Census by Address Report

Tool Search: Census by Address

The Census by Address report lists the latest student addresses active on or before the effective date. If effective date is not entered, the current date is assumed.

Screenshot of Census by Address tool.Census by Address Report

See the Census Reports Tool Rights article for information about rights needed to use this tool.

Report Logic

The Census by Address Report uses information from Household Address to find the latest active (most current) address for the student as of the entered Effective Date. 

Report Editor

Effective DateThis date is used to return current membership and address information for a household. The current date auto-populates; to change this date, type in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a new date.
Sort Options

The report can be sorted by Student Name or by Address.

When sorting by Student Name, information displays in the following descending order:

  • by Student last name in alphabetic order
  • Column headers display in this order: Student Name, Calendar, Grade, Address, Household dates

When sorting by Address, information displays in the following descending order:

  • by State in alphabetic order, then County in alphabetic order
  • by City Name in alphabetic order
  • (within each city), by Street Name in alphabetic order
  • (within each Street Name), by number in ascending order
  • Column headers display in this order: Address, Student Name, Calendar, Grade, Household dates

Location codes are only used when the Location Code field is populated.

Report FormatDetermines how the report generates, in PDF or DOCX format.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter an Effective Date to use for the report.
  2. Select the sort option of by Student Name or by Address.
  3. Select the desired Report Format.
  4. Click the Generate Report button.  The report displays in the selected format.

For both formats, the report lists the student's Name and Gender, Student Number, Grade Level, Address and Address Start and End Date. 

If a dash appears for the date, it signifies that no other address has been entered on the household or that there is no end date for that address.

Screenshot of Census by Address Report output in PDF.Census by Address - Student Name Sort, PDF Format

Screenshot of Census by Address Report output in DOCX.Census by Address - Address Sort, DOCX Format