Tool Search: CALPADS Student Absence Summary
The CALPADS Student Absence Summary (STAS) reports chronic absenteeism to the state. It calculates the student's full day absences, but should not be used to for average daily attendance reporting.

Read - Access and generate the CALPADS Student Absent Summary extract.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A
For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.
Report Logic
One line per enrolled school returns for a student. Students who move between calendars only report one line in the extract. When the student has multiple enrollments in the reporting calendar, the student reports one time. When a student leaves school and returns, attendance is summed for those multiple enrollments (including for continuation students or community day students). When there are multiple enrollments with gaps between start and end dates, only the dates where the student is actively enrolled and scheduled into instructional attendance taking courses are included.
A student must have the following in order to report:
- An active primary enrollment
- A State ID
A student does not report when:
- An End Status of N470: No Show is assigned to the enrollment record.
- The grade level is marked as State Exclude, the Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude, or the School of Enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
Absence equals a fully day for all student record. Half day attendance codes or period based attendance codes do not count in the calculation.
When a student has a short term Home Hospital enrollment, none of that student's attendance counts during the Home Hospital period.
Students enrolled in schools assigned a School Type of 06: Non Public/Non Sectarian School or 07: Other Non Public School are included in the report.
Attendance Codes Mapped to State Codes
To properly calculate the Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension and Days Absent In-School Suspension, the Attendance Codes must be mapped to a State Code of 100: Out-of-School Suspension or 110: In-School Suspension.

Non-Binary Gender Reporting
Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female, X: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities tool and/or the Demographics tool.
CALPADS Extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student and staff identity information.
To record a gender of X: Non-binary, on the Identities tool:
- Assign the Gender of X: Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
- Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender of M: Male, F: Female, or X: Non-binary.
- Save the record when finished.

Report Editor
Field | Description |
Report Period | Selection determines which date option is used in calculating student attendance - Effective Date, Date Range or School Month. |
Effective Date | When this option is selected, the report calculates student attendance from the start of the student's current active enrollment in the current active year through the effective date (the effective date is included in the calculation). Dates are entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
Displays when the Report Period is set to Effective Date. |
Date Range |
When this option is selected, the report calculates student attendance from the entered start date to the entered end date. Both the start and end dates (both must be entered) are used in the calculation.
Dates are entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date. |
School Month | When this option is selected, the report calculates student attendance based on the dates of the selected school month. Only one school month at a time can be selected. |
Transaction Type |
Indicates the type of transaction that occurs:
Calculation Type | Determines which attendance calculation is used to calculate the absence summary.
File Format | Determines how the report generates. Select State Format (Caret Delimited) when submitting records to the state. Other formats available for testing and review purposes are CSV and HTML. |
Grade Selector | Selection indicates which grade levels of enrollment are included on the report. |
Legal Name | When marked, the student's legal name and gender information reports from the Protected Identity Information, instead of the student's name and gender. |
Unknown as Excused | When marked, unknown attendance records (from teacher-recorded attendance) are reported as excused absences.
This is an optional selection. When not marked, unknown teacher attendance is not included in the Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension calculation (Field 19). |
Unknown as Unexcused | When marked, unknown attendance records (those from teacher-recorded attendance) are reported as unexcused absences.
This is an optional selection. When not marked, unknown teacher attendance is not included in the Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension calculation (Field 20). |
Future Exempt Enrollments | When marked, students who enroll after the entered Effective Date, after the End Date of the Date Range and after the last day of the School Month are included in the extract. This affects the following fields:
Ad hoc Filter | Select which students to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer. |
Exclude Cross-Site Data
When marked, students enrolled in Cross-Site Enrollment courses are not included in the report.
Calendar Selection | Select the calendar of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by the school name or by the year. |
Report Generation | Choose the Generate Extract to display the results of the chosen items immediately. Choose the Submit to Batch option to generate the report at a specified time. This option is helpful when generating large amounts of data. |
Generate the CALPADS Student Absence Summary
- Select the desired Report Period option.
- Enter the appropriate dates for the report (Date Range or Effective Date), or select the appropriate School Month.
- Select the desired Transaction Type.
- Select the desired Calculation Type.
- Select the desired File Format.
- Select the desired grade levels.
- If desired, mark the Legal Name checkbox.
- Mark the Unknown as Excused or Unknown as Unexcused checkboxes. Only one can be marked at a time.
- If desired, mark the Future Exempt Enrollments checkbox.
- If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter to report only those students included in the filter.
- Mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox to remove students enrolled in Cross-Site courses from the report.
- Select the desired Calendars.
- Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report instantly, or click the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report generates.
CALPADS STAS - Traditional Calculation, CSV Format
Report Layout
Data Element | Description | Location |
Record Type |
Type of data record being submitted as chosen on the Extract Editor. Reports a value of STAS.
Alphabetic, 4 characters |
Data not stored |
Transaction Type Code |
Action the state should take with this record as chosen on the Extract Editor. Add/Update is the default.
Alphabetic, 1 character |
Data not stored |
Local Record ID | This field is not reported. | N/A |
Reporting LEA |
A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student’s Statewide Student Identifier by way of an enrollment record in CALPADS.
When the reporting calendar is from a School with Type = 15: Independently Reporting Charter, the State School Number reports (not the State District Number).
This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.
Numeric, 7 digits |
District Information > State District Number
District.number School Information > School Number
School.number School Information > Type
School.type |
School of Attendance |
A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends. A District-level school entity should use the State District Number for the State School Number.
When the CDS Number is populated on the School editor, that value reports.
Numeric, 7 digits |
School Information > State School Number
School Information > CDS Number
School.number |
Academic Year | A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction.
Date field, 9 characters (CCYY-CCYY) |
School Year Setup > Start Year/End Year
Calendar.schoolYear |
SSID | The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards. This number follows the student from school to school throughout their K-12 career.
Alphanumeric, 10 characters |
Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID
Person.stateID |
Local Student ID | A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency. This may not necessarily be the same as the identifier assigned to the student at the school level.
Alphanumeric, up to 15 characters |
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number
Person.studentNumber |
Filler Field |
This field reports blank. |
This field reports blank. |
Filler Field |
This field reports blank. |
This field reports blank. |
Filler Field | This field reports blank. | This field reports blank. |
Filler Field |
This field reports blank. |
This field reports blank. |
Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator |
Indicates whether the student is exempt from the CALPADS absence summary data collection because the student is enrolled in a non-public school (NPS) or the student receives instruction through a home or hospital instructional setting as authorized.
When this field reports a value of Y, all of the remaining fields in the extract do not report.
Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y )or N |
School Information > Type
School.type Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Funding Category
Enrollment.attendanceFundingCategory Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Single Day Summer Graduation Enrollment.attendanceFundingCategory
Enrollment.singleDayGraduate |
Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator |
Indicates whether the student is attending a school for which the calculation for all students is based on hourly attendance (e.g., continuation schools).
When this field reports a value of Y, the calculation of the remaining data elements is affected. See the descriptions for the following fields for more information.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N) |
School Information > Type
School.type |
Expected Attendance Days |
Reports the total number of days the individual student was scheduled to attend during the Academic Year, from the student’s Enrollment Start Date to the Enrollment Exit Date.
Expected attendance days are the number of days a student was scheduled to attend, whether or not they were actually in attendance, based on the Enrollment Start and End date.
For hourly programs, (e.g. continuation) expected attendance days must include all of the school days a student was scheduled to attend in the hourly program. This may be less than five days in a typical five-day week.
Only periods marked as Instructional and Attendance taking are included in the calculation (periods marked as non-instructional are not included).
Attendance entries assigned a State Attendance Code of HH: Home and Hospital are subtracted from this total.
When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator (field 14) reports Y, the number of days the student is expected to attend (may be less than five days) reports.
Days served in In-School Suspension is included in this calculation.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
When multiple calendars are selected on the extract editor, and the student has enrollments in both (or all) selected calendars, the reported value reports from the selected calendar's record.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Days Attended |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student attended the school. A day attended is defined as any day a student attendance for all or part of a school day.
Any day that is marked with State Attendance Code of SSE: Saturday School Excused, SSU: Saturday School Unexcused, 110: In-School Suspension, or HH: Home and Hospital is subtracted from this total.
A Day of Absence is defined as a full day the student did not attend and was marked as unknown, excused or unexcused. This does not include days in Out-of-School Suspension or days in In-School Suspension.
Only periods marked as Instructional and Attendance taking are included in the calculation (periods marked as non-instructional are not included).
When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator (field 14) reports Y, the value of Hours Present divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports.
The calculation for Hourly students is the total value of Excused, Unexcused and OSS days minus subtracted from the Days Expected plus ISS.
Days served in In-School Suspension is included in this calculation.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
When multiple calendars are selected on the extract editor, and the student has enrollments in both (or all) selected calendars, the reported value reports from the selected calendar's record. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student attended the school. A day attended is defined by the periods attended divided by the number of periods the student was scheduled for and was for attendance taking of a school day.
Any day that is marked with State Attendance Code of 110: In-School Suspension is subtracted from this total.
For calendar days marked as Instructional and Attendance, attendance periods where the student has a status of present (no attendance entry) is divided by the total number of periods for which the student is scheduled, multiplied by the total number of Instructional and Attendance Taking days in which student was scheduled. For Both Traditional and Period-based STAS The values reported in the Non-ADA Generating Independent Study Days and ADA Generating Independent Study is subtracted from this calculation.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was absent from the regular classroom for the entire school day due to an out-of-school suspension from the selected calendar(s).
When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Due to Out-of-School Suspension divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
This field does NOT take into account teacher-entered unknown attendance entries. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was absent from the regular classroom for the entire school day due to an out-of-school suspension.
When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Due to Out-of-School Suspension divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
This field does NOT take into account teacher-entered unknown attendance entries.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Days in Attendance In-School Suspension |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was in attendance but absent from the regular classroom for the entire school day due to either an in-school suspension or a teacher suspension from a classroom, or a combination of both, from the selected calendar(s).
When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Due to In-School Suspension divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
This field does NOT take into account teacher-entered unknown attendance entries. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was in attendance but absent from the regular classroom for the entire school day due to either an in-school suspension or a teacher suspension from a classroom, or a combination of both.
When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Due to In-School Suspension divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
This field does NOT take into account teacher-entered unknown attendance entries.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was absent for the entire school day with a valid excuse. This does not include an absence due to an out-of-school or in-school suspension.
When there is a split in attendance codes, where a student has some Excused Non-Suspension Codes and some Unexcused Non-Suspension Codes on the same day and was not marked present at all in the day, use the following weighting system to report:
This field does include attendance events that are assigned a State Code of SSE: Saturday School Excused. When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Excused (Non-Suspension) divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports. When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
When the Unknown as Excused checkbox is marked on the report editor, unknown teacher attendance records are included in the calculation of this field.When the checkbox is not marked, this calculation does NOT include unknown teacher attendance records. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was absent for the entire school day with a valid excuse. This does not include an absence due to an out-of-school or in-school suspension.
When there is a split in attendance codes, where a student has some Excused Non-Suspension Codes and some Unexcused Non-Suspension Codes on the same day and was not marked present at all in the day, use the following weighting system to report:
For calendar days marked as Instructional and Attendance, attendance periods marked as Excused are divided by the student's scheduled total attendance periods multiplied by the total number of Instructional and Attendance taking days in which the student was scheduled.
This field does include attendance events that are assigned a State Code of SSE: Saturday School Excused. When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Excused (Non-Suspension) divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports. When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
When the Unknown as Excused checkbox is marked on the report editor, unknown teacher attendance records are included in the calculation of this field. When the checkbox is not marked, this calculation does NOT include unknown teacher attendance records.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was absent for the entire school day without a valid excuse. This does not include students who are absent due to an out-of-school suspension or who attended in-school suspension.
This field does include attendance events that are assigned a State Code of SSU: Saturday School Unexcused. When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Unexcused (Non-Suspension) divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
When the Unknown as Unexcused checkbox is marked on the report editor, unknown teacher attendance records are included in the calculation of this field. When the checkbox is not marked, this calculation does NOT include unknown teacher attendance records. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student was absent for the entire school day without a valid excuse. This does not include students who are absent due to an out-of-school suspension or who attended in-school suspension.
For calendar days marked as Instructional and Attendance, attendance periods marked as unexcused are divided by the student's scheduled total attendance periods multiplied by the total number of Instructional and Attendance taking days in which the student was scheduled.
This field does include attendance events that are assigned a State Code of SSU: Saturday School Unexcused. When the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator reports Y, the value of Hours Absent Unexcused (Non-Suspension) divided by Hours Scheduled to Attend multiplied by Days Expected to Attend reports. When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
When the Unknown as Unexcused checkbox is marked on the report editor, unknown teacher attendance records are included in the calculation of this field. When the checkbox is not marked, this calculation does NOT include unknown teacher attendance records.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Non-ADA Generating Independent Study Days |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student did not satisfy requirements necessary to generate a day of attendance for either traditional or course-based independent student.
This is calculated by adding the number of days the student had an attendance entry mapped to a State Attendance Code of CII or ISI for a full day plus the total days between all events within the calendar year.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the studenthe student did not satisfy requirements necessary to generate a day of attendance for either traditional or course-based independent student.
This is calculated by adding the number of days the student had an attendance entry mapped to a State Attendance Code of CII or ISI for a full day plus the total days between all events within the calendar year. That number is divided by the student's total attendance periods with a code of ISC, CIC, CII or ISI, multiplied by the total number of Instructional and Attendance taking days in which the student was scheduled.
When the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator field reports a value of Y, this field does not report.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
ADA Generating Independent Study |
For Traditional STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student satisfied statutory and regulatory requirements necessary to generate a day of attendance for either traditional or course-based independent student.
This is calculated by adding the number of days the student had an attendance entry mapped to a State Attendance Code of CIC or ISC or a full day plus the total days between all events within the calendar year. For Period-based STAS Reports the total number of days in whole numbers (more than 0 days, less than 250 days) the student satisfied statutory and regulatory requirements necessary to generate a day of attendance for either traditional or course-based independent student.
This is calculated by adding the number of days the student had an attendance entry mapped to a State Attendance Code of CIC or ISC or a full day plus the total days between all events within the calendar year.
Numeric, 6 digits (N - NNN.NN) |
Calculated value, data not stored |
Period by Period Attendance Method Indicator | Indicates whether the student's attendance is reported using a period by period attendance by converting periods of attendance into days of attendance.
A value of Y reports when the Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator (field 13) is blank/null, and indicates period by period reporting is used. Otherwise, a value of N reports. |
N/A |
Previous Versions
CALPADS Student Absence Summary (STAS) [.2235 - .2339]
CALPADS Student Absence Summary (STAS) [.2211 - 2231]