Special Ed Documents on Portal

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

Special Ed Documents can be set up to allow parents/guardians and students to view the student's Plan(s), Evaluation(s), Progress Report(s), and Prior Written Notice(s) (Ohio only) on the Campus Parent and Campus Student Portal. Nevada users have additional Portal functionality for electronically signing plans.

Draft Plans

The following conditions must happen in order for draft Plans to display on Portal:

Click to Enlarge
Tool Search: Display Options

1. The Portal Preferences, Special Education Plan AND Draft Special Ed Plans, are marked.
Note: Portal preferences are set by school. See the Portal Preferences Display Options documentation for additional information.
Screenshot of the Documents section within Portal Preferences highlighting the Special Education and Draft Special Education Plan checkboxes.
Draft Special Education Plan Portal Preference
Tool Search: User Account

2. The user has the Read right to the Publish Draft to Portal tool right.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Publish Draft to Portal
Screenshot of the Publish Draft to Portal tool rights with the Read right selected.
Publish Draft to Portal Tool Right
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents > Publish/Remove Draft

3. The user publishes the draft plan by clicking the Publish/Remove Draft button on the Special Ed Documents tool.

A warning displays: "This document is unlocked and will be sent to Portal with the draft watermark on each page." Click Ok to publish or Cancel to go back.
Screenshot of the Special Ed Documents tool highlighting the Publish/Remove Draft button along the top.
Publish/Remove Draft Button
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents > Document Detail

4. The Document Detail indicates that the plan "Draft Published." A paper and checkmark icon displays next to the plan name on the Documents list.
Screenshot of the Document Detail window indicating “Draft Published”.
Draft Published Document Detail
Tool Search: Portal > Documents > Special Education

5. The Parent/Guardian and Student will see the Plan with "Draft" in the name of the Plan and a Draft watermark when they select the document.
Screenshot of a drafted Special Ed Document with a callout around “Draft” in the Plan name.
Draft Plan
Screenshot of a drafted Special Ed Document with the “Draft’ watermark in PDF format.
Draft Watermark Plan

Edit Draft Plans

If a Plan has been sent to the Portal and changes need to be made, it must be removed from the Portal first:

Click to Enlarge
1. Select the Draft Plan and click Publish/Remove Draft.

A warning displays: "This document is already displayed on Portal. Selecting Ok will remove it from Portal."
Screenshot of the Special Ed Documents tool highlighting the Publish/Remove Draft button along the top.
Remove Draft Plan
2. The Document Detail indicates that the plan "Draft Removed." A paper icon displays next to the plan name on the Documents list.Screenshot of the Document Detail window indicating “Draft Removed”.
Draft Removed Document Detail

Lock Draft Plans

If a user would like to lock a plan that has been sent to Portal:

Click to Enlarge

1. Select the Plan, then click Lock/Unlock.

A warning displays: "A draft document is currently on Portal. Locking this document will replace the draft document with this locked one.

You will not be able to make additional changes unless you have Unlock Rights. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to go back."

Screenshot of the Special Ed Documents tool highlighting the Lock/Unlock button along the top.
Lock Draft Plans
2. The Document Detail indicates that the plan is "Locked Published." A padlock icon displays next to the plan name on the Documents list.Screenshot of the Document Detail window indicating “Locked Published”.
Locked Published Document Detail

Other Locked Special Ed Documents

The following conditions must happen in order for a locked Special Ed documents to display on Portal:

Click to Enlarge
Tool Search: Portal Display Options

1. For Plans: the Portal Preference, Special Education Plan, is marked.
Screenshot of the Documents section within Portal Preferences highlighting the Special Education Plan checkbox.
Special Education Plan Portal Preference
Tool Search: Portal Display Options

2. For Evaluations, Progress Reports, and Prior Written Notices (OH Only): the Portal Preference, Special Education Other Documents, is marked.
Screenshot of the Documents section within Portal Preferences highlighting the Special Education Other Documents checkbox.
Special Education Other Documents Portal Preference

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and the student must have a valid Portal account in order to receive locked Special Ed documents. See the Portal Setup (Admin) documentation for additional information on how to set up a Portal account.