Ed-Fi v3.X - Set Resource Preferences

Tool Search: Ed-Fi Configuration

The information on this page is only for customers using Ed-Fi version 3.X.

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources.

Once Resource Preferences have been selected, a valid configuration is made and Ed-Fi ID's are assigned to users, data will flow properly from Campus to Ed-Fi.

Screenshot of Ed-Fi Configuration screen.Ed-Fi Configuration

Read - View Ed-Fi Resource Preferences
Write - Modify and configure Ed-Fi Resource Preferences
Add - Provides no function for this tool
Delete - Provides no function for this tool

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.


Resource Preferences

Resource Preferences determine which information is sent to Ed-Fi. These options apply to all schools within the district. If the state did not request a resource, it does not appear in this list, meaning different options may be available for different states. Some mapping screens may be 'read only' if specific business rules are required by your state. Consult your localized Ed-Fi articles for more information.

 Resources should be toggled off until all data setup is complete and the district is ready to send data to Ed-Fi.
  1. Select the Resource Preferences button.
    Screenshot of Ed-Fi Resource Preferences button.
    Ed-Fi Resource Preferences
  2. Click the Edit or Configure button to modify the resource preferences. Configure displays if preferences have not previously been saved. Edit displays when preferences have already been set and saved. Resources can be expanded by clicking the "+" sign or collapsed by clicking the " - " sign.

    If the Configure or Edit button do not display, then the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off.

    Screenshot of Ed-Fi Resource Preferences screen,Resource Preferences

  3. Select a link below to view how to set the Resource Preferences.
    Note: Resources will vary by state.
  4. If needed, turn the resource preference to ON.
Resource Preference

Grade Levels

Grade Levels is not a resource. Grade Levels cannot be toggled on or off because it is a mapping that multiple resources use to determine grade level information.
Attendance Information
Student Program Attendance Event
Student School Attendance Event
Student Section Attendance Event
Cohort Information
Staff Cohort Association
Student Cohort Association
Discipline Information
Discipline Actions
Discipline Incidents
Staff Discipline Incident Associations
Restraint Events
Student Discipline Incident Association
Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations
Education Organization Information
Grade Information
Course Transcript
Grading Periods
Learning Standards
Student Academic Record
Student Assessments
Parent Information
Student Parent Association
Schedule Information
Bell Schedules
Calendar Dates
Class Periods
Course Offering
Staff Section Association
Student Section Association
Staff Information
Staff Education Organization Assignment Association
Staff Education Organization Contact Association
Staff School Association
Student Information
Post Graduate Activities
Graduation Plans
Student CTE Program Association
Student Early Learning Program Association
Student Education Organization Association
Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations

Student Homeless Program Association

Student Language Instruction Program Association
Student Migrant Education Program Association
Student Neglected or Delinquent Program Association
Student Needs
Student Program Association
Student School Association
Student School Food Service Program Association
Student Special Education Program Association

Student Special Education Program Eligibility Associations
Student Title 1 Part A Program Association