South Dakota Staff Credentials Import

Tool Search: Import Wizard

This information is current as of the Campus.2427 (July 2024) release.

This information is specific to South Dakota state-level users.

The Staff Credential Import includes the qualifying credentials earned by a staff member. Files created by the Credentials Extract (South Dakota) can be used for this import.

Screenshot for Staff Credentials Import WizardImport Wizard for Staff Credentials

Logic and Validations

The following describes the logic and setup used in the Staff Credentials Import.

  • Each line should represent a staff member's education degree or highly qualified status. A staff person with more than one credential record will have a line for each.
  • Any employment credential record with an employment credential type of HQ or ED will be imported for staff members who have a Staff State ID and an active district employment record.
  • Staff matching logic verifies using the SAUID and the StaffStateID.
Screenshot of the Staff Credentials ImportStaff Credentials Import

Import Layout

Data Element




The district's state-assigned identification number. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid SAUID.

Numeric, 4 digits

District Information > State District Number


Staff State ID

Staff member's state-issued identification number. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid Staff State ID.

Numeric, 6 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers> State Staff ID


Credential Type

Indicates the type of credential the staff member has earned. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid Credential Type. Options include:

  • HQ: Highly Qualified
  • ED: Education
  • LC: Licensure/Certification
  • OT: Other

Alpahnumeric, 2 characters

Credentials > Type

employmentCredential. employmentCredentialType

Start Date

Staff member's start date for the credential. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not in the correct format.

Date field, 10 characters

Credentials > Start Date

employmentCredential. startDate

End Date

Staff member's end date for the credential. An error will generate if the entry is not in the correct format.

Date field, 10 characters

Credentials > End Date

employmentCredential. endDate

Subject Area

Content teaching assignment used for HQ Status determination. Appears on the Highly Qualified Credential editor. An error will generate if the entry is not a valid Subject Area. Options include:

  • NA: Not Applicable
  • CORE: Core Academic Subject Area
  • ELEM: Basic Elementary Curriculum
  • SPED: Special Education Content

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Credentials > Highly Qualified > Subject Type

employmentCredential. subjectType
employmentCredental. coreSubject

HQT Method

Indicates the method used to determine the HQ status. Appears on the Highly Qualified Credential editor. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid HQT Method. Options include:

  • ACC: Advanced Certification or Credential
  • AMAJ: Academic Major
  • CEAM: Coursework Equivalent to Academic Major
  • RSUB: Rigorous Subject Matter Test

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Credentials > Highly Qualified > Subject Matter Competency

employmentCredential. subjectCompetency

Housse Date

Data the High Objective Uniform State Stand of Evaluation rubric was completed. Appears on the Highly Qualified Credential editor. An error will generate if the entry is not in the valid date format.

Date field, 10 characters

Credentials > Highly Qualified > HOUSSE Completion Date

employmentCredential. housseDate

Full Certification

Indicates the staff member is fully certified. Appears on the Licensure Credential editor. This field is required if the Credential Type is LC.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Credentials > Licensure/Certification > Fully Certfied

employmentCredential. fullCertification

LEP Credential

Indicates the staff person has a Limited English Proficiency credential. Appears on the Licensure Credential editor.

Alphanumeric, 5 digits

Credentials > Licensure/Certification > LEP Credential

employmentCredential. lepCredential

Related Services Credential

Indicates the staff person has a special education services credential. Appears on the Licensure Credential editor.

Alphanumeric, 11 characters

Credentials > Licensure/Certification > SPED Related Services Credential

employmentCredential. spedRelatedService

License Number

Lists the license number assigned to the staff person. Appears on the Licensure Credential editor.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Credentials > Licensure/Certification > License Number

employmentCredential. licenseNumber

License Type

Indicates the type of certification received. Appears on the Licensure Credential editor.
Valid options are:

  • REG: Regular/Full
  • TMP: Temporary
  • EMG: Emergency
  • PRO: Provisional

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Credentials > Licensure/Certification > License Type

employmentCredential. licenseType

Education Level

Level of education the staff member has completed.  Appears on the Education Credential editor.

An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid Education Level.

Alphanumeric, 3 digits

Credentials > Education Level

employmentCredential. degreeType

Institution Type



Degree School



Degree State