MN v3.3 - Courses

This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis. 

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a Course is created and saved.

  • Do not send if course is marked as Inactive or State Exclude.
  • Do not send if course is in a Calendar marked as Exclude.
  • Do not send if course is in a School marked as Exclude.

  • Special action - When a course has a College Course Code saved, an additional course record is posted.

Information related to Early Education programs:

  • Report programs if EE Program Type = EE-ECSE or EE-VPK (Course > EE Program Type Code
    • educationOrganizationId: Report the district ID
    • programName: Report the mapped Program Type value (EE-ECSE or EE-VPK)
    • programTypeDescriptor: report the mapped program descriptor

When Course information not part of the natural key is changed and saved.

  • Academic Subject Descriptor
  • Course Title
  • Number
  • State Code
  • Number of Parts
  • Eligible 64b Course
  • Identification Codes
  • Level Characteristics
DeleteWhen a Course is deleted and there are no other courses with the same number in the same school and year.
  • Special action - When a course has a College Course Code removed, the additional course record is deleted, not the original.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
DeleteIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF" after data has sent and an action is performed that would trigger a delete, that data will remain in the ODS until a resync is done.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


If any of the following changes in the Schools resource:

  • If the Ed-Fi School Number changes.
  • School ID: If the State School Number changes and the Ed-Fi School Number is NULL.

Cascading Updates/Delete:  If the course is deleted from Campus.

  • Course Transcripts will remain until a resync is completed.
DeleteIf a Course is marked Inactive after dependent data has sent, all dependent data will be deleted.
Dependent ResourcesCourse Offerings, Sections, Student Section Associations, Staff Section Associations, Student Section Attendance Events, Grades, Course Transcripts

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Courses will report to the configured year to which they are aligned.
Data will only send for years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element LabelMapping Needed
State Code and NumberCourse Identification System Descriptors
Course SCED Subject AreaAcademic Subject Descriptors
Course Difficulty LevelCourse Level Characteristic Types

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
coursePost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Error Log

ErrorPossible Causes/How to fix

409: Failed to delete courses resource.

[message:The resource (or a subordinate entity of the resource) cannot be deleted because it is a dependency of the 'courseOffering' entity.]

There are still dependent resources in the Ed-Fi ODS so the course record cannot be deleted. Use the delete tool to remove any dependent data before the course can be removed.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Courses resource.

Data Element 


Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O


idThe unique identifier of the resource.


A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a course.

  1. Report the Course ID for the course.
  2. When reporting a college course, report
    the College Course Code.

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course ID


An unordered collection of courseIdentificationCodes. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

See Array logic below.


The identifier assigned to an education organization.

  1. Report the Ed-Fi School ID
  2. If Ed-Fi School ID is NULL, report:


tt = district type   

dddd = district number, left zero filled

sss = school number, left zero filled

mmm = 000 for all organizations reported in Ed-Fi


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > school record > Ed-Fi School ID

tt: School & district Settings > District > District Information > district record > Type

dddd: School & district Settings > District > District Information > district record > State District Number








Do not report.

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > SCED Subject Area

The career cluster or pathway representing the career path of the Vocational/CTE concentrator.

This field is optional, do not report.

An unordered collection of courseCompetencyLevels. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field is optional, do not report.


Specifies whether the course was defined by the SEA, LEA, school or national organization.

  1. Always report 'LEA'.
  2. When reporting College Course, report 'College'.
A description of the content standards and goals covered in the course. Reference may be made to state or national content standards. NEDM: Course Description. 
  1. Report the 'descriptionNoHTML' value.
  2. Otherwise, do not report.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Description
An indicator of whether or not this course being described is included in the computation of the student’s Grade Point Average, and if so, if it weighted differently from regular courses.

This field is optional, do not report.

courseTitleThe descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. In departmentalized classes at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels (and for staff development activities), this refers to the name by which a course is identified (e.g., American History, English III). For elementary and other non-departmentalized classes, it refers to any portion of the instruction for which a grade or report is assigned (e.g., reading, composition, spelling, and language arts). 

Reports the Course Name.

MScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Name
The date the district adopted the course.

This field is optional, do not report.

An indication that this course credit is required for a high school diploma.
  1. If 'High School Credit' checkbox is selected, report 'true'.
  2. Report 'false' when Course Section Enrollment Type is 'DP:PSEO Direct Pay'.
  3. Otherwise report 'false'.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > High School Credit
An unordered collection of courseLearningObjectives. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field is optional, do not report.

> learningStandard Reference 


An unordered collection of courseLearningStandards. Learning Standard(s) to be taught by the course.

The identifier for the specific learning standard (e.g.,

  1. Report the code value associated with any Standard aligned to the course where the following are true:
    • State Reported = Checked
    • Final = Checked
    • Code = One of the following codes:


      99.E5.AllAll eight domains in ages birth through five
      99.E5.11. Social and Emotional Domain
      99.E5.22. Approaches to Learning Domain
      99.E5.33. Language, Literacy and Communication
      99.E5.44. The Arts Domain
      99.E5.55. Social Systems- Cognitive Domain
      99.E5.66. Physical and Movement Development Domain
      99.E5.77. Mathematics Domain
      99.E5.88. Scientific Thinking Domain

  2. Otherwise, do not report.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Standards > Standards Alignment

Grading & Standards > Standards Setup > Standards Bank > Record > Standard Editor > State Reported

Grading & Standards > Standards Setup > Standards Bank > Record > Standard Editor > Final

Grading & Standards > Standards Setup > Standards Bank > Record > Standard Editor > Code

An unordered collection of courseLevelCharacteristics. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.If any Campus code(s)/value(s) identified in the chart below exists in the database, report the related descriptor code(s):

  • Otherwise, do not report.
    CampusdbCampus Code / ValueCourse Level Characteristics Descriptor
    Indicator / CustomCourse.
    value (End of Course Indicator)
    1 (checked)EOC: End of Course Indicator
    Course.eeAdultBasicEd / CustomCourse.value (EE Adult Basic Ed. Indicator)1 (checked)ABE: ABE Indicator
    / CustomCourse.value (EE State/Federal Program Indicator)
    1, 3FPI: Federal Program Indicator
    / CustomCourse.value (EE State/Federal Program Indicator)
    2, 3SPI: State Program Indicator

    Note: this endpoint is also used by non LEAs (colleges or state agencies), and at some point we'll be adding tooling in Infinite Campus to allow additional codes from the courseLevelCharacteristics descriptor to pull back into a local db's Course record via a GET request, to a column that has yet to be identified.


Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > End of Course Indicator

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > EE Adult Basic Ed. Indicator

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > EE State/Federal Program Indicator


Designates how many times the course may be taken with credit received by the student.

This field is optional, do not report.

Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This field is optional, do not report.

The maximum amount of credit available to a student who successfully completes the course.
  1. Report the value.
  2. Otherwise, do not report.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > College Course Credit



The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

This field is optional, do not report.

Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This field is optional, do not report.

The minimum amount of credit available to a student who successfully completes the course.

This field is optional, do not report.


The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

This field is optional, do not report.

numberOfPartsThe number of parts identified for a course.


An unordered collection of courseOfferedGradeLevels. The grade levels in which the course is offered.

  1. Report '1 when Course Section Enrollment Type is 'DP:PSEO Direct Pay'.
  2. Otherwise, do not report
MScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > NCES Data > Sequence Number part m



An unordered collection of courseOfferedGradeLevels. The grade levels in which the course is offered.

Does not report. Set on preloaded Course by the state in ODS. Does not report. 

The actual or estimated number of clock minutes required for class completion. This number is especially important for career and technical education classes and may represent (in minutes) the clock hour requirement of the class.


An unordered collection of courseOfferedGradeLevels. The grade levels in which the course is offered.

This field is optional, do not report.

Career cluster defines the industry or occupational focus for a career pathways program, plan of study, or course.Does not report. Set on preloaded Course by the state in ODS. Does not report.

Classification of instruction site for Early Education. E.g., child’s home or care center.Report the mapped value.
  • Otherwise, do not report.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Instruction Method / EE Location

Locality of entity who’s learning standard is addressed by this course. E.g., State, Federal, or Local.

Report the mapped value

  • Report 'None' when Course Section Enrollment Type is 'DP:PSEO Direct Pay'
  • Otherwise, do not report.

Do not report for College Courses.

CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Standard Addressed

sequenceLimitThe upper limit of this course within a sequence. E.g., (1 of N)Report the value.MScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > NCES Data > Sequence Number part n


assessmentToolDescriptor: Assessment tool.

implementationStatusDescriptor: Status of implementation of the assessment tool.

Report the mapped value.
  • Otherwise, do not report.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Assessment Tool and Implementation





AndImp  / Custom



An unordered collection of courseCurriculumUseds. Curriculum as implemented for the course. General purpose but initially implemented for Early Education.

  • curriculumUsedDescriptor: The type of curriculum used in an early learning classroom or group.
  • implementationStatusDescriptor: Status of implementation of the curriculum used.
Report the mapped value.
  • Otherwise, do not report.
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Early Education Fields > Curriculum and Implementation

AndImp / Custom

An unordered collection of courseLevelTypes. The ‘type level’ of which the course is associated. E.g, Advanced, Articulated, Basic, Dual, General, No credit, Occupational

courseLevelTypeDescriptor: The ‘type level’ of which the course is associated. E.g, Advanced, Articulated, Basic, Dual, General, No credit, Occupational

Report the mapped value.
  • Report 'X' when Course Section Enrollment Type is 'DP:PSEO Direct Pay'.
  • Otherwise, do not report
CScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > SCED Course Level

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.

This field is optional, do not report.



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Course Identification Codes

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O



A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

Always report 'LEA course code' .



The organization code or name assigning the staff Identification Code.

For College Course - Report District Number.



A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a space, room, site, building, individual, organization, program, or institution by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.

Report the Course ID for the course.

For College Course - Report District Number - College Course Code.


Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course ID



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Early Education Course LocationDescriptor: Course.teachingMethod

Campus Attribute CodeCampus Attribute NameEdFi Descriptor codeEdFi Descriptor Description
HOM(EE) Child's home1
Child's home
ISD(EE) School District2School District
CCC(EE) child care center3Child care center
FCC(EE) Family child care home4Family child care home
P(EE) Preschool (Community based)7
Preschool (Community based)
MED(EE) Hospital or Medical Facility8
Hospital or Medical Facility
OTHR(EE) Not listed above.9

Standard Addressed Descriptor : Course.eeStateFedProgram

Campus Attribute CodeCampus Attribute NameEdFi Descriptor codeEdFi Descriptor Description

National Program
1State Program
2Federal Program
3State and Federal Program

None Addressed

Assessment Tool Descriptor : Course.eeAssessmentToolAndImp

Campus Attribute CodeEdFi Descriptor codeEdFi Descriptor shortDescription
All codes that begin with 'AEPS...'AEPSAssessment, Evaluation, and Programming System
All codes that begin with 'ASQ...'ASQAges and Stages Questionnaires
All codes that begin with 'ASQ:SE...'ASQ:SEAges and Stages Questionnaires: Social Emotional
All codes that begin with 'BDI-2...'BDI-2Battelle Developmental Inventory
All codes that begin with 'BRI...'BRIBrigance Inventory of Early Development
All codes that begin with 'CKPA...'CKPACore Knowledge Preschool Assessment Kit
All codes that begin with 'DRDP-PS...'DRDP_ITDesired Results Developmental Profile
All codes that begin with 'DRDP-PS...'DRDP-PSDesired Results Developmental Profile-Preschool
All codes that begin with 'ELS-P...'ELS-PEarly Learning Scale-Preschool
All codes that begin with 'GOLD...'GOLDTeaching Strategies-Gold Assessment
All codes that begin with 'HELP...'HELPHawaii Early Learning Profile
All codes that begin with 'HSCOR...'HSCORHigh/Scope Child Observation Record Advantage
All codes that begin with 'INVESTGT...'INVESTGTThe InvestiGator Club
All codes that begin with 'LAP-3...'LAP-3Learning Accomplishment Profile
All codes that begin with 'LCPN...'LCPNLifeCubby Progress Notes
All codes that begin with 'LCVA...'LCVALifeCubby Vine Assessments
All codes that begin with 'MGTAS...'MGTASMother Goose Time Assessment System (2015)
All codes that begin with 'NONE...'NONENo assessment tool used
All codes that begin with 'NPP...'NPPNew Portage Project: Birth to Six
All codes that begin with 'OTHER...'OTHERUse OTHER when the Assessment Tool is not listed
All codes that begin with 'OUNCE...'OUNCEOunce Scale Assessment System
All codes that begin with 'OWL...'OWLOpening the World of Learning
All codes that begin with 'POCET...'POCETPreschool Observation Checklist and Evaluation Tool
All codes that begin with 'POCETE...'POCETEPreschool Observation Checklist and Evaluation Tool
All codes that begin with 'PRO-LADR...'PRO-LADRmyIGDIs Profile of Preschool Learning and Development Readiness
All codes that begin with 'WSS...'WSSWork Sampling System

curriculumUsedDescriptors : Course.eeCurrAndImp

Campus Attribute CodeEdFi Descriptor codeEdFi Descriptor shortDescription
All codes that begin with '123...'1231-2-3 Learn Curriculum
All codes that begin with 'BC...'BCButtercups (by Funshine Express)
All codes that begin with 'BTL...'BTLBetween the Lions – Language, Literacy, Communications only
All codes that begin with 'CAC...'CACCarol's Affordable Curriculum
All codes that begin with 'CC...'CCCuriosity Corner: Success for All
All codes that begin with 'CORE...'CORECore Knowledge
All codes that begin with 'CRCUE...'CRCUECreative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos (Third Edition)
All codes that begin with 'CRCUP...'CRCUPCreative Curriculum for Preschool (Second Edition)
All codes that begin with 'DIG...'DIGDIG-Develop Inspire Grow, 1st Edition
All codes that begin with 'DLM...'DLMDLM Early Learning Express – Language, Literacy, Communications only
All codes that begin with 'ECFE...'ECFEEarly Childhood Family Education
All codes that begin with 'ELS...'ELSEarly Learning Success
All codes that begin with 'EM...'EMEveryday Math – Math only
All codes that begin with 'FIRE...'FIREFireflies (by Funshine Express)
All codes that begin with 'FUNSHN...'FUNSHNFunShine Online Curriculum
All codes that begin with 'GEEWIZ...'GEEWIZGee Whiz Education
All codes that begin with 'HAPEVAF...'HAPEVAFHappily Ever After – Language, Literacy, Communications only
All codes that begin with 'GEEWIZ...'GEEWIZGee Whiz Education
All codes that begin with 'HAPEVAF...'HAPEVAFHappily Ever After – Language, Literacy, Communications only
All codes that begin with 'HS...'HSHigh Scope Infant/Toddler Curriculum
All codes that begin with 'HSP...'HSPHigh Scope Preschool Curriculum
All codes that begin with 'HWOT...'HWOTHandwriting without Tears – Language, Literacy, Communications only
All codes that begin with 'IC...'ICInvestigator Club
All codes that begin with 'IY...'IYIncredible Years
All codes that begin with 'LEDE...'LEDELearn Every Day: Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
All codes that begin with 'LEDP...'LEDPLearn Every Day: The Preschool Curriculum
All codes that begin with 'LG...'LGLittle Goose (must be used with full Mother Goose Time curriculum)
All codes that begin with 'LOCAL...'LOCALLocally developed standards-based curriculum
All codes that begin with 'MGT...'MGTMother Goose Time
All codes that begin with 'MONT...'MONTMontessori
All codes that begin with 'NONE...'NONENo standards-based curriculum used
All codes that begin with 'OTHER...'OTHERUse OTHER when the curriculum used is not listed
All codes that begin with 'OWL...'OWLOpening the World of Learning
All codes that begin with 'PINCUR...'PINCURPinnacle Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, Twos, Threes and Fours
All codes that begin with 'PITC...'PITCProgram for Infants and Toddlers (PITC)
All codes that begin with 'PLAYBK...'PLAYBKPLAYbook
All codes that begin with 'SEEDS...'SEEDSSeeds of Learning: Seeds to Sprouts!
All codes that begin with 'SS...'SSSecond Step – Social/Emotional only
All codes that begin with 'STAR...'STARStarfall Pre-K
All codes that begin with 'TOOLS...'TOOLSTools of the Mind – Math and Science only
All codes that begin with 'WEM...'WEMWe All Matter – Social/Emotional only

implementationStatusDescriptors : Course.eeCurrAndImp "Curriculum and Implementation"

Campus Attribute CodeEdFi Descriptor codeEdFi Descriptor description
All codes that end with '...CBEG'
Beginning - Centers of Excellence ONLY
All codes that end with '...CEXP'
Expanding - Centers of Excellence ONLY
All codes that end with '...CMNT'
Maintaining - Centers of Excellence ONLY
All codes that end with '...FULL'
Full Implementation
All codes that end with '...X'
Does not apply
All codes that end with '...YR1'
Initial Implementation Year 1
All codes that end with '...YR2'
Initial Implementation Year 2

courseLevelTypeDescriptors : Course.CourseLevelII

Campus Attribute CodeCampus Attribute NameEdFi Descriptor codeEdFi Descriptor Description
AArticulation agreementA
Articulation agreement course
BBasic or remedialB
Basic or remedial course
CIndustry/occupational cert coursesC
Industry/occupational certification course
DDual/concurrent enrollmentD
Dual/concurrent enrollment course
EEnriched, honors or advancedE
Enriched, honors, advanced course
GGeneral or regular coursesG
General or regular course
NNo creditN
No credit
PPre-School/Early EducationP
Pre-School/Early Education
XNot applicableX
Not applicable

Resource Preferences Continued

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources. 

The following describes how to set the resource preferences for the Courses resource. If the Configure or Edit buttons do not display, then the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off.

 If a mapping is changed, a resync must be performed on the resource in order for the new mappings to send correctly.
  1. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Academic Subject Descriptors. 

     Any item not mapped will not report to Ed-Fi.
    Course Assessment Tool and Implementation
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Courses > Assessment Tool and Implementation
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Assessment Tool and Implementation

  2. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Career Cluster Descriptors.

    Course SCED Subject Area
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Courses > SCED Subject Area
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course > SCED Subject Area

  3. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Course Level Type Descriptors.

    Course Secondary Course Level
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Courses > Secondary Course Level
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course > Secondary Course Level

  4. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Curriculum Used Descriptors.
    Course Curriculum and Implementation
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Courses > Difficulty Level
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course > Early Education Fields > Curriculum and Implementation

  5. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Early Education Course Location Descriptors.
    Course Instruction Method / EE Location
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Courses > Instruction Method / EE Location
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course > Instruction Method / EE Location

  6. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Implementation Status Descriptors.
    Course Curriculum and Implementation
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Course > Curriculum and Implementation
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course > Curriculum and Implementation

  7. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Standard Addressed Descriptors.
    Course EE State/Federal Program Indicator
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Courses > Standard Addressed
    UI LocationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course > Standard Addressed

  8. Click Save