Career Tech Programs (Maine)

Tool Search: Academic Programs

To create a Career Tech Program, users MUST select CTE as the Program Type in the Academic Program Detail Editor.

Career Tech Programs

In order to ensure data properly reports, be sure to enter values in all of the following fields.

Be aware that data is required in fields other than those described below. The fields described below are the fields that MUST have entries in order for any student data to report. For all other inquiries, see the Academic Programs article.

To ensure the appropriate data is reported, be sure to mark the Use Core CTE checkbox on the CTE Report editor. This ensures that data is reported from the Career Tech Programs tool.

State Reported

For data to report, users MUST mark the State Reported checkbox.

Screenshot of Academic Program Detail Editor.Academic Program Detail Editor

Career Tech Education Programs (Academic Planning)

Path: Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs

To ensure the program is a Career Tech Program, be sure to select a CTE program from the Program Type drop-list.

The Maine Career Tech Programs tab is used to track data for Career Tech Education (CTE) students. Fields that are specific to Maine are described below. For all other inquiries, please see the Academic Programs article.

Screenshot of Career Tech Program Participation Detail Editor.Career Tech Program Participation Detail Editor

Out of Work Individual

The student is an out of work individual.

While there is an Out of Work Individual checkbox on the Enrollments tab, information only reports from the Career Tech tab.
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > CTE Information > cte.diplacedHomemaker


CTE Report


The Pregnant checkbox is NOT used for state reporting and is only for district-tracking purposes.

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Database Location:


Single Parent

The student is single parent.

While there is a Single Parent checkbox on the Enrollments tab, information only reports from the Career Tech tab.
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > CTE Information > cte.singleParent


CTE Report

Early College LD

This checkbox indicates the student is early college LD. This program enables Career and Technical Education students to earn college credits while attending high school.

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Database Location:



CTE Report

700 Instructional Hours

This checkbox indicates the student is receiving at least 700 instructional hours in the CTE program in one year. 

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Database Location:



CTE Report

Satellite Program

This checkbox indicates the student is participating in a CTE program at a satellite location. 

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Database Location:

