SMART Special Ed Submission (New Jersey)

Tool Search: SMART Extracts

The SMART Special Ed Submission reports students who:

  • Are classified as eligible for special education and related services
  • Have been referred for a special education evaluation during the previous year, whether or not they were determined to be eligible for special education.
  • Have been declassified as needing special education and related services (i.e., were once needing special education services) or are ineligible for special education services.

This population is based on the Special Education Status field on their enrollment record.

Image of the SMART Special Education Submission editor.SMART Special Education Submission

Report Editor



Extract Type

Selection determines which extract generates.

Reporting Period Start Date

Entered date determines the time frame of the extract, reporting only that student data as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by using the calendar icon.

Reporting Period End Date

Entered date determines the time frame of the extract, reporting only that student data as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by using the calendar icon. The end date field is auto-populated with the current date.

Students without state IDs

When marked, students who are not assigned a state ID will be returned, in addition to those students who do have a state ID.

State ExcludeDrop list options include:
  • Exclude State Exclude Enrollments (default)
  • Include State Exclude Enrollments
  • Only State Exclude Enrollments

Ad hoc Filter

When selected, only those students in the filter will be included on the selected SMART extract.


SMART Extracts generate in either HTML format or in CSV format (state format).

Calendar Selection

Selection indicates from where the data is pulled.

Report Generation

Use the Generate Extract button to display the results of the extract immediately. 

Generate a SMART Extract

  1. Select SMART Special Ed Submission from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter a Reporting Period Start Date.
  3. Enter a Reporting Period End Date.
  4. Mark the Student w/o stateIDs if those students should not appear in the report.
  5. Select an Ad hoc Filter, if desired.
  6. Indicate the Format in which in which the report should generate.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button o generate the report in the desired format. 

Image of the SMART Special Ed Submission in the State Format. SMART Special Ed Submission - State Format

Image of the SMART Special Ed Submission in HTML Format.SMART Special Ed Submission - HTML Format

Special Ed Submission Layout

Element Name



Local Identification Number

The number assigned and maintained by the local school district that is unique for each student.

Numeric, 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Student Number


State Identification Number

The number assigned and maintained by the New Jersey Department of Education that is unique for each student.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > State ID


First Name

The legal first name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Last Name

The legal last name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


Date of Birth

The date of birth of the student.

Census > People > Demographics > Birthdate


Referral Date

The date on which the school district received a written request for a child study team evaluation.

If the Referral Date is AFTER the Report Period End Date entered on the Report Editor, a NULL value reports for this field.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Referral Date


Parental Consent to Evaluate Date

The date on which the student's parent provides written consent for an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education and related services and eligibility for speech-language services.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Consent Date


Eligibility Determination Date

The date on which the initial eligibility or ineligibility for special education or services or speech-language services is determined.

If the Eligibility Determination Date is AFTER the Report Period End Date entered on the Report Editor, a NULL value reports for this field.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Header > Determination Date



Early Intervention

Indicates if the preschool student is receiving Part C Early Intervention Services at the time of referral.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Early Intervention.


Initial IEP Meeting Date

The date of the student's initial IEP meeting.

If the Initial IEP Meeting Date is AFTER the Report Period End Date entered on the Report Editor, a NULL value reports for this field.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Education Plan > Meeting Date


Parental Consent Obtained

The parental decision regarding the implementation of the initial IEP, received in writing. Options are:

  • Y: Yes, Parental consent was obtained to implement the initial IEP.
  • N: No, Parental consent was NOT obtained prior to snapshot date to implement the initial IEP.
  • R: Refused, Parent refused implementation of the initial IEP.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Header > Parental Consent Obtained


Parental Consent To Implement Initial IEP

The date on which the parent provided written consent to implement the student's initial IEP.

If the Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP Date is AFTER the Report Period End Date entered on the Report Editor, a NULL value reports for this field.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Header > Parental Consent to Implementation IEP


Annual IEP Review Meeting Date

The date of the student's last Annual IEP Review meeting.

If the Annual IEP Review Meeting Date is AFTER the Report Period End Date entered on the Report Editor, a NULL value reports for this field.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Education Plan > Meeting Date


Special Education Classification

The outcome of the eligibility assessment for special education and related services.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability

Enrollment. disability1

Reevaluation Date

The date on which a student's continued eligibility for special education services was determined.

If the Reevaluation Date is AFTER the Report Period End Date entered on the Report Editor, a NULL value reports for this field.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Header > Eligibility Date


Initial Process Delay Reason

The primary reason for a delay when the consent to implement the initial IEP is beyond the child's third birthday for children transitioning from Early Intervention Programs (Part C ) to preschool OR the primary reason for delay when the eligibility determination for students 6-21 is beyond 90 days from the date of written parental consent to evaluate.

See options in the following Initial Process Delay Reason Options table.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Header > SPED Process Delay Reason


Special Education Placement

The placement group in which the student with the disability is currently receiving special education and related services.

See options in the following Special Education Placement Options table.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Placement Group


Time In Regular Program

The number of hours that the student is attending regular Early Childhood.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Time in Regular Program.


Counseling Services

Indicates whether the student receives counseling services as of Oct. 15th.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Related Services > Service


Occupational Therapy Services

Indicates whether the student receives occupational services as of Oct. 15th.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Related Services > Service


Physical Therapy Services

Indicates whether the student receives physical therapy services as of Oct. 15th.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Related Services > Service


Speech Language Therapy Services

Indicates whether the student receives speech/language therapy services as of Oct. 15th.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Related Services > Service


Other Related Services

Indicates whether the student receives other related services as of Oct. 15th.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Related Services > Service


Initial Process Delay Reason Options




Incomplete Residency/Enrollment Information: Parent failed to complete the residency/enrollment information in
a timely manner (more than 15 days after receipt of the forms.


Additional Evaluations Needed (After Initial Evaluation Plan: After the initial evaluation plan, it was determined
that additional assessments were needed.


Specialized Evaluations Needed: Evaluations by specialists not employed by the district were not completed
within required timelines.


Delays in Scheduling Evaluation/Assessments: The child or parent is unavailable due to illness, vacation, etc.


Missed Appointments by the Child or Parent: The parent repeatedly missed or canceled scheduled
appointments for assessments/interviews/meetings.


Vacancies of Child Study Team or Related Services Personnel: The school district had child study team or
related services personnel vacancies that delayed the completion of the assessments within required timelines.


Child Study Team or Related Services Personnel were Unavailable: Child study team or related services
personnel were not able to complete assessments within the required timelines due to vacation, illness, or large
numbers of evaluations to be completed.


Mediation or a Due Process Hearing: A request for mediation or a due process hearing was filed with the
Office of Special Education Programs after the school district received consent to evaluate but before the 90th
day. This code applies only to students with disabilities ages 6-21.


Student transferred into the district after a consent for the initial evaluation was obtained but before the initial
evaluation was completed. The parents and district signed off on an extended timeline.

The following codes apply ONLY for children served in Early Intervention Programs (Part C), reasons for
delay beyond 3rd birthday in implementation of the initial IEP.


Late Referral: if the written referral for the initial evaluation was made fewer than 120 days prior to age 3.


Delay in Receipt of Consent to Evaluate: Parent failed to attend the identification/evaluation planning meeting
and/or did not provide consent in a timely manner (more than 15 days) after the meeting.


Mediation or a Due Process Hearing: A request for mediation or a due process hearing was filed with the
Office of Special Education Programs after the school district received the referral but before the child’s 3rd


Delay in Receipt of Consent to Implement the Initial IEP: The referral and evaluation process were completed
prior to the child’s 3rd birthday, but the parent failed to provide consent by the child’s 3rd birthday.

Special Education Placement Options



For Ages 3-5


Separate class (students who attend a special education program in a class with less than 50% non-disabled
children. Does not include children who also attend a regular early childhood program)


Separate school (students receiving special education and related services for greater than 50% of the school
day in public or private separate schools)


Residential facility (students who receive education programs and live in public or private residential
facilities during the school week. Includes children receiving special education and related services for
greater than 50% of the school day in public or private residential facilities)


Home (students who receive special education and related services in the principal residence of the child’s
family or caregivers/babysitters, and who DID NOT attend an early childhood program or a special education
program provided in a separate class, separate school, or residential facility. Includes children who receive
special education both at home and in a service provider location)


Service Provider Location (students who receive all of their special education and related services from a
service provider and who DID NOT attend an early childhood program or a special education program
provided in a separate class, separate school, or residential facility. For example, speech instruction provided
in: a private clinician’s office, in clinicians; offices located in school buildings, hospital facilities on an
outpatient basis, or libraries or other public locations. Do not include children who also receive special
education at home. Children who receive special education both in a service provider location and at home
should be reported in the home category)


Gen Ed Population >= 50 % of Day


Gen Ed Population < 50% of Day

For ages 6-21


80% or more of the school day in the presence of regular education students (students included in the
regular education setting at least 80% of the school day)


Between 40-79% of the school day in the presence of regular education students (students included in the
regular education setting from 40% to 79% percent of the school day)


Less than 40% of the school day in the presence of regular education students (students who are included
in the regular education setting up to 39% of the school day. This includes students who are in out-of-district
placements including public and approved private school programs that are operated in public school
buildings with regular education grades)


Public Separate School (students who receive special education and related services for more than 50% of
the school day in a public school building without regular education students. These settings may include the
following receiving schools: educational services commission, regional day school, special services school
district, jointure commission, public college operated program)


Private Day School (students who receive special education and related services at public expense for more
than 50% of the school day in a separate private school for the disabled. In addition to reporting students who
attend a separate private day program, districts should report students in residential programs for whom the
district pays only the educational costs and not the residential costs)


Private Residential (students who receive special education and related services in a private residential
facility for greater than 50% of the school day and lived in the facility during the school week. The district of
residence reports the student in this placement group when the district pays both the educational and
residential costs. Districts should not report students in residential programs whose residential costs are paid
by the Department of Children and Families as these students are reported by the Department of Children and


Public Residential (students in this placement group that are attending Katzenbach School for the Deaf are
reported by the district of residence. Students that are placed by the Department of Children and Families in a
state facility are reported by the Department of Children and Families.)


Home Instruction (students receiving special education and related services in the home, hospital, or other


Correctional Facility (students receiving special education and related services in short term detention
facilities (community-based or residential) or longer term correctional facilities. Students receiving special
education and related services in county detention facilities are reported in this category by the district of
residence. Students receiving special education and related services in state facilities operated or contracted
by the Juvenile Justice Commission or by the Department of Corrections are reported in this category by those
state agencies, respectively.)