Class Schedule File (Oregon)

Tool Search: Class Schedule

The Class Schedule File (previously known as the Class Roster File) collects information for all students who were scheduled into instructional classes in grades K-12 at any time during the entered date range. Students must have a Student State ID and be scheduled into the class for a minimum of 10 consecutive instructional days to report.

Screenshot of the Class Schedule File, located at Reporting, OR State Reporting. Class Schedule File

Read - View, select options and generate the Class Schedule File.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

This report might look different to some of the other available Oregon reports. Product-wide initiatives are being made throughout the product to improve technology and increase accessibility.

Report Logic

The Class Schedule File Collection uses information from the Instructional Unit Identifier (IUID), Unique Staff Identifier (USID), and Secure Student Identifier (SSID) Collections. This means the IUID, SSID, and USID extracts must have successfully been submitted to the Department of Education prior to the Class Schedule File submission. 

This report links teachers and students with instructional courses and identifies which students and courses are taught by each teacher.

One record per reportable section that has at least one reportable teacher per reportable student/roster reports. 

  • All students MUST have an SSID number and their SSID record must be updated for the current reporting year.
  • All Staff MUST have a USID number and their USID record must be updated for the current reporting year.
  • Institutions must submit the sections needed for Staff Assignment to the IUID Collection prior to submitting Staff Assignment data.

Section Roster records do NOT report when:

  • The school is marked as Exclude.
  • The calendar is marked Exclude.
  • Enrollments are marked as No Show or State Exclude.
  • Students are enrolled in a grade level that is marked as Exclude.
  • Course Sections are marked as Exclude from State Reporting.
  • District Assignment records are marked as  Exclude.

Course Sections must have the following in order to report:

  • Instructional Unit ID is assigned to the section.
  • SCED Subject Area and SCED Identifier need to be assigned to the Course.
  • At least one student scheduled into it on at least one date within the reporting range.
  • Be active on at least one date during the reporting range in which the student is scheduled.
  • The Course of the section must be marked Active. 
  • Meets in an instructional period.
  • Meets for more than 10 days.

Courses assigned a Class Type (special Code) of the following DO NOT report:

  • PKC (Pre-kindergarten Course)
  • CCC (Community College Course)
  • COLL (College Course)
  • UNIV (University Course
  • NON (Non-instructional Course)

Students must be assigned a State Student ID (SSID) AND be scheduled for at least 10 consecutive instructional days during the school year in order to report. When students withdraw from a class and then re-enroll in the same class report with one record for each 10 instructional days or more period of enrollment. 

Teachers must have a Staff State ID (USID) AND have an active District Assignment selected on the Section Staff History record with a Role that is NOT NSR (Not State Reported). 

Screenshot of the Title field on the District Assignment record linking to the District Assignment field on the Section Staff History record.
District Assignment Title Field Populates the District Assignment Field on the Section Staff History Record

Report Editor

Data ElementDescription
Search CalendarsSearch field to narrow the list of calendars to select. Use the Expand All/Collapse All. Place a checkbox next to the desired school and calendars.
Show Active Year  Only

When set to ON, only those calendars for the current school year are available for selection.

When set to OFF, all calendars from all school years are available for selection.

Report Options
Report TypeIndicates which file format generates - the new Class Schedule (current) File or the Class Roster File (2023-2024 format). 

The Class Schedule (current) is the default selection. 
Start DateEntered date reflects the start of the reporting range in which data reports. This field defaults to July 01 of the school start year.
End DateEntered date reflects the end of the reporting range in which data reports. This field defaults to June 30 of the school end year.
Include Partial SSNWhen marked, the last four fields of the student's and staff person's Social Security number are included in the report when the Social Security number is available on the staff person's Demographic record.
Exclude Cross-Site DataWhen marked, staff information for Cross-Site Enrollment courses is not included in the report.
Cross-Site Enrollment is a new tool coming soon. Watch the Cross-Site Enrollment video for more information.
Ad hoc FilterSelect which students to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer. Only those students included in the filter are included in the report.
Output Options
Report ProcessingTo generate the report immediately,select Generate Now option. To choose when the report generates, use the Submit to Batch option. Submit to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for larger amounts of data being reported. See the Batch Queue article for more information.
Format TypeDetermines in which format the report generates - CSV or HTML.

Generate the Report

  1. Search for and select the desired Calendars.
  2. Select the desired Report Type
  3. Enter the desired Start and End Dates.
  4. Mark the Include Partial SSN to include Social Security numbers in the report.
  5. Mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data to ignore all Cross-Site Enrollment Courses.
  6. Choose an Ad hoc Filter to return just the course and staff information included in the selected filter. 
  7. Select the desired Report Processing option of Generate Now or Submit to Batch Queue
  8. Select the desired Format Type
  9. Click Generate. The report displays in the selected format.
Screenshot of the HTML format of the Class Schedule File. Class Schedule File (2024-25 Format) - HTML Format

Screenshot of the CSV format of the Class Schedule File. Class Schedule File (2024-25 Format) - CSV Format

Report Layout

Class Schedule File (Current Format)

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
ChkDigitInstrctUnitIDCheck Digit Instructional Unit ID
Reports the Instructional Unit ID number entered on the Course Section.

When the value is less than 10 digits, zeros are added at the front of the number to get to 10 digits.

Numeric, 10 digits
Section Information > Instructional Unit ID
DistInstIDDistrict Institution Identifier
Reports the State District Number.

Numeric, 10 digits
District Information > State District Number
SchlInstIDSchool Institution Identifier
Reports the State School Number.

Numeric, 10 digits
School Information > State School Number
CrsCdCourse Code
Reports the concatenated value of the SCED Subject Area plus SCED Identifier.

When the combined value is NOT six digits, additional zeros are added to the front of the number.

Numeric, 6 digits
Course Information > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area, SCED Identifier
ChkDigitStdntIDSecure Student Identifier (SSID)
Lists the student's state-issued identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Student Legal Last Name

Reports the student's legal last name.

When the Legal Last Name field is not populated, information reports from the Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Unique Staff Identifier
Lists the staff person's state-issued identification number.
  • When only one teacher is linked to the class (section) of record via Section Staff History, that teacher's Staff State ID reports.
  • When more than one teacher is linked to the class (section) of record via Section Staff History, the Staff State ID reports based on this hierarchy:
    • Teacher where Role = TOR (Teacher of Record) 
    • Teacher where Role = TMT (Team Teacher)
    • Teacher where Role = COL (College Instr/Prof)
    • Teacher where Role = LTS, (Long Term Sub) 
    • Teacher where Role = STU (Student Teacher)
    • Teacher where Role = STS (Short Term Sub)
      • When more than one teacher has the same Role , the Teacher that is active on the extract editor end date based on schedule placement reports. 
        • When more than one teachers are active on that date, reports first entered.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

Staff Last Name

Reports the staff person's legal last name.

When the Legal Last Name field is not populated, information reports from the Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


PstnCdPosition Code
Reports the Type assigned on the staff person's District Assignment selected on the Section Staff History record.

Numeric, 2 digits
District Assignments > Type
StdntStrtDtTxtStudent Start Date
Reports the first instructional date the student was actively scheduled into that course.

When the student's start date falls on a non-instructional date, the first instructional date after the student's start date reports.
Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)
Section Roster > Start Date
StdntEndDtTxtStudent End Date
Reports the last instructional date the student was actively scheduled into that course.

When the student's end date falls on a non-instructional date, the last instructional date prior to the student's end date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)
Section Roster > End Date

Teacher Start Date

Reports the first instructional date the reporting staff was actively scheduled to teach the class. 

This reports from the Section Staff History Start Date. When that date is not populated, the first instructional date of the class based on the schedule placement reports.

When the Section Staff History Start Date is a non-instructional day, the first instructional date after the staff's Section Staff History start date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)

Section Staff History > Start Date


TchrEndDtTxtTeacher End Date
Reports the last instructional date the reporting staff was actively scheduled to teach the class.

This reports from the Section Staff History End Date. When that date is not populated, the last instructional date of the class based on the schedule placement reports.

When the Section Staff History End Date is a non-instructional day, the last instructional date prior to the staff end date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)

Section Staff History > End Date


ClsRmIDClassroom Identifier
Reports the Room name in which the course section is scheduled.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Section Information > Room


Class Period

Reports the identifier for the period in which the course is scheduled. 

Based on the Section Schedule placement, reports all Periods in which the class is scheduled as a string of alphanumeric and numeric values.
  • When the reporting section is scheduled for Period 1 on A days and Period 4 on B days where these periods are named as 1 and ADV on the calendar, the value of 1ADV reports.
  • When the reporting section is scheduled for both AM and PM on the calendar. The value of AMPM reports.

Period names are concatenated based on the Section Schedule Placement.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Data not stored

ClsRstrFillClass Roster Fill
Course NameReports the concatenated value of the Course Number plus the Course Name.

This ONLY reports in the HTML format and is available for debugging purposes.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Course Information > Name
Section NumberReports the Section number.

This ONLY reports in the HTML format and is available for debugging purposes.

Numeric, 10 digits
Section Information > Number

Class Roster File (2023-2024 Format)

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
ChkDigitInstrctUnitIDCheck Digit Instructional Unit ID
Reports the Instructional Unit ID number entered on the Course Section.

When the value is less than 10 digits, zeros are added at the front of the number to get to 10 digits.

Numeric, 10 digits
Section Information > Instructional Unit ID
DistInstIDDistrict Institution Identifier
Reports the State District Number.

Numeric, 10 digits
District Information > State District Number
SchlInstIDSchool Institution Identifier
Reports the State School Number.

Numeric, 10 digits
School Information > State School Number
SchlSectIDSchool Section Identifier
Reports the sectionID assigned by Campus.

Numeric, 30 digits
Section Information > Section ID
SchlCrsIDSchool Course Identifier
Reports the courseID assigned by Campus.

Numeric, 30 digits
Course Information > Course ID
Course Code
Reports the concatenated value of the SCED Subject Area plus SCED Identifier.

When the combined value is NOT six digits, additional zeros are added to the front of the number.

Numeric, 6 digits
Course Information > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area, SCED Identifier
CrsBeginDtTxtCourse Begin Date
Reports the first Instructional Date of the first term in which the course section is scheduled.

Date field, MMDDYYYY (8 digits)
Section Information > Section Schedule Placement
Term Setup > Terms
ChkDigitStdntIDSecure Student Identifier (SSID)
Lists the student's state-issued identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID
DistStdntIDDistrict Student Identifier
Lists the student's district-issued identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number
StdntSSNStudent Partial Social Security Number
Reports the last four digits of the student's Social Security number ONLY when the Include Partial SSN checkbox is marked on the Report Editor.

umeric, 4 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Social Security Number

Student Legal Last Name

Reports the student's legal last name.

When the Legal Last Name field is not populated, information reports from the Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


StdntBirthDtTxtStudent Birth Date
Reports the student's date of birth.
Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


StdntGndrStudent Gender
Reports the student's Legal Gender as either Male (M), Female (F) or Non-Binary (X).

When the Legal Gender field is not populated, information reports from the Gender field.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M, F, X)
Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Unique Staff Identifier
Lists the staff person's state-issued identification number.
  • When only one teacher is linked to the class (section) of record via Section Staff History, that teacher's Staff State ID reports.
  • When more than one teacher is linked to the class (section) of record via Section Staff History, the Staff State ID reports based on this hierarchy:
    • Teacher where Role = TOR (Teacher of Record) 
    • Teacher where Role = TMT (Team Teacher)
    • Teacher where Role = COL (College Instr/Prof)
    • Teacher where Role = LTS, (Long Term Sub) 
    • Teacher where Role = STU (Student Teacher)
    • Teacher where Role = STS (Short Term Sub)
      • When more than one teacher has the same Role , the Teacher that is active on the extract editor end date based on schedule placement reports. 
        • When more than one teachers are active on that date, reports first entered.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

Employer Staff Identifier

Reports the Person ID ofthe staff (teacher) reported in the previous field. 

This is the same value that reports on the USID Extract.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Information > Person ID
StfSSNTeacher Partial Social Security Number
Reports the last four digits of the staff person's Social Security number ONLY when the Include Partial SSN checkbox is marked on the Report Editor.

Numeric, 4 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Social Security Number

Staff Last Name

Reports the staff person's legal last name.

When the Legal Last Name field is not populated, information reports from the Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Staff Birth Date
Reports the staff person's date of birth.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


StfGndrStaff Gender
Reports the student's Legal Gender as either Male (M), Female (F) or Non-Binary (X).

When the Legal Gender field is not populated, information reports from the Gender field.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M, F, X)
Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Demographics > Person Information > Gender


PstnCdPosition Code
Reports the Type assigned on the staff person's District Assignment selected on the Section Staff History record.

Numeric, 2 digits
District Assignments > Type
StdntStrtDtTxtStudent Start Date
Reports the first instructional date the student was actively scheduled into that course.

When the student's start date falls on a non-instructional date, the first instructional date after the student's start date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)
Section Roster > Start Date
StdntEndDtTxtStudent End Date
Reports the last instructional date the student was actively scheduled into that course.

When the student's end date falls on a non-instructional date, the last instructional date prior to the student's end date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)
Section Roster > End Date

Teacher Start Date

Reports the first instructional date the reporting staff was actively scheduled to teach the class. 

This reports from the Section Staff History Start Date. When that date is not populated, the first instructional date of the class based on the schedule placement reports.

When the Section Staff History Start Date is a non-instructional day, the first instructional date after the staff's Section Staff History start date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)

Section Staff History > Start Date


TchrEndDtTxtTeacher End Date
Reports the last instructional date the reporting staff was actively scheduled to teach the class.

This reports from the Section Staff History End Date. When that date is not populated, the last instructional date of the class based on the schedule placement reports.

When the Section Staff History End Date is a non-instructional day, the last instructional date prior to the staff end date reports.

Date field, 8 digits (MMDDYYYY)

Section Staff History > End Date


ClsRmIDClassroom Identifier
Reports the Room name in which the course section is scheduled.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Section Information > Room


Class Period

Reports the identifier for the period in which the course is scheduled. 

Based on the Section Schedule placement, reports all Periods in which the class is scheduled as a string of alphanumeric and numeric values.
  • When the reporting section is scheduled for Period 1 on A days and Period 4 on B days where these periods are named as 1 and ADV on the calendar, the value of 1ADV reports.
  • When the reporting section is scheduled for both AM and PM on the calendar. the value of AMPM reports.

Period names are concatenated based on the Section Schedule Placement.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Data not stored

LoGrdCdLow Grade of Content in this Course
Reports the SCED Lowest Grade when selected.

Numeric, 2 digits

Course Master/Course Information > NCES Data > SCED Lowest Grade


HiGrdCdHigh Grade of Content in this Course
Reports the SCED Highest Grade when populated.

Numeric, 2 digits

Course Master/Course Information > NCES Data > SCED Highest Grade


ClsRstrFillClass Roster Fill
Course NameReports the concatenated value of the Course Number plus the Course Name.

This ONLY reports in the HTML format and is available for debugging purposes.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Course Information > Name
Section NumberReports the Section number.

This ONLY reports in the HTML format and is available for debugging purposes.

Numeric, 10 digits
Section Information > Number