.
CTE Program Areas Type
CTE Program Areas Type represents the Vocational/Career Tech career pathway of the concentrator.
Course Custom Data Elements
Academic Service Learning
Academic Service-Learning (ASL) is an instructional approach that engages students in addressing meaningful community needs as a way of deepening their academic skill development through critical thinking and problem solving. Students develop 21st century skills through active participation that focuses on application of knowledge and skills to address a relevant issue in the community. Immersed within the academic curriculum, academic service learning involves investigation, planning, action, reflection, and a demonstration and celebration of outcomes.
Selecting this checkbox indicates that this course is associated with an ASL instructional approach.
Alternative Education Program
The Alternative Education Programs options are for alternative education programs that are not credit producing. Do not use this option when local course title and credits are available.
This field includes the course includes a course of study designed specifically for students whose native language is not English, delivered either in English or primarily in the native language of the students. The course may include a course of study delivered in English and the target language as part of a two-way immersion program.
Classroom Type
Indicates the grade level(s) of students within a classroom.
This field refers to courses that are approved equivalent courses. An equivalent course is a course that contains the time allotment and substantially the same objectives to develop the knowledge, concepts, and skills of the course for which it is replacing. Through an approval process established by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), school districts may apply to have courses approved for equivalency to other courses.
Project Based
Project Based Learning (PBL) curriculum supports comprehensive student-directed research projects centered on the individual’s passions, interests, and goals. The learning model is supplemented by teacher-led workshops and student--proposed seminars. The processes of learning, i.e. reading, researching, writing, and speaking, are emphasized throughout the project process. A service component often provides significant learning experiences.
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks.
Selecting this checkbox indicates that this course or educational program meets the guidelines of a project based learning environment.
Medium of Instruction
Indicates how the course is delivered (taught) to the student.