Getting Started with Requests and Rosters
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:05 am CDT
What is Requests and Rosters?
Requests and Rosters is a batch tool that combines the functionality of five separate scheduling tools into one tool. Users can modify section rosters, enter requests for students, copy rosters, build rosters, set up section rosters, and much more.
What do you want to do?
When using Requests and Rosters to perform tasks, ask yourself what needs to be done.
- Do you want to work with students or courses?
- Do you want to modify requests for students or alter rosters (schedules) for students?
- Do you want to modify requests for courses or alter rosters for course sections?
With those answers, you can determine which View to use - Students or Courses.
When can I use Requests and Rosters?
Requests and Rosters uses the calendar selected in the Context switcher to apply updates to student schedules and section rosters. Pay close attention to which calendar is selected and which trial is active in that selected calendar.
Use Requests and Rosters:
- AFTER calendars for the next school year are created.
- AFTER rolling student enrollments forward to the next school year.
- IN BETWEEN using the Scheduling Board to build courses.
- BEFORE using the Course Planner to plan the total number of courses and sections.
- IN BETWEEN using Scheduling Board and other scheduling tools to complete the scheduling process.
Depending on what your school's process is for the Scheduling Season, Requests and Rosters can be accessed several times as you complete the course placement and section building for the school. For example, after creating calendars for the next school year and after rolling enrollments into that calendar:
- Use Requests and Rosters to add requests for seniors into their Senior Seminar or other singleton course.
- Open course registration up to the entire high school.
- Schedule the students who are in Band and Choir.
- Use the Scheduling Board to build and load the Music Department.
- Use Requests and Rosters to add the seniors to their other courses.
- Etc.
What Tool Rights are needed?
This is a powerful tool that can instantly modify section rosters and student schedules. Because of that, additional sub-rights have been added.
It is recommended that a limited number of personnel have access to it; also, limit its use after the start of the new school year.
Tool rights are cumulative; all rights associated with Read rights are included with Write rights.
The following provides additional information on what Tool Rights are needed for Requests and Rosters. See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.
Requests& Rosters Tool Rights
Read Rights | Write Rights |
- Navigate to and view Requests and Rosters.
- View Students View landing page.
- View Courses View landing page.
- View Course Section Side Panel.
- View Roster.
- Displays Close button.
- Only Read rights are needed for these sub-tool rights.
- Modify Rosters - Displays Batch Edit Student Rosters and Batch Edit Course Rosters and access to update rosters.
- Can Overload Sections - Allows students to be added to course sections that have met their Max Student number.
- Can Override Strict Student Constraints - This allows students to be scheduled into sections where they may have a restraint with another student.
- Delete Rosters - Allows roster records to be removed.
| - Access Batch Edit Student Requests and Batch Edit Course Requests.
Where do I?...
The following lists common tasks that were performed previously in the Roster Copy Wizard, the Manual Roster Builder, and other Scheduling tools, and information on how the same tasks are accomplished in Requests and Rosters.
Also see the Requests and Rosters Videos for a comparison of how tasks were previously accomplished and how to do that same task in Requests and Rosters.
Section Roster Batch Edit
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Previous Process
The Section Roster Batch tool provided a way to mass update the existing roster for the selected course section, modifying the start and end dates for the students, determining whether the student was repeating the course and/or receiving credit for the course.
For some states, the Roster Batch Edit tool may have also included fields used in state reporting. A localized field is any field that is displays AFTER the No Credit checkbox.
Section Roster Batch Edit
New Process
In Requests and Rosters, this action is done using the Courses view. First, locate the Course Section by filtering for a specific Course Section. In the Roster Builder section of the Side Panel, students can be marked as Repeat or No Credit.
start and end dates for the scheduled students can be modified to something other than the default start and end dates of the term or the student's enrollment dates.
Roster Builder Panel in Requests & Rosters
Note that unselecting a student does NOT update the start/end date; unselecting a student REMOVES that student from the section.
Request Wizard
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Previous Process
The Request Wizard allowed the creation of course requests and removal of course requests based on a schedule team, an Ad hoc filter, existing course requests or from previous section rosters.
Request Wizard - Create RequestsNew Process
Create Course Requests: In the Students view, filtering the list of students by an Ad hoc Filter, a Team, a Grade Level, a previous course (and many more options) returns just that set of students. Requests can be added (or removed) as needed after filtering by using the Batch Edit Student Requests function.
Student Filter Options in Requests & RostersRemove Course Requests: This can be done in either the Students view or the Courses view. In the Students view, the Batch Edit Student Requests provides the option of removing course requests per student for selected courses.
Remove Student Requests in Students ViewIn the Courses view, the Batch Edit Course Requests function allows removal of course requests per course for selected students.
Remove Course Requests in Courses View
Roster Copy Wizard
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Previous Process
The Roster Copy tool copied the students enrolled in one section of a course in one calendar to a section of a course in another calendar. This was helpful for elementary schools, where the kindergarten class with Mr. Jones is now in first grade with Ms. Smith. This was also helpful for middle school scheduling where the 6th grade cohort was in homeroom A, Art A, English A, etc.
Roster Copy WizardNew Process
Using the Students view, in the Filter options, locate the Course and Section from the previous or current calendar to have a list of students that were/are enrolled in that section.
Students View - Copy RostersThen, using the
Batch Edit Student Rosters, locate the Course to add the students to, and select which Section to copy the students to.
Copy Rosters Process in Requests and Rosters
Manual Roster Builder
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Previous Process
The Manual Roster Builder tool allowed the manual creation of section rosters for specific courses or grade levels or groups of students.
Manual Roster BuilderNew Process
In Requests and Rosters: From the Courses view, select one of the course's sections. Expand the Roster Builder area to modify the roster of students.
Requests & Rosters - Build a Roster
Roster Setup
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Previous Process
The Roster Setup tool listed the students who are currently in the section and allowed users to create a roster for the section by selecting a student's name from the list or by copying from another section.
Roster Setup ToolNew Process
From the Students view, use the Filter options to narrow the list of students to those who are currently scheduled into a particular course and section, e.g., those who are in Homeroom Section 2 with Mr. Doug, to also be scheduled into the same Science class with Mr. Kyle.
Student Filter OptionsUsing the Batch Edit Student Roster option, search for the Science course, select it, then select Section 2. Those students in Homeroom Section 2 will be placed in Science Section 2.
Batch Edit Student Roster Information