KAN-SERVICE Export (Kansas)

Tool Search: KAN-Service Extract

The KAN-SERVICE Export reports Special Education and Gifted data, providing a format that can be submitted to the Kansas Department of Education.

screenshot of the KAN-SERVICE Extract editor

Report Logic

The following logic is used to report students:

  • Only students who have an enrollment in the selected calendar(s) and a locked IEP for that calendar year are included in the report.
  • Students report if the student's enrollment record has a GI: Gifted code and a locked KS Gifted PLP for the selected calendar year.
  • Students only report if there is an active enrollment in the selected calendar as of the effective date chosen on the report editor. If the effective date is blank, any student who has an enrollment in the chosen calendar(s) and a locked IEP/PLP is eligible to be included on the report.
  • One record per locked IEP/PLP report.
  • If a student has a locked IEP/PLP for the chosen calendar year, but does not have any services defined in the IEP/PLP (no service code), the student does not report.
  • Students only report a SPED instruction service if the number of days are greater than zero. If the Number of Sessions field is zero, the service instance is excluded from the report.

Each student record contains 1 header (fields 1-28) and at least 1 set of service data (fields R1-R13). For students receiving more than one service, additional sets of service data are appended to the student's record.

Report Editor

The following defines the available options on the report editor.

Editor Option


Effective Date

The date by which student's enrollment must be active in order to be included on the report. The current date is entered as the default date. Use the Calendar icon to select a new date or enter the date in the field in mmddyy format.

Ad hoc Filter

Selection narrows the students that may be included (if logic requirements are met) in the extract. Ad hoc filters are created in the Filter Designer.


Determines the display of the report. This extract can be generated in CSV, HTML or the State Format (tab delimited). Use either CSV or HTML formats for testing and data review prior to submitting the data to the state. Use the State Format for submitting the data to the state.


Selection indicates the calendar of enrollments that are included in the report.

Generate the KAN-SERVICE Export

  1. Enter the Effective Date.
  2. Select an Ad hoc filter, if desired.
  3. Select the desired Format.
  4. Select the Calendars to include in the export.
  5. Click the Generate Report button. The extract displays in a new window in the selected format.

Screenshot of an example of the KAN-SERVICE Export in State Format (tab delimited).KAN-SERVICE Export - State Format (tab delimited)

Screenshot of an example of the KAN-SERVICE Export in CSV Format.KAN-SERVICE Export -CSV Format

Screenshot of an example of the KAN-SERVICE Export in HTML Format.KAN-SERVICE Export - HTML Format

Report Layout

Report Header

Data Element




State-assigned student identifier

Numeric, 10 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > State ID


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > State ID

Census > People > Demographics > Personal Identifiers > State ID

Student's Legal Last Name

The student's legal last name as reported on the Student Demographics editor on the IEP.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Last Name


Student Information > PLP > Plan > Student Demographics > Last Name

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Student Gender

The indication of the student being either male or female as reported on the Student Demographics editor on the IEP.

Alphabetic, 1 character (M or F)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Gender


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Gender

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender

Student's Date of Birth

The student's date of birth as documented on the birth certificate or court document.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Birth Date


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Birth Date

Demographics > Person Information > Date of Birth

School Year

The school year for which the data is being reported as indicated by the student's IEP Plan Year.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Year


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Year

Responsible Building Identifier

The school building accountable for the student in terms of AYP and/or funding.

If the Responsible Building field is blank, the AYP School Override value reports. If both fields are blank, the school number of enrollment reports.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollment > State Report Elements > Responsible Building Identifier


Neighborhood Building Identifier

The student's neighborhood building number. If this value is not populated, the school number of enrollment reports.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollment > State Report Elements > Neighborhood Bldg Identifier


Grade Level

Student's grade level of enrollment. This value reports the mapped state grade level. If the state grade level is not mapped or the grade level no longer exists, the grade level reports from the IEP.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Grade


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Grade

Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level Code



The student's special education status. See the Special Education Status Options for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Status


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > Special Education Status

Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Education Status


Exit Date

The date the responsible building ceased being responsible for providing the student with special education services. This is only required if the KAN-SERVICE Status Code is an exited code (A, D, G, H, L, M, O, T, W or X).

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Education Exit Date



Optional field, no data is collected.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Initial Special Education Evaluation Date

The date the student was evaluated for special education services.

If the student has a locked evaluation in the chosen calendar year and the Evaluation Type is Initial, the evaluation date reports. If there is more than one evaluation for the year being reported, the most recent date is used.

This field reports blank if the student has a PLP (gifted student).

Date field, 10 characters (M/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education Documents > Evaluation > Evaluation Header > Evaluation Date


Special Education Re-Evaluation Date

The date the student was most recently re-evaluated for Special Education services.

If a student has a locked evaluation in the selected calendar year and the Evaluation Type is Reevaluation, the Evaluation Date reports. If there is more than one evaluation for the date being reported, the most recent date reports.

This field reports blank if the student has a PLP (gifted student).

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Evaluation > Evaluation Header > Evaluation Date


 School Psychologist SSN 

Optional field, no data is collected.


 Speech Language Pathologst SSN 

Optional field, no data is collected.


 Case Manager SSN 

Optional field, no data is collected.


Primary Disability

Reports the student's category of exceptionality as determined by the Eligibility team.

See the list of Primary Disability options for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > Primary Exceptionality


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > Primary  Exceptionality

Secondary Disability

If the student qualifies and is identified as having a secondary disability, the secondary disability reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status > Secondary Exceptionality


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Stats > Exceptionality


Indication of student being classified as Gifted.

Y or N

Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Gifted Student


Extended School Year

Indication of the student If the student is receiving extended school year services. This field reports Y if the student is marked as Yes for "Are ESY services necessary for this student with a disability?"

Y or N

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Extended School Year


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Extended School Year

Special Education Transportation

Indication of the student receiving transportation services that is provided to the student.

Y = Special
N = Regular

Y or N

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Special Factors > Transportation


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Special Factors > Transportation

All Day Kindergarten

Indicates the student attends more than a half day. If the student is in state grade levels 00-05 and is scheduled for half the instructional minutes in a day or more on the most recent instructional day that the student is scheduled for on or before the effective date, this field reports as Y.

Y or N

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Grade

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics > Grade

Student Information > General > Scheduling

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Indicates the student has an active behavior intervention plan, meaning a separate document or a goal or accommodation addressed on the IEP, consisting of strategies and services to address the behavior of a child with a disability and to help the child learn appropriate and responsible behavior in the school and other community-based education settings.

Y or N

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Special Factors > Does the student have an active behavior intervention plan?


Eligibility (Funding) Code

Reports the code from the Special Education Funding Source field in the student's Enrollment record.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Education Service Codes


SRS/JJA/Parental Code

Reports the code entered on the student's enrollment record for SRS/JJA/Parental Placement.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Enrollments > Special Education Fields > SRS/JJA/Parental Placement


County of Residence

Reports the county code from the address in the Student Demographics area of the IEP.

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Student Demographics

Language of Parent

The language commonly spoken by the student's parent/guardian.

Alphabetic, 10 characters

Census > Person > Identity > Preferred Contact Language


IEP Date

The date the IEP team formally adopts a proposed IEP, this designating this date as the annual IEP review date.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Education plan > Start Date


Student Information > PLP > Document > Education Plan > Start Date

Service Fields

Data Element



Service Location Identifier

Reports the location where the student receives services.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Instruction Services > Special Education Location


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Instruction Services > Special Education Location

Primary Service Location 

Optional field, no data is collected.


Setting Code

Indicates where the special education or related service is being delivered. 

Alphabetic, 1 character

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Instruction Services > Service Setting


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Instruction Services > Service Setting

Service Code

Condition of those not valid for Gifted only student not identified.

Alphanumeric, 2 character

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service


System Administration > Special Education > Services > Service > State Code

Provider SSN

Reports the Social Security number of the person who is linked to the provider of the service being performed for the student. If no SSN is found for the person, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 9 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service Provider


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Service Provider

System Administration > Special Education > Service Providers

Demographics > Social Security number

Primary Provider 

Optional field, no data is collected.


Service Start Date

The start date of the IEP Service.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service Start Date


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Service Start Date

Service End Date

The end date of the IEP Service.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service End Date


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Service End Date

Minutes per Day

The number of minutes per day the service is provided, both direct and indirect minutes.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Service


Days per Week

The number of days per week the service occurs.

Numeric, 1 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Service



The number of weeks the service is provided.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Service


Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Service



Number of times the service is provided. If it is every week, reports 1. If every other week, reports 2, etc.

  • If service frequency is days, reports 1.
  • If service frequency is week, reports 1.
  • If service frequency is month, reports the number of weeks with an instructional day in the calendar between the service start and end date divided by the number of months with an instructional day in the calendar between the service start and end dates divided by the number of sessions per (round to the nearest whole number).
  • If number is less than 1, reports 1.
  • If service frequency is term, reports the number of weeks with an instructional day in the calendar between the service start and end dates divided by the number of terms in the calendar between the service start and end date, and divided by the number of sessions per (round to the nearest whole number).
  • If number is less than 1, reports 1.
  • If service frequency is year, reports the number of weeks with an instructional day in the calendar between the service start and end dates divided by the number of sessions per (round to nearest whole number).
  • If number is less than 1, reports 1.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Instruction Services

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Plan > Instruction Services


Total Days

The total number of days that services are provided.

  • If service frequency is days, reports the number of instructional days between the start date and end date of the service.
  • If service frequency is week, reports the number of weeks with an instructional day between the start date and end date of the service, multiplied by the number of sessions per week.
  • If service frequency is month, reports the number of months with an instructional day between the start date and end date of the service, multiplied by the number of sessions.
  • If service frequency is term, reports the number of terms in the calendar between the service start and end dates, multiplied by the number of sessions per term.
  • If service frequency is year, reports the number of sessions per year.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Instruction Services

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Instruction Services
