Student Grades Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Student Grades Template

This tool extracts data to complete the NM Student Grades Template. The template reports the course results for each student for each marking period. This template pertains to Middle & High School courses.

Before you generate the file, post 8th through 12th grade student's final grades to transcript to ensure all required field values report.

Screenshot of Student Grades Template Editor.Student Grades Template Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports one record per 08-12 grade student's Grade Posted to Transcript within the School Year selected on the extract editor.
  • To report, the grade earned must be posted to the student's transcript.
  • Students must be in a grade level mapped to a State Grade Level Code in 08, 09, 10, 11, or 12 to report.
  • Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > State Code MUST contain a value to report.
  • Homeschooled students do not report. A record does NOT report if Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > State Code is 0000, 0001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007, or 0008.
  • Records for Calendars flagged as state exclude, Students flagged as state exclude or no show on their enrollment or in a grade level mapped to a state grade flagged state exclude do not report.

Extract Editor

Submission ScheduleThe Submission Schedule for which data is being submitted to the state: EOY
Ad Hoc FilterAd Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. For example, you could filter report results to specific grades.

The format in which the report will generate.

  • State Format (CSV)
  • HTML
Select CalendarsThe calendars you want to include in the report.
Generate Extract/Submit to BatchThe report can generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

Report Example

Screenshot of Example Student Grades Template.Example Student Grades Template  

Extract Layout

DISTRICT CODEThe District Number from the transcript.

TranscriptCourse.district Number
Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > District No.
LOCATION CODEThe School Number from the transcript.

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School No.

Reports the School Year from transcript.Reports as YYYY-06-30 for all records, where YYYY is the endyear value.

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School Year
REQUEST SEQUENCEReports as 0 for all records.N\A
STUDENT IDThe student's state ID.

Demographics > Student State ID


Derives the marking period code based on the most recent Submission Schedule's snapshot date to occur within the class schedule. 

Reports based on the date the student was last placed on the section roster.

If a student drops the class, the most recent Submission Schedule's snapshot date to occur when the student is actively rostered reports. To report, grades must be posted to the student's transcript.

If the Last Day occurs...And the student...Then this code reports...
ON or AFTER 07/01 of the school year selected in the extract editor AND on or before the Second Wednesday of Octoberwas actively rostered ON the Second Wednesday of October501
was NOT actively rostered ON the Second Wednesday of October901

AFTER the Second Wednesday of October AND on or before the First working day (M-F) in December


Assumes the class was not scheduled during 40D. If the class was scheduled during 40D, 501 may report.

was actively rostered ON the First working day (M-F) in December502
was NOT actively rostered ON the First working day (M-F) in December901

AFTER the first working day in December (M-F) AND on or before the Second Wednesday of February.


Assumes the class was not scheduled during 40D or 80D. If the class was scheduled and the student was rostered during 80D, 502 may report. If the class was scheduled and the student was not rostered on 80D, but was rostered on 40D, 501 may report.

was actively rostered ON the Second Wednesday of February503
was NOT actively rostered ON the Second Wednesday of February901
AFTER the Second Wednesday of February--901
Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Date

The Current Score from the reporting transcript when the score is numeric. If not numeric or null, this field reports blank.


Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score

The Current Score from the reporting transcript when the score is NOT numeric and NOT P. The plus + and minus - are removed. For example if the score is A-, A reports. If the score is D+, D reports.

The following values report:  A, B, C, D, F, I (Incomplete), W (Withdrawn), and NC (No Credit)


Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score
PASS/FAILThe Current Score from the reporting transcript when the score is P (Pass).

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score

Reports one of the following values based on the value reported in the MARKING PERIOD NUM field.

This field reports 4.

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Term Start Date; Term End Date


The total of all credits earned. See the following Valid Values for Credits Earned for more information.


Transcript > Transcript Credit > Earned
COURSE CODE LONGThe State Code from the transcript.

Transcript > Transcript Credit > State Code

The Section Identifier from the transcript.


Section > Section Editor > Section ID

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Section Identifier

CONDUCT GRADEReports blank.N/A

Reports the logical date based on the value reported in the MARKING PERIOD NUM field where YYYY is the School Year from the transcript.


Course Section


Reports the concatenated course number AND section number only in the HTML output.



Course > Course Number

Section > Section Number

Valid Values for Credits Earned

Total Credits EarnedReportsDescription
< 0.2500Grade F (failed) OR incomplete class OR non-High School credit class.
>= .250 & < 0.330.25Traditional High School ½ semester class
>= 0.330 & < 0.340.331 College Credit Hour OR 1/3 Credit for Trimester reporting
>= 0.340 & < 0.500.341/3 Credit for Trimester reporting
>= 0.500 & < 0.660.5Traditional High School 1 semester class OR its equivalent in block scheduling systems
>= 0.660 and < 1.670.662 College Credit Hours
> 0.670 & < 1.000.672 College Credit Hours
>= 1.000 and < 1.33013 College Credit Hours OR traditional year-long High School class OR its equivalent in block scheduling systems
>= 1.330  and < 1.5001.334 College Credit Hours
>= 1.500 and < 1.6601.5Special case for block classes
>= 1.660 and < 1.6701.665 College Credit Hours
>= 1.670 and < 2.0001.675 College Credit Hours
>= 2.00026 College Credit Hours

