WDE-950 Graduating Student Extract (Wyoming)

Tool Search: WDE950

The WDE-950 Graduating Student Extract is a student level extract that collects transcript data for all Wyoming graduating students. The report is used for state level analysis and as a guide for ongoing review of Hathaway Scholarship Program (HSP) eligibility requirements and current participants. The extract can be generated in four different extract types: Student Data, Courses, Test and Immunizations.

Screenshot of WDE-950 Extract Editor.WDE-950 Extract Editor

Report Logic

All extract types respect State Exclude for enrollments, calendars and grade levels. To report, a student must have at least one transcript record in grades 9-12 and a WISER ID number.

Student Data File

  • Reports one record per student for the most recent Primary enrollment in a selected calendar.
  • Records are sorted by school and then alphabetically by student last name.
  • If a student enrollment is marked as "State Exclude" or "No Show," reports the previous Primary enrollment.
  • When more than one State Seal record has the same "Date Earned" entry, the records will be sorted and reported beginning with earliest RecordID.

Courses File

  • Populate one record per course on transcript for each student while in grade 09 - 12 OR when Hathaway NOT = null on the transcript.
  • Records are sorted by school and then by WISER ID.
  • Does not report a record for a transcript entry when the Standard Name is not null.
  • With the release of Campus.1717. Courses marked as State Exclude are not reported.

Tests File

  • Reports one record for each National Test/Assessment record attached to a student.
    • Records that do not have a value to report in Test Score will not report.
  • Sorts records by school and then by WISER ID.
  • WorkKeys assessments are determined by the National Code or the State Code (as of Campus.1909).
  • If the student does not have an ACT or WorkKeys assessment, reports one record with a Test Type of NoACTorWorkKeys.

Immunizations File

  • Reports one record per immunization record per student.
  • Records are sorted by school and then by WISER ID.

If Graduated Seniors, Previous Year is selected as a Grade in the extract editor, only students report who have:

  • A Diploma Date entered that is on or before 09/15 in the selected calendar
  • A Primary enrollment in grade 12 in the previous year.

Extract Types

Extract Type


Student Data

The Student Data extract type includes basic student demographics and enrollment data.


The Courses extract type reports data for the courses the student has completed.


The Tests extract type includes basic information about assessments the student has taken.


The Immunizations extract type reports vaccine compliance information for the student.

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the Extract Type being generated. See options in the Extract Types table above.
  2. Select the Format in which the report should generate. Options are:
    • Use HTML format for data review and verification.
    • Use State Format (CSV) for submission to the state.
  3. Mark the Include Class Rank checkbox if class rank should be included in the report. This option is only available when generating the Student Data Extract Type.
  4. Indicate if Demographics fields should Report Student Legal Identities.
  5. Select which Grades should be included in the report. Use Shift and CTRL keys to select multiple grade levels.
  6. Select an Ad hoc Filter if individuals included in the report should be limited.
  7. Select the Calendar(s) that should be included in the report.
  8. Click Generate Report to view the report in the selected format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting a WDE-950 report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Screenshot of WDE-950 in State Format (CSV).WDE-950 State Format (CSV)

Screenshot of WDE-950 in HTML Format.WDE-950 HTML Format

Extract Layouts

The following sections described the fields reported for each extract type.

Student Data Extract Type

If the Report Student Legal Identities  is marked, Demographics fields report from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information

Element Name

Description and Format

Campus Location

Last Name

The student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Demographics > Last Name


First Name

The student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Demographics > First Name


Middle Name

The student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Demographics > Middle Name


Name Suffix

The student's generation indicator, such as Jr.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters

Demographics > Suffix



The street number and name of the student's address.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Households > Primary Household > P.O Box, Number, Prefix, Street, Tag, Direction


Apt Num

The apartment number of the student's residence.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Households > Primary Household > Apt Number



The city in which the student's address is located.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Households > Primary Household > City



The abbreviation of the state in which the student's address is located.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

 Households > Primary Household > State


Zip Code

The zip code of the student's address.

Numeric, 5 digits

Households > Primary Household > Zip Code



The phone number of the student's primary household.

Numeric, 10 digits

Households > Household Info > Phone Number


Birth Date

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Demographics > Birth Date


Grade Level

The grade level of the student's current enrollment.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > Grade



The student's gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character M or F

Demographics > Gender


Student Num

The locally-maintained student identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number



The student's state identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


School District Name

The name of the school district in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

 District Information > Name


School Name

The name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

If the Resident School selected on the student's most recent Primary enrollment matches the State School Number, reports the Name of the school. Otherwise reports as blank. If Resident School is blank, reports the Name of the school of the student's most recent Primary enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

School Information > Name


School Street

The street address of the school reported for School Name above.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

School Information > Address

School Apt

The apartment or suite number of the school's address. Reports as blank.

School City

The city in which the school reported for School Name is located.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

School Information > City


School State

The abbreviation of the state in which the school reported for School Name is located.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

School Information > State


School Zip

The zip code of the school's address.

Numeric, 5 digits

School Information > Zip


School Phone

The phone number of the school reported for School Name above.

Numeric, 10 digits

School Information > Phone


School District URL

The school's website. Reports for the school reported for School Name above.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

School Information > URL


State ID

The state identification number of the school.

Numeric, 7 digits

School Information > number


Grad Date

The date the student received a diploma. If a Diploma Date is entered for the student, reports Graduation Date. If the Diploma Date is blank and the student is in grade 12, reports as n/a. Otherwise reports blank.

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Graduation > Diploma Date


Success Curriculum Level (previously Scholarship Award Level)

The initial level of the Hathaway Scholarship earned based on Hathaway Success Curriculum courses completed. Reports as follows:

  • C or CW: Provisional Opportunity
  • H, HW, P, PW: Honors/Performance
  • O or OW: Opportunity
  • N, NW, or blank: None

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Graduation > Transcript Endorsement


Success Curriculum WaiverWhen Success Curriculum Level reports as CW, HW, PW, OW, or NW, reports as Y. Otherwise reports as N.

Alphanumeric, Y or N
Not dynamically stored.

GPA Unweighted

The total unweighted grade point average earned by the student. Reports all unweighted GPA values across all courses on the student's transcript from grades 9-12 divided by the total credits earned from grades 9-12.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Transcript > Unweighted AND Student Information > General > Credit Summary > Total

Not dynamically stored

GPA Weighted Hathaway

The total weighted grade point average earned by the student during grades 9-12.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Credit Summary > Cumulative GPA

Not dynamically stored

Credit Earned

The number of credits the student has earned for completing courses included in this transcript during grades 9-12.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Transcripts > Credit (total)

Not dynamically stored

Class Size

The total number of students in the student's graduating class. Calculated from all students who have the same State Grade Level as the student.

Numeric, 4 digits

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Class Rank

The academic rank of the student in relation to his or her graduating class.

Numeric, 4 digits

Credit Summary > Rank

Not dynamically stored

Rank Date

The month, day and year on which the class rank was determined. When Diploma Date, Enrollment End Date or Calendar End Date is the current date, reports the current date. Otherwise, reports Diploma Date, then Enrollment End Date, then Calendar End Date.

Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Date OR Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date OR System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date

Not dynamically stored

Birth City

The city in which the student was born.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Identities > Birth Place


School Entry Date

The date the student entered the school. Reports the start date of the first enrollment in the current school with no break in enrollment.

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Enrollments > Start Date


Credit Attempted

The total number of credits attempted by the student in grades 9-12. If the GPA Value and UnWeighted GPA values on the transcript are null, the score assigned to the student reports if mapped to a State Score that is not W, AU, or null. The transcript record links back to the Score Group for the credit associated with the transcript record to be included in this field.

If Credit Earned is higher than Credit Attempted, Credit Attempted reports the Credit Earned value.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Calculated from Transcript > Course (edit) > Transcript Credit > Earned/Attempted

Calculated, not dynamically stored

GPA Credit Earned

The total number of credits earned and used to calculate GPA.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Credit Summary > Total

Calculated, not dynamically stored

GPA Quality Points

The total value of quality/bonus points used to calculate GPA.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Calculated from Transcript > Course (edit) > Bonus Points

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Achievement Proficiency 1
  1. From the student's entered State Seal record with the earliest "Date Earned" entry, where (Student Info > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = ADV or BAS:
    1. When (Student Info > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = ADV, reports ADV.
    2. When (Student Info > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = BAS, reports BAS.
  2. Otherwise, reports blank.
Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs
Achievement Language 1World Language Seal of Biliteracy is Earned in.

From the student's State Seal record with the earliest "Date Earned" entry, where (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information) = ADV or BAS:

  1. Reports the "Name" of the language selected in (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > Language) when not null.
  2. When null, reports blank.
Graduation > State Seal Information > Language
Achievement Proficiency 2
  1. From the student's entered State Seal record with the 2nd earliest "Date Earned" entry, where (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = ADV or BAS:
    1. When (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = ADV, reports ADV.
    2. When (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = BAS, reports BAS.
  2. Otherwise, reports blank.
Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Cert
Achievement Language 2World Language Seal of Biliteracy is Earned in.

From the student's State Seal record with the 2nd earliest "Date Earned" entry, where (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information) = ADV or BAS:
  1. Reports the "Name" of the language selected in (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > Language) when not null.
  2. When null, reports blank.
Graduation > State Seal Information > Language
Achievement Proficiency 3
  1. From the student's entered State Seal record with the 3rd earliest "Date Earned" entry, where (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = ADV or BAS:
    • When (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = ADV, reports ADV.
    • When (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Certs) = BAS, reports BAS.
  2. Otherwise, reports blank.
Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seals and Cert
Achievement Language 3World Language Seal of Biliteracy is Earned in.
From the student's State Seal record with the 2nd earliest "Date Earned" entry, where (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information) = ADV or BAS:
  1. Reports the "Name" of the language selected in (Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > Language) when not null.
  2. When null, reports blank.
Graduation > State Seal Information > Language

Courses Extract Type

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


The student's state identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Student State ID


Course School Name

The name of the school in which the course was completed. If a School ID Override is entered on the Course, that value is reported. Otherwise reports the State School Number.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Course > School ID Override

School Information > Name



Term Year

The year of the reported school session based on the Start and End dates of the calendar(s) selected in the extract editor.

Date field, 4 digits, YYYY 

Calendar Information > Start and End Dates (years only)


Term Code

Reports the Standard Number from the transcript entry. If Standard Number is null, reports Actual Term.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

Transcript > Course (edit) > Standard Number, Actual Term


Session Code

The designator for multiple course entries within a single term, such as S1, Q2, etc.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Transcript > Course (edit) > Actual Term


Start Date

The start date of the course session.

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Transcript > Course (edit) > Term Start Date


End Date

The end date of the course session.

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Transcript > Course (edit) > Term End Date


Course ID

The identification number of the course.

Alphanumeric, 7 characters

Course > Number



The SCED code associated with the course.

Alphanumeric, 13 characters

Transcript > Course (edit) > State Code



The descriptive name given to the course.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Course > Name


Scholarship Course Indicator

Indicates if the course is a scholarship success curriculum course. 

  1. When Hathaway (Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Hathaway) is NOT = null, reports the code selected.
  2. When Hathaway on Transcript is null:
    1. Reports the code selected in (Scheduling > Courses > Section > Roster Batch Edit > Hathaway) when NOT = null.
  3. When Roster Batch Edit > Hathaway = null:
    1. Reports the Code selected in Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Editor > Hathaway (course.transcriptField1) when NOT = null.
    2. Otherwise, when Hathaway is null on the course, reports blank.

Transcript > Transcript Course editor; Scheduling > Courses > Course > Hathaway


Pre Ninth Hath
  1. When the student has a course transcript record for grade NOT = 9, 10, 11, or 12 where the transcript Hathaway field NOT = null, reports "Y".
    1. When Transcript > Hathaway = null, gets value from Scheduling > Courses  >Course > Course Editor > Hathaway). When NOT = null, reports "Y".
  2. Else, reports "N".
Alphanumeric, 1 character
Transcript > Transcript Course editor



The final indicator of student performance in the class.

If the State Score associated with the score is not null or 99, reports the State Score code. If the State Score is null or 99, reports the score.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Transcript > Course (edit) > Current Score

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Credit Earned

The number of credits the student earned for completing a given course.

Decimal, 3 digits X.XX

Transcript > Course (edit) > Transcript Credit > Earned


Instruction Level

Reports the Instruction Level code selected for the Section. 

  1. When (Scheduling>Courses>Section>Instruction Level) = CL:
    • When the student enrolled in the Section has (Scheduling>Courses>Section> Section Student Detail>College Credit) = Checked in the student's Section Student Detail record with the latest non-null Start Date, otherwise null Start Date report the code selected in the 'Instructional Level' field on the Section.
    • When the student enrolled in the Section does NOT have 'College Credit' = Checked (on the selected Section Student Detail record), report the code selected in the 'Instruction Level' field on the Course.
  2. When (Scheduling>Courses>Section>Instruction Level) NOT = CL:
    • Report the code selected in (Scheduling>Courses>Section>Instruction Level).
  3. When (Scheduling>Courses>Section>Instruction Level) = Null, but a valid attribute Default Value exists, report the Default Value.
    • When no valid attribute Default Value exists on Section.type, report the course's 'Instruction Level'.
      1. When the course's 'Instruction Level' is Null, but a valid attribute Default Value exists, report the Default Value.
      2. When no valid attribute Default Value exists, report Null.
  4. When a course is entered manually onto the student's transcript and cannot be linked back to a course, report "GE" in the Instruction Level field.


Section > Instruction Level
Course > Instruction Level

Section.instructionLevel Course.instructionLevel
Location Section IDReports the concatenated value of the Course Number - Section Number associated with the course on the student's transcript.

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number; Scheduling > Courses > Section > Number

State Course IDReports the value of the State Code tied to the course listed on the transcript:
  • SCED Based: Format=NNNNNCN.NNNN
N = a number
C = a letter
  • College Course ID: Format = 2 to 5 letters, a single space, 4 numeric characters, an optional letter
  •  AB 0123
  • ABC 1234L
  • ABCD 2345
  • ABCDE 3456L
Reports 'NoCourseSCED' when the State Code does not conform to either format.

Transcript > Course > State Code

TranscriptCourse. stateCode

Tests Extract Type

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


The student's state identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Student State ID


Test Type

The title or name of the assessment administered on or before the extract Effective Date. Reports the National Test selected from the Parent assessment, then reports additional records for Child assessments.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Assessment Center > Tests > Assessment Type


Subtest Name

The description of the content or subject area of the assessment. 

  • Reports the Name of the Assessment and each Child Assessment.
  • Record populates for each Parent and Child Assessment that the student completed, where Parent Assessment Date is on or before the Extract Editor Effective Date.  
  • When an ACT assessment parent is reported AND Subject is NOT coded 'Superscore', report "CompositeHighest" when 'Received Accommodation' = Null AND this is the student's highest composite ACT score.
  • 'TotalScore' populates for the parent assessment when the parent WorkKeys assessment reports.
  • Report 'Superscore' when an ACT assessment parent is reported (the assessment is not a child of another assessment), where National Test)= ACT AND Subject has a Code = 'Superscore'.
    • ACT Superscore assessments can report as either an ACT child assessment or an ACT parent assessment.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Assessment > Tests >  Name


Test Score

The score the student received for the assessment. Reports from the parent assessment first, then from the child assessment if null.

Always reports as Y for NoACTWorkKeys records. If the record is for an ACT assessment parent and Received Accommodation is marked, reports as Y.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Assessment Center > Test Score > Score


Score Type

The type of scoring method used.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Assessment Center > Tests > Test Detail > Select the score fields...


Test Date

The date the student took the assessment.

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Scores > Date


Immunizations Extract Type

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


The student's state identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Student State ID


Immunization Type

The type of immunization the student has received.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Vaccines > Code


Immunization Date

The date an immunization was received. Reports a record for each immunization dose received. 

Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD

Immunizations > Shots


Immunization Status

If the immunization dose was waived, reports the waiver reason for the immunization record.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Immunizations > Waiver

