Self-Directed Learner (Idaho)

Tool Search: Self-Directed Learner

A Self-Directed Learner in Idaho is defined by Idaho Code 33-512D Self-Directed Learner Designation. Students in Idaho may demonstrate they are a self-directed learner and can qualify for added flexibility. Flexible learning may be different for each student and may include flexible attendance, attending school virtually, and/or extended learning opportunities. In order to remain a self-directed learner, the student must meet criteria agreed upon by the student, teacher(s), and the student's parents or legal guardian (district defined).

Be aware that reporting for Self-Directed Learners relies heavily upon the dates on which the plan is active. Self-Directed Learners only report at the school for which their participation is active and if their plan is active within report parameter dates.

Self-Directed Learner record dates may NOT overlap one another.

Screenshot of the Plan of Study editor in the Self-Directed Learner Program. Idaho Plan of Study Editor

Participation School

This field indicates the school at which the student is pursuing self-directed learning.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > schoolID


Student Demographics
Student Attendance

Start Date

This field indicates the date on which the student began their self-directed plan of study.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > startDate


Before adding a new record for a student, the previous record MUST be end-dated.


Student Demographics
Student Attendance

End Date

End date indicates the date on which the student ended their self-directed plan of study. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > endDate


A record must be end-dated before a new record can be added.


Student Demographics
Student Attendance