Staff School Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:09 am CDT
Tool Search: Ed-Fi
This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services.
Object Triggering Logic
This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | When a District Assignment record is created or changed and saved for a staff member. Do not report if any of the following scenarios are true: |
Put | When any field not part of the natural key changes: - academicSubjects
- gradeLevels
Delete/Post | If any part of the Natural Key changes: - programAssignmentDescriptor
Delete/Post | If there are two District Assignment records that create the same natural Key and 1 is Deleted, the remaining record will be posted. |
Delete | When a District Assignment record is deleted. |
School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
None | If a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send. |
Resync | If a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | If a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | If a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post/Delete | Natural Key changes: - If the School Number/Ed-Fi School Number changes or the Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the School ID/Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
- programAssignmentDescriptor
Delete | Cascading Deletes: N/A - there are no dependent resources. |
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Logic |
A record will report when a person has a District Assignment or District Employment record that is aligned to a scoped year. |
Report when a staff has an active District Assignment or District Employment record that overlaps with the School year Start and End Dates - If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used.
- If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration. |
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
employmentassignment | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
Object Data Elements
Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for data to send to Ed-Fi.
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
id | The unique identifier of the resource. |
| M |
program Assignment Descriptor | The name of the program for which the individual is assigned; for example: Regular education Title I-Academic Title I-Non-Academic Special Education Bilingual/English as a Second Language. | - Report 'Regular Education' if the Teacher checkbox is checked.
- Report' Special Education' if the Special Ed checkbox is checked.
- Else, report 'Other'.
| M | Census> People > District Assignment | employmentassignment.teacher employmentassignment.specialed employmentassignment.behavior employmentassignment.advisor employmentassignment.supervisor employmentassignment.foodservice employmentassignment.counselor |
calendar Reference | A reference to the related Calendar Resource. | - This is optional, does not report.
| O |
school Reference | A reference to the related Education Organization resource. | - Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource.
| M |
schoolYear TypeReference | Identifier for a school year. | - Report the calendar End Year (ex: 2017).
| O |
staff Reference | A reference to the related Staff resource. | - Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff resource.
| M |
academic Subjects | An unordered collection of staffSchoolAssociationAcademicSubjects. This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services. | - See Array section below for logic.
| O |
gradeLevels | An unordered collection of staffSchoolAssociationGradeLevels. This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services. | - See Array section below for logic.
| O |
_etag | A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. |
| O |
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Academic Subject
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
| Key for academicSubject. | - Report the Ed-Fi Code from the Primary Teaching Area field.
- If Ed-Fi Code is NULL or field is blank, do not report.
| M | Census> People> District Assignments> Primary Teaching Area | employmentassignment. primaryTeachingArea |
Grade Levels
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
| Key for gradeLevels.
| - Report the Ed-Fi Code from the Grade selected.
- If Ed-Fi Code is NULL or field is blank, do not report.
| M | Census> People> District Assignments> Grade Level | employmentassignment.grade |
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Program Assignment Descriptors
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Bilingual/English as a Second Language | Bilingual/English as a Second Language | uri:// | Bilingual/English as a Second Language |
Other | Other | uri:// | Other |
Regular Education | Regular Education | uri:// | Regular Education |
Special Education | Special Education | uri:// | Special Education |
Title I-Academic | Title I-Academic | uri:// | Title I-Academic |
Title I-Non-Academic | Title I-Non-Academic | uri:// | Title I-Non-Academic |
Academic Subject Descriptors
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Career and Technical Education | Career and Technical Education | uri:// | Career and Technical Education |
Composite | Composite | uri:// | Composite |
Critical Reading | Critical Reading | uri:// | Critical Reading |
Cross Subject | Cross Subject | uri:// | Cross Subject |
English | English | uri:// | English |
English Language Arts | English Language Arts | uri:// | English Language Arts |
Fine and Performing Arts | Fine and Performing Arts | uri:// | Fine and Performing Arts |
Foreign Language and Literature | Foreign Language and Literature | uri:// | Foreign Language and Literature |
Life and Physical Sciences | Life and Physical Sciences | uri:// | Life and Physical Sciences |
Mathematics | Mathematics | uri:// | Mathematics |
Military Science | Military Science | uri:// | Military Science |
Other | Other | uri:// | Other |
Physical, Health, and Safety Education | Physical, Health, and Safety Education | uri:// | Physical, Health, and Safety Education |
Reading | Reading | uri:// | Reading |
Religious Education and Theology | Religious Education and Theology | uri:// | Religious Education and Theology |
Science | Science | uri:// | Science |
Social Sciences and History | Social Sciences and History | uri:// | Social Sciences and History |
Social Studies | Social Studies | uri:// | Social Studies |
Writing | Writing | uri:// | Writing |
Grade Level Descriptors
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Adult Education | Adult Education | uri:// | Adult Education |
Early Education | Early Education | uri:// | Early Education |
Eighth grade | Eighth grade | uri:// | Eighth grade |
Eleventh grade | Eleventh grade | uri:// | Eleventh grade |
Fifth grade | Fifth grade | uri:// | Fifth grade |
First grade | First grade | uri:// | First grade |
Fourth grade | Fourth grade | uri:// | Fourth grade |
Grade 13 | Grade 13 | uri:// | Grade 13 |
Infant/toddler | Infant/toddler | uri:// | Infant/toddler |
Kindergarten | Kindergarten | uri:// | Kindergarten |
Ninth grade | Ninth grade | uri:// | Ninth grade |
No grade level | No grade level | uri:// | No grade level |
Other | Other | uri:// | Other |
Postsecondary | Postsecondary | uri:// | Postsecondary |
Preschool/Prekindergarten | Preschool/Prekindergarten | uri:// | Preschool/Prekindergarten |
Second grade | Second grade | uri:// | Second grade |
Seventh grade | Seventh grade | uri:// | Seventh grade |
Sixth grade | Sixth grade | uri:// | Sixth grade |
Tenth grade | Tenth grade | uri:// | Tenth grade |
Third grade | Third grade | uri:// | Third grade |
Twelfth grade | Twelfth grade | uri:// | Twelfth grade |
Ungraded | Ungraded | uri:// | Ungraded |